soc_puppet: A crude pencil drawing on lined paper of what's supposed to be a dog; the dog's mouth and eyes are on one side of its face, while its snout is on the other. (Art time!)
Okay, these should be the real Final Rats, unless I find any other moods I want to re-do.

Touched with ring splints, Intimidated and Rushed with an owl )

As per usual (oops), it's late, so I'll be switching out the old versions of Intimidated and Rushed in the morning. I probably won't go out of my way to replace the old links, and will instead just add the two new links to the end of the list, because that's 132 links I'd have to sort through. Even with find-and-replace, that's a chore!

I'll also be throwing in links to the moods I've decided to use as icons, because that's something I've been doing. I've been avoiding using the icons for general posts, and instead stick to using them in the comments section, perhaps out of an over abundance of caution, but whatever; I'll probably change that as soon as I get the icon links up, though, because sometimes a post about rat art just needs an art rat!

Edit: Links are up in the block post, woot! Now I need a nap 😅
soc_puppet: A crude pencil drawing on lined paper of what's supposed to be a dog; the dog's mouth and eyes are on one side of its face, while its snout is on the other. (Art time!)
These are technically the final(!) rats I had left in my Fancy Rat Mood Theme! I have now drawn rats for 132 different moods! I do still plan to go through and do a couple different variations on a few rats, but with this? The official tally is complete.

I have completed an image for every mood in a custom mood theme.

...At least, I'm pretty sure I have. I guess I'll find out for sure when I load the new moods to the official mood theme page!

On that note, who wants to see the final(!) rats? 😃?

Listless, Pessimistic, Rejected, Disappointed, Contemplative, Lonely, Melancholy, Groggy, Nervous, Distressed, Bored, Productive, Restless, Crappy, Quixotic )

So that's just about it for the moment! Just a couple of variations to do, and then I'm reasonably sure I'm done.

And now, off to input the new images into my mood theme!

Edit: Moods are up! And I don't see any checked "Inherit from" boxes in the edit page for the Fancy Rats mood theme, so I am tentatively saying that yes, I have finished all the moods, yay!
soc_puppet: A crude pencil drawing on lined paper of what's supposed to be a dog; the dog's mouth and eyes are on one side of its face, while its snout is on the other. (Art time!)
I wanted to finish up everything I had sketches of on my computer so I could get a realistic tally of which moods I still need to finish. I think it might possibly be fewer than twenty 👀

Thankful, Numb, Guilty, Accomplished, Peaceful, Hungry, Jealous, Envious, Dirty, Pensive, Embarrassed )

That's all the commentary I can think of at the moment; I'll be uploading these to my mood theme shortly, and hope to get a count of remaining moods then.

Edit: Moods uploaded, block list updated, and if my count is correct...

Fifteen moods remaining for a 100% complete fancy rat mood theme 😳

I mean, I may want to redo one or two, and probably tweak some stuff, but like. Only fifteen left... That's kinda mind-boggling.
soc_puppet: A crude pencil drawing on lined paper of what's supposed to be a dog; the dog's mouth and eyes are on one side of its face, while its snout is on the other. (Art time!)
Just six rats before I turn out the lights and head to bed; sometime tomorrow, I aim to decide which of the Geeky/Dorky/Nerdy/Nostalgic rats I'm going to use for which, and I'll also get these integrated into the mood theme proper.

Drained, Nauseated, Sympathetic, Worried, Hot, Ecstatic )
soc_puppet: A crude pencil drawing on lined paper of what's supposed to be a dog; the dog's mouth and eyes are on one side of its face, while its snout is on the other. (Art time!)
I just finished the eleventh of my planned fannish rats, and feel the need to share all of them at once. Behold my nerdery!

Fandom rats! Plus bonus Chipper rat )

I plan to show the main eleven of these off in their own post at [community profile] moodthemeinayear as well; I haven't updated the image block list yet, since I also haven't decided which image to use for which mood yet, as discussed above 😛

Edit: My brain just caught up with me and I realized that rats doing the Vulcan salute (which itself is based on a Jewish blessing) might not be such a great idea, so I have removed the images from this post for the time being, and will reupload after I edit that out. Which will be after a nap.

Edit 2: Starfleet rats are back! They are now only waving.
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
I'm skipping ahead a few moods in my rat mood theme to work on "Dorky" and...

Listen. I currently have three major variations on Dorky (one of which has three sub-variations, and another of which will have at least two), Nostalgic will have at least two or three variations, and they're all of a similar theme with Geeky. I'm planning to throw all of the options for Geeky, Nerdy, Dorky, and Nostalgic into a single folder in the final mood theme zip and let potential users figure out which ones they want to use for what. I may end up replacing Nerdy in my own mood theme with one of the new ones, and it's quite likely that I'll slate at least one that I don't use for my own mood theme as an icon instead. Who knew that rat cosplay was so much fun?

Edit: Dorky(?) rats are done, and I have started in on Nostalgic rats! So far I've finished one for Pokémon and one for Digimon, with the remaining planned rats being for Dragonball (All Series), Sailor Moon, and Katamari Damacy. My next rat mood dump is going to be a lot more images than I end up using for myself 😂

Five rats

May. 20th, 2024 01:19 am
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
Rat time, yay!

Just five, but with a special guest: Rushed, Intimidated, Cynical, Curious, Weird )

As with the previous batch, these images will be matched with their assigned moods at a slightly later time. In this case, after I sleep 😛

Edit: Blocking link list is updated!

Rat Share

May. 11th, 2024 01:43 pm
soc_puppet: A crude pencil drawing on lined paper of what's supposed to be a dog; the dog's mouth and eyes are on one side of its face, while its snout is on the other. (Art time!)
Time for some more rat moods! Eight this time; I wanted to go for nine, but two of these in particular took rather a while...

Come get yer rats! Blah, Ditzy, Giddy, Sore, Hyper, Giggly, Crazy, Cheerful )

Moods are not currently uploaded to my mood theme, but the links have been added to the image block list, for those who need that.

Edit: Moods are now officially moods, yay!

Edit 2: I saved a larger version of the Cheerful rat, if you want to take a look over here
soc_puppet: A crude pencil drawing on lined paper of what's supposed to be a dog; the dog's mouth and eyes are on one side of its face, while its snout is on the other. (Art time!)
I've got six rats, so it's time to share!

Six more rat moods: Rejuvenated, Moody, Pissed Off, Pleased, Calm, Creative )

I'll be matching these with the mood theme and updating the images-to-block list shortly. Done!
soc_puppet: A crude pencil drawing on lined paper of what's supposed to be a dog; the dog's mouth and eyes are on one side of its face, while its snout is on the other. (Art time!)
Just five this time: Impressed, Predatory, Geeky, Horny, Morose  )

These rats are not yet added to my masterlist of links for image blocking, but I'll get to that in a bit! For right now, I'm going to go upstairs and catch the rest of The Daily Show (and maybe have a snack).

Edit: Links have been added to the mass-image-block list! Also, I did a quick count of the moods I've finished, and I'm pretty sure I've got (wait for it) 69 finished of 132. Which, aside from being nice, means I'm more than half-way done! Woot!
soc_puppet: A crude pencil drawing on lined paper of what's supposed to be a dog; the dog's mouth and eyes are on one side of its face, while its snout is on the other. (Art time!)
A super quick rat mood dump; I've got others that are finished, but I wanted to share this one in particular.

Four variations on 'Touched' )
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
Just a small selection of rat moods this time around; the last week-ish has been a bit overwhelming!

Five moods, featuring eight rats: Thirsty, Discontent, Satisfied, Naughty, Lazy )
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Art)
Ten more rat moods, with twelve more rats! A couple of the moods have guests 😉

See the ratties: Drunk, Refreshed, Sleepy, Annoyed, Tired, Anxious, Artistic, Uncomfortable, Content, Mischievous )

Rats Again

Feb. 8th, 2024 11:17 pm
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
I should really make myself a rat art icon. Logically, I could just use any of the mood theme images I've made already, since they also have to be 100x100 pixels or smaller, but I want something special, you know?

Rat art here! Sick, Exanimate, Cold, Stressed, Silly, Surprised, Optimistic, Exhausted, Relaxed )

I am also officially turning my custom mood theme on at this point ♥ I wanted to wait until [community profile] moodthemeinayear got through Part 1, which covers the minimum moods needed for a custom mood theme, so I would feel more in sync with the community, and we finally made it on Monday! If you want to block the images for my mood theme, I've got all the links (I think) listed in this post, and will be adding links as I go. (I may have missed one! If so, and you have the time/willingness to check, please let me know which it is so I can include it properly!)
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep, its wool colored black and shot through with five diagonal colored lines (red, yellow, white, blue, and green, from left to right), the design from Dreamwidth user capri0mni's Disability Pride flag. The Dreamwidth logo is in red, yellow, white, blue, and green, echoing the stripes. (Disability Pride)
Want to see all the moods for my Fancy Rats mood theme so far? Click here! This is the official mood theme page for it on Dreamwidth. As of today, August 21st 2024, it's effectively done, with thanks to [community profile] moodthemeinayear! I will post an official download link to the full mood theme sometime in December. Anyone who doesn't want to wait is welcome to download the images individually—which is a lot of work, so I may provide a download link earlier in this post, we'll see.

Want to block the images for any reason? Under this cut tag is a list of all of the image links, so you can just copy-paste them into an ad blocker or whatever. Rat mood theme image links )

New as of June 19th )

New as of August 21 (Plus some icons) )

And that should be all of them! The exception is if I add more rats as icons, which is possible, but probably not for a little while yet 😅
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
A whopping twelve rat moods!

I'm also planning to make a pinned post with both A) All of the image links for anyone who needs to block them, and B) All of the images themselves, so I can look at them to cheer myself up. "Look at how cute they are!" I will say to myself. "Look at these cute things I made to make myself happy, and other people also like them! What a good thing doing art is."

Anyway, on to the rats! Rat moods: Complacent, Hopeful, High, Mellow, Indifferent, Loved, Grateful, Full, Relieved, Good, Recumbend, Jubilant )
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)

I blame the metric fuckton of snow that was dumped on the Midwest over the past couple of days (with more to be added over the next couple of days).

Anyway! More rat moods: Nerdy, Indescribable, Happy, Excited, Energetic, Working )

With these, I officially have all the basic/"root" moods complete! I have an image for every single mood in Dreamwidth's mood drop-down menu. Sure, a lot of them are "inherited" from previous moods ("Happy" covers a lot of ground, for example, as does "Sad"), but everything's covered! I've got everything uploaded and assigned to moods, so I could make the switch to my custom mood theme whenever I want.

But I gotta check. I know not everyone likes rats (or mice, which these could be mistaken for). If there's anyone who would prefer not to see these images at all, I can make a post listing links to all of the images for anyone who wants to run them through an image blocker. Is that something that anyone would be interested in? Lurkers, your voice counts here, too!

Edit: If you want to see all the (current) rats at once, click this link 👍

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