Nov. 17th, 2024

soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
The latest in my long list of Crafts I Do: Enamel pin display banners.

I ordered one when I backed some projects on Pintopia 2.0 earlier this year, and it arrived not long ago. It's lovely! A true piece of art! Very few of my pins would actually look good on it!

So I resorted to making my own. So far I have two complete, and another six in progress; of the two that are complete, one is hanging on my wall, with a whole bunch of pins I ordered yeeeeaaars ago set on it, and it looks fab ♥ The other one is basically a carbon copy of the first one, so I'll probably see if I can't sell it. Same for probably four or five of the second batch that are currently in progress, because I have a lot of enamel pins, but I don't have that many enamel pins!

Hopefully I can make myself stop there, because I can only make so much stuff without having a good way to sell it off. (Honestly, the second batch is really only happening because I saw some cloth I really liked at Joann's, and was still thinking about using it to make more pin banners a week later, which I figured was justification enough.)

Photos of pin banners to come eventually, I hope!

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