K&S Update

Jan. 24th, 2024 01:06 am
soc_puppet: A very angry gold-eyed gray cat demands to know, "What did you just post?!" (Kittens and Spitefic)

In other news, I have decided to allow public posts by members at [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic; I feel like it will be better for the community overall, and especially for growth and participation. Doubly so after I fell down on making monthly public prompts...

Anyway! If you've made a post there before and you want to make it public instead of locked, you have the go-ahead to do that; you also have my modly permission to flat-out re-make the post as a public entry, now that the rules are changed, or link to it in the change-of-rules announcement post for me to include in a promotional roundup in a few days.

I go sleep now.

soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
New post up at [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic! Um, Flowers? No, Thank You! It includes things like what even do you do with flowers after you get them (do you save them? Compost them? What?), would a potted plant work better (especially as a metaphor of some sort), flower language, and special attention to masculine people receiving flowers for once.

If anyone wants to dial-in on Hurt-Comfort by leaning into "Miraculous holders getting animal characteristics" and someone giving Adrien lilies, this would be an opportunity 👀


Jul. 2nd, 2023 09:25 pm
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Heart" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Heart)
The new public prompt is up at [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic: "Only one bed"? More like only one BLAH It's a mixed ratings post this time, so responses of any rating are welcome, as long as 18+ stuff goes under a
summary taglike so.
(Links to 18+ stuff that's hosted elsewhere are fine, as long as any summaries/samples are SFW.)

And now, a quick break, and then I go promoting the comm again!
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Oh hey, that's right! It's time for the next [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic public post soon!

Okay, this month is SFW; maybe sick!fic? (The sub-genre of hurt/comfort where Character A is under the weather, and another character(s) take care of them.)

Edit: New post is now up! What do you mean, "this post borders on ablism"?!


Dec. 3rd, 2022 10:00 pm
soc_puppet: Marceline the Vampire Queen [Adventure Time] drinks red from a dreamsheep (Dreamsheep Drinking Game)
I've finally got December's public prompt post up on [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic! The theme is gift giving, since I figure that's pretty easy story bait in December, but I tried to mention as many possible gifting excuses and occasions as I could think of.

I also officially need to talk to my doctor about fatigue now, because I miss having energy to do things. Like make more than one somewhat-thought-intensive post on a work day. I think I'll go write an email to ask about adding a B vitamin supplement to my diet, especially since I stopped drinking so much Gatorade.
soc_puppet: Marceline the Vampire Queen [Adventure Time] drinks red from a dreamsheep (Marceline the Vampire Queen)
- Work
- Second work jacket now has breast pocket
- Quality-of-life updates have been made to [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic

- Work

Tuesday and Wednesday:
- Make corn bags

Any day that's not today:
- Finish brain slugs

- Shower
- Sleep
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
I'd host an entry at [community profile] justcreate, but I don't have the spoons, bleh. Anyway!

I've completed the crochet business part of the three large brain slugs for our family Xmas card this year. Now they just need eyes and hair clips, and they'll be done! ...And then Mom wants me to make a little one for the dog, but those take much less time and energy.

I also decided I was finally ready to go look at buying feed corn for heating/cooling bags this weekend; I was hoping for a bag of less than twenty pounds, but the farm store I went to only had forty pound bags. Luckily, the most expensive of those was still less than fifteen dollars, so I went ahead and bought one! I'll have plenty for however many heating/cooling bags I want to make (at least one for me, one for each of my coworkers, and my dad has requested one), and then the rest I can just... make more bags until I run out of fabric and/or use to feed local wildlife. Squirrels and birds won't be turning down a little extra corn in the winter, I can tell you that much.

I made sure to dig up all of the flannel I have stashed in various places in my room, and I've got ten fat quarters from the clearance section of Joann's, as well as some remnants I picked up today, and around two yards of generic winter-themed flannel I got on clearance in, what, January of this year? It's a fairly cute non-denominational pattern that I think at least a few of my coworkers will love. The fat quarters will get me at least one bag each, so even with just those I'm well set, but I think I'll probably have an excess with the others 😂 Guess I'll try to hit up some of my more distant coworkers as well!

I was hoping to make the update to [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic about mixed rating posts today, but, well, spoons. It also occurred to me not two hours ago that, for the same reasons people might want to post prompts anonymously, they might want to post fills anonymously, so I want to set up a post for that as well. Damn community needs half a dozen pinned posts and I only get two; I wonder if I can increase the number with a paid account... I'm hoping to knock those out tomorrow evening, since I submitted the community to [personal profile] copperbadge's Radio Free Monday announcements. Fingers crossed for me! Maybe I can start drafting the posts out on scrap paper during breaks at work tomorrow...

Is that all for now? Yes, I think it is.
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Last week for Community Thursdays, I was too burnt out to do more than make a general recs post on [community profile] queerly_beloved, and didn't even record it here. This week, though, I posted a proper rec for the podcast and graphic novels, The Adventure Zone: Balance! (Why yes, I did just finish listening to the full storyline for the fourth time. Time for the bonus episodes!)

I also did some maintenance at [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic, clarifying and updating some rules/policies (public), making a post where users can request help wording their prompts (community locked), and making a prompt post of my own (community locked, 18+).

I think I probably have more maintenance in my future, though, to figure out how to approach prompts that would welcome both SFW and NSFW content. Having people make two separate posts, one age restricted and one not, seems like a recipe for confusion at best. My current thought is to separate the content request types into "NSFW preferred" or just plain "NSFW" and 18+ age restriction for posts where the nature of the request/prompt is NSFW (requests for certain sexual positions, for example), "SFW only" sticking with posts where the requester doesn't want any NSFW content, and a new "Mixed ratings" tag for posts where the prompt is open but not limited to NSFW content (requests that add a suggestion of something that would be hot at the end, but the prompt itself need not include), and having people use the new content-hiding arrows for any NSFW fills for those. Like what I'm doing with the public topic suggestion post.

I'll admit, this is slightly more figuring out than I was hoping to do after launching the community, and I don't quite relish updating again quite so soon after the previous announcement, but it has been less than a month, so honestly it's probably not too bad. Good to get this stuff figured out ASAP, even if it wasn't before the community launched properly.

Anyway, yeah. That's what I have to report for Community Thursdays this week!


Nov. 8th, 2022 10:36 pm
soc_puppet: A very angry gold-eyed gray cat demands to know, "What did you just post?!" (Kittens and Spitefic)
I had the best idea for an Any Fandom prompt post for [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic at work yesterday, and now I'm torn between whether to make it a regular locked community post so I can share it now, or to make it an open post and wait until, like. January, probably. Pretty sure I'm going with the SFW theme "Gifts" for December, since it seems like a gimme.

Anyway, the theme/post I'm thinking of is "Inspired by The Old Green Gown by Wylde Nept". Both the "I'm the present" theme and the "ruining dresses/clothing with (ahem) vigorous activity" theme.

Note: I love this song, but it's not particularly ace friendly, and the second part of it is a little coercion-y, so uh. Listen to/read the lyrics with care. ...Actually, taking in the issue with the lyrics right there, I'm thinking that "regular locked community post" is probably the way to go with this one. I might see about doing that tomorrow, then.

Edit: Post is officially up! Goodness, I hope some people get inspired.


Oct. 24th, 2022 11:43 pm
soc_puppet: Deep sea fish wearing a monocle (Monocle Fish)
I have successfully returned from getting my first filling! It was... a lot. I'm getting my care through the local dental college, so appointments average around three hours; my last one ended a little earlier than that, so this one balanced the scales by ending a little later. The pain was rare and minimal, but the metal collar for my molar slipped a good four times before the procedure was over, and my jawmeats are a bit tender now. But! Teeth protected! Further cavities and pain less likely! Preventative dental medicine: Achieved! Also the tiny chip in #7 I got in late May has been patched up, making it easier to floss and more pleasant to feel with my tongue.

In other news, [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic is also off to a roaring purring start 😺 I don't know if it'll be able to keep up this momentum, but if the comm manages even one post a month by someone who's not me, with at least one person who's not me responding to posts, I think I will be able to consider it a success.


Oct. 19th, 2022 11:13 pm
soc_puppet: A very angry gold-eyed gray cat demands to know, "What did you just post?!" (Kittens and Spitefic)
Just gonna stick this here so I don't forget it:

Spoiler tags that work in the comments!

In other news, I'm getting [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic up and running! Dreamwidth apparently only let me make one post with the "Don't show on reading pages" part marked, so uh. Sorry in advance for minor spammage!

Edit: Okay, I think that's it! Kittens and Spitefic is officially-ish live!

Edit 2: Oh yeah, I did make my own "sharing images on Dreamwidth" tutorial; here and here. I'll have to see about migrating and possibly combining these entries over here.

Edit 3: New icon for Kittens and Spitefic! This is the comm's default icon; I've got a different one just for modly business.
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Rules have been tentatively posted in the profile of [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic! Input is still welcome, naturally. Next up I'll be working on a comm description and at least one example post. (I've already got one roughly typed up, I just want to get a pinned post up first.)

Also, if anyone can direct me to a good tutorial on posting images to Dreamwidth, I would appreciate it very much! I know how to do it myself, but I suspect there are more than a few potential community members who don't, and I don't know if I have the patience to make my own tutorial as well.

I should also come up with a community icon. I'll have to see what I can find.

Edit: Tentative summary:

About this comm:

Spite can be an excellent motivator, but there aren't a lot of natural situations where you can prompt it to promote your preferred content. Nor is feeding the trolls ever a good idea. And just what are you going to do with all of the adorable pictures of cats and other animals you've been saving over the years?

Enter Kittens and Spitefic. The goal of this community is to prompt fan content by acting like a total troll and pretending to bash what you want to see up one side and down the other. Commenters then engage with the supposed "troll" by spamming them with cat (and other animal) macros and/or content that caters to everything the original poster professes to hate: Writing short (or long) fics in the comments, drawing the exact thing OP was ranting about, even sharing links to fic recs and meta/analysis posts. Roleplay getting one up on someone with bad opinions while creating more work for something you love, and discover new things you may be a fan of in the process!

Still not quite sure how it works? Check out [this 18+ example post] or [this all ages example post]!

Kittens and Spitefic: It's everything you want, with a very silly approach.

Inspired by [livejournal.com profile] pornandkittens
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Welp, I got the account [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic registered as a community! There's literally nothing there yet, but I'm sitting on the name and no one else can have it now.

I'm currently working on the rules, and I think I'm going to change my mind about the boy-wizard-with-a-scar-and-glasses series; or rather, I'm going to be changing my mind about everything else. I tried a couple of times to write up the rule about posts for that particular fandom being locked to the community by default, and just... couldn't make myself do it. It's both easier and kinder to go all-or-nothing with this as well, so I'm going to have all request/prompt posts be locked. I... think that's something I can set up in the community itself? But I think I'm going to make it a rule, either way.

I'll be leaving (some? all?) mod posts unlocked, like a pinned post explaining the comm and linking to the rules, and a couple of example posts, but other than that, locking by default just seems more straightforward. (Current plan is to use the imaginary fandoms from Anime Twine Con for the example posts, but I might make one Any/All Fandoms instead.)

Still working on requirements for wording prompts for religious representation. My go-to mental example is someone who wants to see Spock practicing more Jewish holidays and trying to work backwards from there, but I still feel woefully underqualified to figure this out. IDK, I may have to all-or-nothing this as well; goodness knows I want people to be able to ask for the representation they need in whatever manner they need to, but even if I can think of a way to enforce wording that doesn't accidentally bash whatever religion someone wants more representation of except Messianics, would the prompts be something I'm comfortable with the community hosting?

IDK, input welcome.

Edit: I think might have it now? Came up with it at work while rolling hamburger buns.

When prompting for religious content, particularly for a minority religion that you are not a member of, please word your prompt with care. When in doubt, stick to the practicalities involved. "How would Spock know when to celebrate Sukkot while on a space ship in the first place, let alone what would be involved in setting up a sukkah? It'd be way too much trouble!" or, "Hardly anyone even worships the Greek gods these days, there's no way that Percy Jackson would end up meeting a follower of Poseidon, let alone hanging out! The odds are just too low!"

Still kinda nervous, but it's the best I've got at the moment. Input still very welcome!
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
First, a quick check-in on yesterday's post: I'm planning on a rule where all "prompt" posts need to be under a cut, A) Because that makes it easier for me, and B) Because it can still be pretty unfun to unexpectedly come across an "I hate [your favorite character]!" post, even if you know that it's written with Opposite Day rules and its primary purpose is to summon cat macros and more content celebrating the aforementioned character. Fewer bad surprises for everyone!

Next up, we come to a problem that hadn't even occurred to me before yesterday: What to do about any Harold Porter related prompts. )

Other than that, I would have to say that my main headache is back to yesterday's post, and how the hell to deal with more sensitive content. I think the comm would be in the clear for what content Dreamwidth allows, since all of the fake rants and responses are going to be posted in a space specifically designated for them, but it's still good to have that link on-hand so I can refer to the breakdown as needed.

I might get the comm set up in the next couple of days; just to have a place to do preliminary rules writing and test posting, set up some tags, that sort of thing, but not open it for its official purpose until more details are hammered out. Maybe host some of these rules/content discussions over there or something? Hmm.

Edit: Oh heck yeah, I think I figured out (at least some of?) the content rules!

If your goal is to get content about your favorite character handily outsmarting or otherwise beating the absolute tar out of bigots, be sure to focus your post on how it would be inappropriate or inaccurate for the character to be doing that, rather than the physical or moral prowess of the bigots. For example: "Character A would never try to punch a Nazi, they know that they'd get in too much trouble for fighting, and besides their weak noodle arms wouldn't be able to harm a fly, let alone anything bigger." Or: "Character B would never debate with TERFs, they hate getting into arguments! They're also terrible at it. They can't hold onto a train of thought to save their life, so arguing with TERFs is right out, let alone winning an argument. They'd end up making a fool of themself, rather than making a fool of the TERF."

More fine tuning may be required.

Up next: How to word posts whose goal is to get more religious representation, particularly for non-Christian religions! Pretty sure that most actual members of non-Christian religions have a decent idea how to make these posts without accidentally demonizing their own religion or creating something that gets a little too close to Christian supremacy, but people who aren't part of non-Christian religions might also want to read non-Christian religious representation, and they might not be aware of pitfalls there. (Related note, positive Messianic representation is going to be on the no-no list.)
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Mind" themed Dreamsheep (Thinking thinky thoughts)
(Tentative name is tentative.)

As I said in my second update on yesterday's post, turns out the person I got in contact with was not actually the comm's owner/creator! They did tell me that the comm's creator is pretty much vanished from LJ—and also that said creator got caught sending anon hate. So for both of those reasons, I am not at all concerned with getting in contact with the comm's actual creator to get their permission/blessing/what-have-you, and will be going ahead with mine regardless. I am currently unsure how, or even if, I should address the issue of my comm's inspiration; I'm leaning slightly towards a note at the bottom of the comm's profile just to cover my ass, mentioning both the original comm and the comm owner's bad behavior without naming names, but I'm open to suggestions.

Up next is one of the harder parts of running a comm, for me: Coming up with the rules! I want "prompts" to be open to most stuff, but this means that some "prompts" have the potential to be, uh. Stressful.

For example, if I want to "prompt" for trans interpretations of characters, I might post a fake rant about trans headcanons being "bad"/"not canon"/etc, which is, uh. Well, it might be unfun for a lot of people to read! And yeah, that sort of thing definitely fuels spite decisions in headcanons and fic writing and so forth, but even when the prompt itself is done ironically(?), that still has the potential to be a bad surprise for someone scrolling through their reading page.

So I think I'm going to have a rule that says people need to put anything micro/macro-aggression-ish under a cut tag, at minimum, put the aggression that it is in the cut text (for example, transphobia), and then tag the entry with "bigotry in the prompt" or something? Does that sound reasonable?

And then after that, I need to figure out what content I won't allow. "Nothing pro-Nazi" is, as far as I'm concerned, a given, but it's somewhat easier to weed that out/prevent it than, say, "Nothing Radfem", which a lot of people have more trouble recognizing. I want to disallow racism as well, but I'm not entirely sure I'd always be able to recognize it when it comes up, either.

Anyway, yeah. Coming up with rules for this stuff trips me up and gets me tangled in my own thoughts a bit. Aside from that, though, I am pretty jazzed about the positive reaction folks have had to the comm idea 😃 There is much potential fun to be had...

Edit: Still working on other rules, but I'm going to start with having all rant/prompt posts go under cuts, not just stuff that is potentially sensitive. The potentially sensitive stuff should still get a warning in the cut text, just to be safe, but more general "I hate your favorite character" rants are also not necessarily a fun surprise on your reading page, even if they are written with Opposite Day rules.

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