soc_puppet: Adorable art of the Pokémon Piplup; its flippers are clutched close to its chin, its eyes are dewy, and it is blushing, while light pink hearts and bubbles float around it. Originally a sticker for Pokémon Go. (Love Piplup)
Podfic of Your Flavor, as performed by [ profile] daisydiversions. A lovely recording of a fic I remain very fond of ♥ Finally, I have the third chapter!

The recorder also included all of my author's notes, so if that's something you're into, keep an ear out 👀
soc_puppet: Adorable art of the Pokémon Piplup; its flippers are clutched close to its chin, its eyes are dewy, and it is blushing, while light pink hearts and bubbles float around it. Originally a sticker for Pokémon Go. (Love Piplup)
Surprise podfic for me! Podfic of Into the Swamp, performed by kbirb pods (kbirb).

"Into the Swamp" is an ATLA x Princess Bride crossover (sorta). Post-series, Toph and Zuko track down Sokka's missing space sword to one of the Earth Kingdom's fire swamps.

A very good performance, and now people have options for which version they might prefer to listen to, depending on mood, preference, personal interpretation, etc.
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Cat Miraculous: A green cat pawprint on a black field (Cataclysm)
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Summary: Ladybug talks to Carapace about relationships and secret identities.
AO3 link: Right over here
Wordcount: 2699
Notes: For [community profile] pod_together 2021, with podfic by [personal profile] alexseanchai (who also made cover art and other art available at the AO3 link!), and beta read by [ profile] podfic-chicklet
Fic: Workplace Romance and Other Safety Hazards )
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep, its wool colored black and shot through with five diagonal colored lines (red, yellow, white, blue, and green, from left to right), the design from Dreamwidth user capri0mni's Disability Pride flag. The Dreamwidth logo is in red, yellow, white, blue, and green, echoing the stripes. (Disability Pride)
The incomparable [ profile] evillullaby podficced How the Grinch Was Given Christmas! Go check it out right over here! (Aaaaah, this is so exciting and magical 😭💗🥰)

And I can't believe I forgot to mention it here, but I got another podfic as well! [ profile] mousek recorded Love is Stored in the Cat, and it is absolutely delightful and makes me want to pet a cat so bad every time I listen to it. You can find that recording thisaway

Aaaahhhh, podfic~ I am... so blessed... 😍


May. 4th, 2020 06:12 pm
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Fox Miraculous. A red-orange fox tail swishing across a lighter orange background. (Fox Tail Trick)
So many new Miraculous Ladybug podfics! ....Okay, just five that I've found so far, and two are duplicates (note to self: investigate this "Voiceteam 2020" thing), but still! New podfics! Whee~! 😍
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Cat Miraculous: A green cat pawprint on a black field (Cat Noir)
Something else I forgot to post on March 31st:

The person who recorded From the Liar's Mouth was taking podfic commissions, so I decided to take faer up on faer recording services, and bought a few fics' worth. The first one went up yesterday (at the time of this writing): Translucent Complexion by [personal profile] alexseanchai!

Alex wrote it last year for TDoV, and by some amazing coincidence, the recorder had it ready to go for this year's TDoV! The fic itself is Miraculous Ladybug and set in a universe where Marinette is an out trans girl, and Adrien is a closeted trans boy; over the course of the fic, they each learn the other is trans.

All in all, it was a fic written by a trans person, with a recording made by a trans person and sponsored by a different trans person, to celebrate the Trans Day of Visibility twice! That's a lot of trans energy ♥ Definitely worth checking out—though I may be biased 😘
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
From the Liar's Mouth, fic by [ profile] angelofthequeers and recording by [ profile] pxssnelke! A bit of Lila salt with some Adrigaminette getting-together goodness~

I'm so happy! ♥ Now I can listen to this delightful fic on my way to/from work, and even at work, and get a bit of snuggly OT3 goodness, yay!

Edit: And of course the first actual comment is by Lila-non. (For those who have missed it, Lila-non is a commenter who comments as a Guest with the name Lila on fics that are salty about her (villainous) character, and does so "in character". This would be more okay if she payed attention and respected the boundaries of actual people who say they aren't interested in being part of her weird commenting RP. Fandom is supposed to be about having fun with each other, and Lila-non is undermining that ideal.) Worse, podfics hardly ever get any comments. If folks who are up to it could go in and try and drown Lila-non out, even with variations on "I love this story! I'm so excited there's a recording now!", that would make me feel a lot better for not warning the recorder/not expecting Lila-non to appear in podfic comments. It would mean the world to me ♥ (Oh, but please don't respond directly to Lila-non; we've discovered that this doesn't work.)
soc_puppet: Words "Endless Love" in red (Endless Love)
[personal profile] alexseanchai surprised me last night with a recording of My Hope Lives in You, a super duper short Miraculous Ladybug fic I wrote a little while back. I am just so beyond flattered and touched and ecstatic over it, and it's a really good performance, too! Go give it a listen, if you're so inclined!
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
One of my favorite stories that I've written is a short original fairy-tale I called Courting Yuki-Onna. The idea came to me one day when I had been walking in the falling snow and started thinking of the activity as "courting Yuki-Onna". I wrote the story shortly after that.

Then, a while back, [ profile] ashiiblack offered her podficcing services in the Buy It Now section of a fandom charity event. I had been thinking wistfully of getting Courting Yuki-Onna recorded for a while, and her offer was in my (very limited) price range. After giving one of her podfics a quick listen to see if I liked her style (and I did), I pounced on her offer.

Ashiiblack did an amazing job on my story. She reads it like a legend or fairy-tale, which is how I wrote it, and with perfect emotion. I squirmed with delight when listening to it the first time, and am very much looking forward not only to listening to it again (and again, and again), but to sharing it with my RL friends and family.

You can find the podfic available both in streaming and to download below. The version with music is really wonderful; the song Ashiiblack chose is an excellent match, and it enhances the fantastic nature of the story. If you have audio processing issues, though, do not fear, for Ashiiblack was kind enough to provide a version without music as well. I've also linked the original written version, if listening is not your thing, for whatever reason.

I hope you enjoy my story and, if you are able to, Ashiiblack's wonderful recording of it.

Version with music: Listen | Download
Version without music: Listen | Download
Written version: Courting Yuki-Onna

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