Nov. 12th, 2024

soc_puppet: A young man with glasses and messy brown hair staring blankly (and somewhat tiredly) at the viewer, as if he has just been informed of some outlandish news that he should have somehow expected. (Simply out of the ability to)
Right, so, I've kept contact with some of my old AnimeIowa friends after the whole Mask Fiasco of 2022, right? Did some art for Accessibility Passes, maybe made a suggestion here or there, sold some stuff in the art show this past year. One of my AI friends commissioned a crocheted plush Minion from me this year to give to a family member for Xmas, so I pulled one together (that actually turned out pretty fantastic, NGL) and delivered it to her when she was in town for a convention meeting last Saturday.

I've been planning to rejoin AnimeIowa staff for the 2025 convention pretty much since I quit in 2022. I've gone back and forth a couple of times, but I do genuinely miss hanging out with my AI friends and helping make the convention work. The 2024 election results (and knowing some of what RFK Jr wants to do with US health stuff, as well as what Trump may let him get away with) have made me a little bit shaky about that, because I quit over disease transmission concerns in 2022; I was still leaning towards rejoining, except, well.

I saw one of the biggest anti-mask people when I went to drop off the minion; one of the people who made the decision (without telling staff at large, let alone announcing to attendees, vendors, or even guests of honor) that the con should go masks-optional in 2022, and one who I generally found a little intimidating even before everything that went down. I already knew that the Health Officer who helped push the decision was probably still on staff somewhere, if not necessarily as a Con Exec/ConCom/Con CEO/what-have-you; I know I can at least be civil with her in person and pretend that nothing has happened.

I don't know if I can do that with this other guy. I also don't know what sort of position he holds in staff at the moment; if he's in a position of particular power... IDK.

I'd love to shift focus and switch to Wiscon, but I tried that and I failed. One of the key points about AnimeIowa staff for me was that I would actually leave the house and go to in-person meetings and hang out with people there, and if I have to deal with too many of the people who made me feel like absolute dog shit for trying to make sure that the 2022 con didn't turn into a superspreader event, let alone for not being told before they rolled out the decision, I just...

Yeah. I dunno.

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