soc_puppet: Adorable art of the Pokémon Piplup; its flippers are clutched close to its chin, its eyes are dewy, and it is blushing, while light pink hearts and bubbles float around it. Originally a sticker for Pokémon Go. (Love Piplup)
The 2024 Theme Poll for [community profile] summerofthe69 is officially closed! I ended up making a single tie-breaker vote, and even that was pretty close for me. I have a great fondness for elements of the first runner-up theme, but the theme I chose over it is a new one for this year, and I think will ultimately be interesting to write about.

Of course, there were a bunch of other ties, including two for first place, two for second, and three for third, but I feel reasonably confident I'll be able to decide their places in the schedule without too much of a headache.

Ahhh, I can't wait to announce the winning themes! I may do so as early as tomorrow, but possibly not until Friday. Definitely not tonight, though, as I had work today and want to sleep 😅 (Also it's technically only ten minutes until Tomorrow anyway, but whatever.)
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Cat Miraculous: A green cat pawprint on a black field (Cataclysm)
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Summary: Ladybug surprises Adrien with a plan to reenact one of his superhero movie scenes; unfortunately, she misjudges the distance. Adrien finds he doesn't mind.
Cross-posting: Summer of the 69, AO3
Wordcount: 1543
Ships: Ladrien
Notes: For the "Spiderman 69" theme at [community profile] summerofthe69
Fic: Suspended )
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
The Comment Prompts post has gone live for [community profile] summerofthe69, and the first theme post (Spiderman 69: Where one of them is upside-down and one of them is vertical) is up 👍

Now I think it is time for an afternoon nap. And then more advertising of the community.

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