Pup Test

Jul. 16th, 2024 11:08 pm
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
After getting to have a puppy sleepover two nights in a row earlier this month, on account of Fireworks Suddenly Scary, Molly has decided that this means every night is a puppy sleepover night!

Unfortunately, I disagree with this. We are both restless sleepers, and despite her being less than a tenth of my mass and me having an XL Twin instead of a standard, there isn't enough room on the bed for both of us.

Still, if she were willing to sleep on the floor instead, I thought it was possible we could work something out! So I bought her a (super cheap) spare bed to try it out. It didn't work.

Mom directed me to a larger spare bed we had in storage; open to the possibility that Molly just wanted a larger bed space, I brought it downstairs and set it next to my bed. That didn't work, either.

Tonight, knowing what was coming, I brought her "favorite" bed with me when I went downstairs, hoping she would take the hint. I then left her alone in my room while I took care of my nightly hygiene activities (about twenty minutes). When I returned to my room, she was laying in the second bed. Success!

I laid down in my own bed, getting ready to give this new setup a try. If it worked, I would have to rearrange a few things in my room, and possibly adjust my own sleep schedule (Molly's morning walks take place at least an hour before I'm up most days), but it would be kinda nice to have a sweet pupper for company in the evenings.

Less than a minute after I got settled in bed myself, Molly got up and started whining. I gave up and managed to usher her back upstairs, where she actually didn't chase me back to the stairs for once.

If I didn't have work in the morning, I may have been more open to testing either of our patience; tonight, I'm just glad she didn't follow me when I left her upstairs.
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Cat Miraculous: A green cat pawprint on a black field (Cataclysm)
This year, Molly the dachshund-terrier mix decided/realized that she's afraid of fireworks. I'm reasonably sure that some of them were louder and/or closer this year than they have been in past years, which contributed to things; I ended up letting her stay the night with me on July 4th and 5th, because people were still doing fireworks on Friday, because Friday. There were still more fireworks going on Saturday night, but I had to turn Molly down for that one, since I had already lost a good chunk of sleep to her the previous two nights and had work on Sunday morning.

I ended up nearly having a meltdown at work on Sunday, partly due to not managing to catch up on sleep on Saturday, and partly due to... Well. A bit of a mess of timing, really. )

Anyway, pretty sure a lot of that can be chalked up to the "executive dysfunction" column of ADHD, which doesn't make dealing with it easier, but at least I know the probable reason why.

Today I had a much more relaxing day. I went out and picked up some supplies at Joann's, a couple of items from the grocery store, got deputized to take care of the dog, and then got a nice, long afternoon nap in before dog walk o'clock at 5pm. I'm hoping for even more relaxing tomorrow.
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Mind" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Mind)
Today I was woken up twice before my alarm went off by the Saddest, Loneliest Dog in the World (AKA Molly when no one's there to pay attention to her). Either I had neglected to close the door to the stairs completely last night, or she followed someone (most likely Dad) downstairs while they went to do laundry. The first time was roughly two hours before my alarm, and after hearing her whimpering pathetically outside my firmly closed door, I greeted her and managed to usher her back upstairs.

...Only for her to return to my door an hour later, just as sad and pathetic and unloved as before, begging to be let in. This time I let her nap on the bed with me, partly because I'm not a heartless monster, and partly because there's only so much I can do in the face of that much stubborn, and I wanted to at least try to get that last hour of sleep before work.

She woke me a final time a mere five minutes before my alarm went off, but by then she was definitely not the Saddest, Loneliest Dog in the World, so it doesn't count towards her previous total.
soc_puppet: Marceline the Vampire Queen [Adventure Time] drinks red from a dreamsheep (Dreamsheep Drinking Game)
Just spent the last three-ish hours hosting a Neighborhood Dog Party with my parents, and I am le tired. Honestly, thank goodness I drafted the next Summer of the 69 theme before I went to sleep last night. I was anticipating being exhausted more from work than dog party, but dog party ran way later than I expected it to.

(Neighborhood Dog Party explanation: In the Before Times, with our previous dog, Chester, Mom liked to host a neighborhood party on his birthday and invite all the neighbors and their dogs to hang out in our front yard. There would be treats for dogs and for people, water bowls and water bottles (and other beverages), and places to sit and chat. This was our first one since 2020. It was a lot of fun, but yeah, tired now.)

Dog stuff

Apr. 27th, 2023 09:37 pm
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Took the dog on an hour long walk today. Usually she'll continually beg for another walk, no matter how many she's had in the day, but today she was finally tired enough to stay inside instead. I certainly won't be trying that every day, though I might aim for about once a week while the weather is good.
soc_puppet: You found kitten! (Robot, heart, kitten) Way to go, robot! (You found kitten!  Way to go robot!)
Current puppy sleepover trial: Put the dog bed on the human bed.

Current status: Puppy is slumbering in the dog bed, occasionally stirs when human is too active but otherwise remains at rest.

Projected results of current trial: Promising.
soc_puppet: You found kitten! (Robot, heart, kitten) Way to go, robot! (You found kitten!  Way to go robot!)
I have purchased an extra doggy bed for Molly. She has one she uses upstairs, and can get up and down off the living room couch easily enough, but it is my hope that the bed I just got her will persuade her to spend puppy sleepovers on the floor instead of fighting for space on my twin mattress. It is very fluffy, like the one she already had and does seem to like, but has the added bonus of having a built-in blanket that she can tuck herself in under, because she looooves being under blankets.

On the minus side, it may also have given her exactly the extra inch or so she needs to be able to reliably jump up onto my mattress on her own, so we'll see how this goes.
soc_puppet: Pixelated Habitica avatar decked out in full Mushroom Druid wear, riding a Dusk Badger mount through a forest with a pet Base Snake (Habitica)
Sponsor message: "This post is brought to you by Habitica. Habitica: Reminding Socchan to take the trash out for 179 weeks and counting—usually before the last possible minute!"


Me, twenty minutes ago: Oh shit, it's Thursday! That means it's trash night!
Me: And, let's face it, there's no way in hell I want to get up earlier than trash pickup, so that means I need to get the trash and recycling cans at the curb now. And, of course, it's raining!

Act One

Me: *scurries about inside, collecting what trash ey can, regardless of the rain*
Me: *nips outside to deposit trash; goes back to the front door*
Me: ...did I really just forget to unlock the front door before I left?
Door: Yep!
Me: ...shit. Welp, nothing else for it. *scurries about in the rain for not-quite-emergency counter-measures*

Act Two

Me: Okay! I'm back inside, and I just need to get the recycling out, this time making sure to unlock the door before I go out.
Me: *tromps about in the rain more, making sure the recycling bin is at the curb for pickup*
Brain: Hey, this counts as our shower, right?

Act Three

Me: Finally, I'm back inside and the trash and recycling are all taken care of! Or at least as taken care of as I'm planning to get them tonight.
Me: I think I'll have a quick drink of juice before I head back downstairs, to refresh myself.
Molly the dog: Oh hey, you're here! That can only mean one thing: I get cuddles!
Me: ...Uh.
Molly the dog: Exactly! So, when are we headed back downstairs for tonight's Puppy Sleepover? 😃?
Me: ...hey, would you look at that, there's a super special treat crumbled up in your food bowl!
Molly the dog: Ooo, that is interesting! *goes to investigate*
Me: *sneaks back downstairs while the dog is distracted*


Me: Phew! All done.
Me: At least until... (dun dun dun!) ...next Thursday!
Rain: *absolutely fails to thunder dramatically*
Me: You're no fun.
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
I've been pretty on top of making sure my fancy mattress gets rotated every two months (as directed by the manufacturer), and I'm pretty proud of that!

Today was mattress rotation day, and in addition to standard mattress moving, I had a few minor tweaks to do. First I needed to get the "belt loops" onto my fitted sheet, then I needed to remove and re-place the attachment bits on the mid-sheet belts I made to keep the middle of my fitted sheet from bunching up too much. My sheet was still bunching up a bit when I attached them for the first time, and while it was much better than not using any sort of mid-sheet garter belt, I was still certain I could do better. So we'll see how this one goes with the hooks moved in an inch or two on each side! I'm cautiously optimistic.

I also used up the last of my plastic snaps to make two more secure pillowcases. Turns out I lucked out and had exactly as many as I needed! I'll be applying those pillowcases shortly, as my other set is in the wash.

In celebration of all of this, and also having today and tomorrow off, I've declared tonight to be a Puppy Sleepover! Or, well, if she sticks around after my evening ablutions it will be; we'll see how she feels about that 😜
soc_puppet: You found kitten! (Robot, heart, kitten) Way to go, robot! (You found kitten!  Way to go robot!)
After that time a week ago when Molly insisted on cuddles late in the evening, I reported it to Mom, and she essentially gave me the go-ahead to have pupper sleepovers! I've still gotta do some basic pre-sleep hygiene stuff, and I don't know for sure if Molly will be sticking around through my entire routine, but I just might end up with a natural hot water bottle by my feet tonight 😉
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Fox Miraculous. A red-orange fox tail swishing across a lighter orange background. (Fox Tail Trick)
So this was going to be a post about how I took a nice, long walk in the sun and warm weather yesterday, and felt so refreshed and rejuvenated that I'm still feeling it after a full day of work, and how I absolutely need to look into UV lamps and seasonal affective disorder before next winter...

...but instead it's going to be another post about the saddest, loneliest little dog in the entire world, who only got forty-five minutes of cuddle time with me instead of an amount of her choice.

(Molly, I'm sorry, but you only came downstairs to cuddle at, like, 9:30pm! You're usually ready to sleep by 11:00pm at the latest! Forgive me for wanting to make sure you were upstairs by then!)
soc_puppet: You found kitten! (Robot, heart, kitten) Way to go, robot! (You found kitten!)
Took me half an hour tonight to figure out that the reason Molly the dachshund was whining is because I unfairly interrupted her cuddle time with me on the assumption that she would prefer to see Mom (her favorite person). Apparently this was not the case! She spent thirty minutes alternately whining at me and refusing toys before I finally relented and tried leading her back to my room downstairs, where she curled up in my lap for a good hour.

Good to know, Molly; I'll take care not to prematurely end cuddle time in the future.

Molly the brown dachshund mix cuddled under a blanket
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep with a ball of white yarn for a body (Crochet)
A project I finished on Wednesday, actually! This one has been in the works for several months now, and I only finally got around to sewing it all together. (I... may have already talked about it? But I am le tired, and cannot recall.)

Cut for pics! Rainbow Amish puzzle ball )
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Mind" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Mind)
In other news, guess who has no thumbs and figured out how to get down the stairs today?

Molly the dog sitting on the carpet and being a Very Good Girl, apparently

This pup!

I blame myself. Used to be, we could leave the door to the stairs open, and she'd stand at the top and cry like she was in physical pain when we left her there, but didn't follow; apparently, she didn't know how that many stairs in a row worked. Yesterday, rather than listen to her whine like that, I decided to carry her downstairs to my room so I could put on my socks, then carry her back up so I could take her out for a walk. That seems to have been enough for her to figure it out, because she came down on her own to visit me today 😅

What surprised me more is that Mom and Dad were both in the living room; Chester didn't usually come downstairs unless everyone else was unavailable. Molly, on the other hand, decided she wasn't getting what she wanted from the available humans, so she was going to ask the other one!
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Every year, my parents like to go out and plant geraniums on the local family (and family friend) graves. I've missed at least a few years of the past seven due to work, as has my brother, but this year not only did he and I make it out, so did his wife and their baby. Nibling was very well behaved for the entire trip, and I remembered where a lot of the graves we usually visit are better than I might have thought, given I haven't been on the trip in a while. It's still not as well as I used to remember them, but considering it's a once-a-year trip that I've missed several of recently, it's still reasonably impressive, IMO.

We left Molly the dog behind this year. Chester has attended in previous years, but Molly is... a bit more fussy than Chester was.

After, we all went out to eat at a local restaurant with outdoor seating. It was a very nice trip, all things told. Pretty sure I can honestly say I've missed making this trip.
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Heart" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Heart)
We have a new dog! Her name is Cocoa Molly, and she's a three-year-old terrier/mini Dachshund mix; Mom went and picked her up today from someone looking to rehome her (personality conflict with their other pets). Cocoa Molly looks a lot like Chester, but with legs actually nearing something proportional to the length of her back, a rounder head, and slightly smaller ears. She's also a cuddlebug who is interested in whatever anyone is doing, especially if they're moving, and has already mastered the art of looking really pathetic while licking her lips.

I think she'll probably be a good fit here.

Edit: Cocoa's name is being updated to Molly.

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