soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Fox Miraculous. A red-orange fox tail swishing across a lighter orange background. (Fox Tail Trick)
Found on a scrap of paper when I was cleaning my room; I don't want to lose it forever, but I also don't want it laying around anymore, so preserving it on the internet it is!

Just a little Miraculous Ladybug tidbit, featuring Alya and Nino, talking about their best friends' love life )


Jun. 24th, 2023 10:59 pm
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Fox Miraculous. A red-orange fox tail swishing across a lighter orange background. (Fox Tail Trick)
I wanna sign up for [profile] mlsquaredance for the exchange, but I need to figure out which fics would even work. Only one of them can be a smut fic, and that's kinda what I have the most of that's not like. Blatantly reveling in identity reveals? Under Cover(s) would probably work, but that was very heavily influenced by my podficcing partner, and I think I'd want her permission/blessing before I offered it up either way.

Maybe I should just sign up for the Buffet version and leave it at that...
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Cat Miraculous: A green cat pawprint on a black field (Cataclysm)
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Summary: Ladybug surprises Adrien with a plan to reenact one of his superhero movie scenes; unfortunately, she misjudges the distance. Adrien finds he doesn't mind.
Cross-posting: Summer of the 69, AO3
Wordcount: 1543
Ships: Ladrien
Notes: For the "Spiderman 69" theme at [community profile] summerofthe69
Fic: Suspended )
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Fox Miraculous. A red-orange fox tail swishing across a lighter orange background. (Fox Tail Trick)
Okay. You know that tweet Astruc made about Nino's hat, about the reason Nino was so sad his hat got hit by an akumatized supervillain that one time because it was supposedly (a gift from?) Nino's older brother, who is no longer with them? The tweet that may or may not be complete bullshit, because Astruc is well known for trolling the fanbase?

Right, background established.

So. Assuming that tidbit was legit, and Nino actually has an older brother who is gone:

Nino really, really looked up to his older brother. He thought his older brother was the coolest person in the world, and it's his goal to be at least as cool for Chris as someone to look up to. Nino's brother really emphasized that Nino should be true to himself, and not care about what other people think, or change how he acts for other people, because the important people in his life won't care about Nino calling them "dude" all the time, or stuff like that.

In other words, Nino's older brother is the reason why Nino has so little experience with code-switching.

Nino is having to learn how now, between Adrien's dad being a mega abusive hardass and his own secret identity, but he hasn't had much practice with it, and his older brother's support of him is a major reason why.
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Cat Miraculous: A green cat pawprint on a black field (Cataclysm)
Back to slowly catching up on Miraculous Ladybug. Just watched Reunion, and I have two notes on it.

Cutting for spoilers, just in case, IDK )

Edit: Alya is the MVP of Elation (AKA Glaciator 3), and anyone who disagrees can go step on a Lego.
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Fox Miraculous. A red-orange fox tail swishing across a lighter orange background. (Art Deco Shrimp)
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug, Meta
Summary: Adrien, Alya, Marinette, and Nino are transported to a strange space, where they discuss suggested changes to a popular fanfic archive.
AO3 link: Link!
Wordcount: 1000
Ships: Friendship only
Notes: Written for [ profile] end-otw-racism's Call to Action
Fic: End Racism in the OTW )

Oh, huh

Apr. 9th, 2023 11:00 pm
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Cat Miraculous: A green cat pawprint on a black field (Cataclysm)
I know that one Tumblr post claims that Marichat is the preferred Love Square ship in Miraculous Ladybug because everyone who likes it is secretly (or less secretly) a furry, and I also know that the "true selves" bit has been tossed around quite a lot (particularly by Marichat fans), but I think I may have landed on a deeper reason?

Let's face it, y'all. We ship the Love Square for the dramatic irony, and of the four sides, Marichat has the highest level of dramatic irony going for it, whereas Ladrien (the least popular/"most boring" side) has the lowest.
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Cat Miraculous: A green cat pawprint on a black field (Cataclysm)
Finally watched episodes 5x03 and 5x04 of Miraculous Ladybug. I'm not fully up-to-date yet (as far as fully chronologically released episodes go), but I'm more up-to-date than I was a week ago!

My one spoilery comment )
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Hahahahaha... ha ha... ha.

Yeah. I keep remembering that Community Thursday is a thing in the middle of the day, then completely forgetting to do anything about it before it's almost too late. Yesterday it turned into actually too late. D'oh! In the spirit of only being a day late rather than a week late this time around:

Today, I posted the Thursday Friday Recs at [community profile] queerly_beloved. I aim to have an actual rec to contribute next week.

I also made a post at [community profile] allthemiraculous about Miraculous Cocktail Recipes/Flavors. For those of you who are remembering Your Flavor, this is not quite the same, in that the cocktails are more set dressing than subject, but I do apparently have fun trying to come up with themed food and drink ideas related to my fandoms 😂 "Spoilers" for a not-yet-written fic appear in the comments, so be aware if you go digging; I'm prepared to cross-post what I've gathered over here if anyone would prefer that.
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Cat Miraculous: A green cat pawprint on a black field (Cataclysm)
Welp, I finally caught up on Miraculous Ladybug! That was very stressful! Time to find a comfort read to reset my brain so I can get some sleep! 8D
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Cat Miraculous: A green cat pawprint on a black field (Cataclysm)
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Summary: Ladybug talks to Carapace about relationships and secret identities.
AO3 link: Right over here
Wordcount: 2699
Notes: For [community profile] pod_together 2021, with podfic by [personal profile] alexseanchai (who also made cover art and other art available at the AO3 link!), and beta read by [ profile] podfic-chicklet
Fic: Workplace Romance and Other Safety Hazards )
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Explaining cat puns for non-native speakers. This is what I have so far; I'll make a proper post over at [community profile] allthemiraculous after I recover from AnimeIowa, probably.

I'm being as thorough as possible here, so there's bound to be some that are really easy to pick up just from context, but I usually figure being thorough is better than leaving anything out. Anyway, here's what I have so far:

Cat pun dictionary )

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