soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
And here's today's Lurker Day treat! For everyone hanging around this journal, it's just a little something to say "thanks for being here". Whether you want to talk or not, I'm glad you're reading/watching/whatever.

Lineart of Diancie and two Carbink about to throw down with Dragonite, Dratini, and Dragonair

Title: "Clear Body"

Inspired by an exchange I had on Tumblr. I had a lot of fun drawing this, and while I would also really love to share the "making of" pics I have of it, having work today left me with less free time to organize that than I'd like 😅 Still, if coloring pages or Pokémon are things you like, I hope this was a good treat for you and that you have a very good Lurker Day!
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Heart" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Heart)
Happy Lurker Day, everyone! If you're lurking somewhere and want an excuse to announce your presence, this is the perfect opportunity! Hell, if you're following someone on some social media and just don't interact as much as you mean to, you can still take this excuse; I'm good with that.

If you're a lurker and you want to stay lurking, that's also good! I support your choices! Sometimes talking to people is just a little too much, and it's fine to take it easy instead.

And if you aren't a lurker but still want to say hi, you're also welcome! Choosing whether or not to be social and supporting that choice is what this made-up holiday is all about. So: Hello! Welcome! Stick around for a while! And I'll have a treat up for everyone, the lurkers, de-lurkers, and long-time communicators alike, up in a few minutes ♥


Aug. 21st, 2022 09:35 pm
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Fox Miraculous. A red-orange fox tail swishing across a lighter orange background. (Art Deco Shrimp)
I have lucked out! I've finally remembered the existence of Lurker Day close enough to when I used to traditionally celebrate it! (Well, one of the dates, anyway.)

For reference, Lurker Day is an imaginary, semi-annual holiday I came up with in early 2006 to celebrate lurkers, both those who want an excuse to introduce themselves, and those who are happy to stay lurking. I haven't done anything with it since 2011, but I've been feeling the need to try and bring it back for some time now. Maybe only once a year this time around instead of twice, but we'll see how it goes.

Anyway, Lurker Day! Yay! Coming up on September 2nd.
soc_puppet: Words "Endless Love" in red (♥♥♥)
Treats for lurkers! And non-lurkers, whatever.

Anyway, some of you may remember that steampunk-ish story I keep talking about from time to time. I've had a few scribbles of various Steampunk Vet Outpatients saved up, so I thought I'd share them :) Uh, possible [Trigger Warning] for animals who have completely recovered from severe harm?

Steampunk Vet Outpatients )

And now for something completely different (with no trigger warning, even):

Unfinished Business )

Anyway, I guess that's it for now, or at least until I get the vargouille pattern up :) I hope you all enjoy the rest of Lurker Day, however much of it is left for you ♥ And every day, really ;)
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Hello to everyone, and happy Spring Lurker Day 2011! I actually only have half an hour before I need to be at work (more hours + sleeping in + slacking off in fannish stuff = bad combo for Lurker Day, unfortunately), but I'm going to do the best I can with the time I've got :)

For those of you as yet unfamiliar with Lurker Day, it's a semi-annual, informal holiday I established a few years back (mostly for myself) to celebrate internet lurking in all of its (healthy) forms. For those of us who lurk at blogs and journals, accessing public content but not interested or afraid to delurk; for those of us who access that same content and contribute with comments; for those of us who provide that content and may or may not have lurkers of our own: welcome, I say to you, and Happy Lurker Day!

If you're shy (like me) and want/need an excuse to delurk, well, here it is for you :) If you're happy lurking and want to continue doing that, that's cool too! If you're not a lurker and we comment back and forth sometimes, that is also cool! If we already know each other but neglect commenting liek woah, this is also a great excuse to say "Hi" again ¦3b Whoever you are, I'll be celebrating today with warm feelings and welcomes to all of you, and hopefully some art and/or writing later today for you to enjoy ♥ I'm also planning to put the vargouille pattern up on [personal profile] hooked_on_anime, which will hopefully end this most recent period of me being a giant fail over there, s-sigh.

I think that's all for now. Happy lurking/delurking/non-lurking/other to everyone, and please feel free to join in the celebration if you so choose :)

(Twenty minutes left until work, woo! I can so do this!
soc_puppet: Words "Endless Love" in red (Endless Love)
Hello hello, and welcome to the Fall 2010 Lurker Day Masterpost!

Possibly you already know what I'm doing here, but it's at least equally possible you don't. I celebrate a personal Lurkers Say Hi Day (or Lurkers Keep Lurking Day, as each individual prefers) twice a year, invite everyone else to participate with me, and collect the links I'm aware of in this post (LJ's reimplementation of Pingbacks should make that interesting this time 'round o_O) because I have a big ego and like to see how far it's spread.

Those new to Lurker Day can find information on it below the cut, including the Lurker Day concept post and masterposts from previous Lurker Days. I'll probably be adding links from my friends list as the day goes by, but I don't think I'll be quite as vigilant about it as I once was. If I put up a link to your journal and you'd prefer it not be up, please feel free to let me know, I'll take it down right away. Likewise, if you have a post up that I haven't linked and you'd like it to be, I'll put it right up.

Have a Happy Lurker Day, one and all :)

Links on parade )
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
Hello hello, and welcome to Lurker Day Spring 2010!

As you may know from Lurker Days past, I usually like to make a "masterpost" of as many Lurker Day links as I can track down. Unfortunately, for Lurker Day Fall '09, I seriously fell down on the job ^^a I still hope to more-or-less catch up, which I will probably get started on just as soon as I remember how to do that "look up a certain date on your friends list" thing.

Those new to Lurker Day can find information on it below the cut, including the Lurker Day concept post and masterposts from previous Lurker Days. I'll probably be adding links from my friends list as the day goes by, but I don't think I'll be quite as vigilant about it as I once was. (If I put up a link to your journal and you'd prefer it not be up, please feel free to let me know, I'll take it down right away. Likewise, if you have a post up that I haven't linked and you'd like it to be, I'll put it right up.) In the mean time, I still have to actually finish some stuff for today, s-so.

Anyhow, I hope you find something that interests you under the cut ♥

Lurker Day Link Collection )
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Good day everyone, and welcome to Lurker Day Fall '09! As per usual, this is where I'll be making my "masterpost", with links to all the Lurker Day posts I find, if only for my own ego. Once again, if you don't want a post linked - or do, and it's not up here - let me know and I'll make the appropriate edit. (Friends Locked entries will also be linked, with a note that they're locked. Because some of us have people friended, sometimes even mutually, and then forget to actually say anything to them most of the time ^^a)

Those new to Lurker Day can find information on it below the cut, including the Lurker Day concept post and masterposts from previous Lurker Days. I hope to add links as the day wears on, including some of my own, so keep an eye on things if it interests you ;)

Links of Lurker Days past )

Happy Lurking, all ♥ And keep me updated on degrees of separation, dammit! I'm vain, and if they're friends locked from me, I won't learn any other way!
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (I just lurk here)
Okay, folks, it's once again Lurker Day! (Yay, hooray, other general fanfare!) As per usual, this is where I'll be making my "masterpost", with links to all the Lurker Day posts I find, if only for my own ego. Once again, if you don't want a post linked - or do, and it's not up here - let me know and I'll make the appropriate edit. (Friends Locked entries will also be linked, with a note that they're locked. Because some of us have people friended, sometimes even mutually, and then forget to actually say anything to them most of the time ^^a)

Those new to Lurker Day can find information on it below the cut, including the Lurker Day concept post and masterposts from previous Lurker Days. I hope to add links as the day wears on, including some of my own, so keep an eye on things if it interests you ;)

Linkity link link link )

Happy Lurking, all ♥ And keep me updated on degrees of separation, dammit! I'm vain, and if they're friends locked from me, I won't learn any other way!
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (I just lurk here)
Four banners for your Lurker Day viewing/using pleasure today :Db All found under this handy dandy cut )

That's all I have for now. Hopefully I'll be able to get up a Lurker Day meme before I leave for work... Aaargh, why don't they look very good this tiiiime -_-#

Edit: "More scared than you" banner now a better size, orz ¬_¬ I am totally doing all the pre-editing in PaintShop next time, I swear.
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (FYI)
You know how it goes, guys! It's Lurker Day, so that means I make a masterpost where I attempt to link all the Lurker Day posts I find o/ If you don't want a post linked - or do, and it's not up here - let me know and I'll make the appropriate edit. (Friends Locked entries will also be linked, with a note that they're locked.)

And here come the links! )

More up as I find them :3b (or make them, in some cases ^^v)
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Phoenix Mars Lander)
Here there be banners )

And that's all I have for now :3 Expect a fic meme up shortly.
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (I just lurk here)
It's that time of year again! That's right, the time in spring-ish when I make my post of Lurker Day Links :Db O vanity. See, I like to collect links to all the Lurker Day posts I can find, because I'm fond of trying to find out how far it's spread. Like it's some sort of pathogen, instead of a fake holiday 8D Anyway, if you don't want a post linked - or do, and it's not up here - let me know and I'll make the appropriate edit ♥ (Friends Locked entries will also be linked, with a note that they're locked.)

Cut for links )

And now, I'm off to hunt out entries! I'll put up my own shortly, hopefully with about four new banners :3b Happy lurking, everyone ♥
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (I just lurk here)
You know what this is for, folks! Or possibly you don't if this is your first Lurker Day. If that's the case, this is the post where I like to collect links to all the Lurker Day posts I can find, because I'm vain like that. If you don't want a post linked - or do, and it's not up here - let me know and I'll make the appropriate edit. (Friends Locked entries will also be linked, with a note that they're locked.)

Links go here )

No introductory posts this year, it looks like, but still a good crop overall ♥ I-I'm actually running a bit late on my posts this time around I blame Pokémon, so I might end up posting more stuff Tuesday-ish that was intended for today. So if I have any Lurkers who still need to psych up to do the big de-lurking thing, you get a bit of a rain check ;)

I will be keeping my eyes peeled for more posts as long as I can, though with dates and times conspiring against me this year, that might be a little harder than I'd like. Feel free to link me up to your posts and save me trouble ♥ Here's to three or more degrees of separation!
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (I just lurk here)
Six more banners today, hopefully another four or so tomorrow. A real mix of comics for these, plus one kitty from Edit: Three more banners up today; miscounted yesterday. Two more pics from series from yesterday, one from something else that I. K-kinda don't remember. Uh. Enjoy?

Banners under here )

Outta time, gotta run!
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (I just lurk here)
[Poll #1026507]

For those of you unfamiliar with Lurker Day, it is a recent tradition started by Yours Truly, celebrated on the second day of March and September. More information can be found here.

In other news, finished the Potter book and have nothing particular to say ¦Db Well, okay, there is one thing I wish was different, but it's pretty minor, and that's what we have fanfic for, right? And I kinda feel like writing something Magic Realism-y, like I did way back in [ profile] houseofsmex that one time someone talk me out of it, and also how does Magic Realism even work in a world that has regular magic. All in all, I was satisfied.

Edit: I... seem to have neglected to include a few of the more prominent shounen retard series in the list up there :D;;; F-failure. Um, add Air Gear, Bleach, Naruto and/or Shaman King on there mentally, I guess? Too late to edit poll :(
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (I just lurk here)
Hello, and happy Lurker Day once again to all ^__^ Once again, I'll be trying to collect all the Lurker Day links I can find into this master post here. As before, this will include locked entries (which will have a warning), and links to other blogging services (if I find celebrants there). Also, if your post is linked here and you'd prefer it wasn't, let me know and I'll take it down. I do like to try and keep a record of them somewhere, though, if only for my own ego ^^v

Cut for Lurker Day links )

Thanks to everyone who's helped make this and past Lurker Days a success! I'll be keeping an eye out for posts this weekend, and if you've got one up and want it linked, please let me know and I'll put it here ♥ Watch for my own post soon, and Happy Lurking!
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (I just lurk here)
Or something like that. Anyway, Lurker Day is coming up again soon, so I spent an hour or so in front of the computer tonight making pretty, pretty banners. We have seven in all: four Yakitate!! Japan, one Avatar, one Day of Revolution, and one Detective Conan. (Images are copyright their respective owners, etc, I am just borrowing to celebrate a made-up holiday and stuff.)

Anyway, banners! And links and stuff. Under here. )

Edit: THIS REMINDS ME. If you don't know what Lurker Day is and wish to find out more, go here to discover its magical origins ¦D You can also click the tags for other related banners and entries and stuff.
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (*&&X%)
And here we have the first of my Lurker Day posts! Six more banners for Lurker Day, including four date-specific banners! Once again, four are Ouran High School Host Club, and two are generic.

Lurker Day Banners )

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