
Nov. 28th, 2024 12:51 am
soc_puppet: Marceline the Vampire Queen [Adventure Time] drinks red from a dreamsheep (Dreamsheep Drinking Game)
Y helo thar, menstrual cramps; been a while since I've had to deal with you!

(I took a painkiller that I hope will kick in soon. Meanwhile, I'm choosing to dwell on the fact that I don't have to deal with these nearly so often since I got my IUD in. Thank goodness I found a treatment that works for me!)
soc_puppet: Marceline the Vampire Queen [Adventure Time] drinks red from a dreamsheep (Dreamsheep Drinking Game)
Oh right, I committed to posting publicly once a week; private posts where I store tidbits I copy-pasted from ebooks on my phone aren't the same thing...

Not a whole lot to report. I'm spending more time at my makeshift desk with my laptop instead of lounging in bed with it, which is an improvement; I do think I need a better computer chair sooner rather than later, though, preferably with at least one arm rest. I don't usually care much for arm rests, on account of having a good deal of mass around my middle, but, well. My left hand's pinky finger and sometimes ring finger are occasionally going a little numb, and switching to the new desk setup is the only major change I can think of in the past while that might be causing it.

In addition to a proper computer chair, I'm thinking of asking for a tablet for my birthday and/or Xmas. Used would be fine, I just want something I can use to browse AO3 instead of my laptop, since I'm back in New Fandom Hyperfocus Mode. That might also help with the hand issue, IDK.

Still getting absolute crap hours at work, with no notice from the Precinct Election Official people; it seems like I was supposed to get an availability survey at some point, but didn't? Early voting started half a week ago, so I'll be sending an email asking about that later tonight.

I think that's it for now; time to draft that email!
soc_puppet: A young man with glasses and messy brown hair staring blankly (and somewhat tiredly) at the viewer, as if he has just been informed of some outlandish news that he should have somehow expected. (Ah. I see.)
My episcleritis is responding well to treatment, yay! But it's starting to appear in the other eye as well, boo!

So now I'm attempting to be proactive about treatment, and trying for prevention. I'm guessing it might be related to the passenger side carpet in my car, which got routinely soaked over the course of a month due to bad drainage issues, and I did not have the wherewithal to take the shopvac to it after every rain.

The leak is, as near as I can tell, actually fixed now, but I'm left to wonder if the carpet isn't actually horribly mold infested past the point that I can do anything about it. Once I was pretty sure that the leak was fixed, I vacuumed the whole thing, then tried a baking-soda paste (did not work well) and then sprayed the carpet down with a vinegar solution. Up next I'm going to call my mechanic and see if they're able to replace the carpet there, or if they can recommend someone who can. So that's possible solution number one, and while it will potentially hurt my pocketbook, it's probably better to have it done in the long run (and honestly in the short run as well).

The second thing I'm trying is cleaning my room properly! The aim here is to get rid of the tremendous amount of dust hanging around, and make it possible for me to hopefully keep things less dusty. Even if this doesn't help my eyes, it will still be good for me, and may help my sinuses.

I got a decent start on it yesterday, clearing out huge stack of things by my doorway that had been gradually building up for a while. The problem is that I decided to continue my cleaning streak tonight, and have now probably dumped way more dust into the air than I rightly should have for a good night's sleep. Tomorrow, I will ideally do my cleaning somewhere closer to the daytime, and also I will make sure to set up the box-fan-and-furnace-filter on high speed in my room for an hour or two after my cleaning session.

Anyway, I'm seeing my eye doctor for a follow-up on Friday, so between those three things, hopefully one of them will work.
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Life" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Life)
First things first: Hours at my job are supposed to start picking up again in the next few weeks 😭👍 I am so relieved. I was this close (picture a tiny amount) to looking for a new job. I'm kinda considering it anyway, TBH; I'd love to have a classic M-F 9-5 deal, so I can do my Pokémon Go events without asking for time off, etc.

Next! My eye has been giving me trouble the past few months. I initially got some drops for it, and it went away, but then it came back, so I went back to the eye doctor and got more drops. What I have is called "episcleritis", and it's painful and irritating and I recommend against getting it if at all possible. I understand that this recommendation would be more helpful if I had any advice on how to avoid getting it, but sadly, I do not.

Finally, I need to remember to try and get some worldbuilding stuff done for Avery and Zeek; specifically, I want to think about what Zeek's people (and that world's merfolk in general) eat, and especially how they preserve food. So that'll be a fun thing to learn more about, I think.
soc_puppet: Marceline the Vampire Queen [Adventure Time] drinks red from a dreamsheep (Dreamsheep Drinking Game)
It has been nearly ten days since Easter, and finally my knees no longer consistently hurt going up and down stairs.

I need to Do Something About This.

(Easter was a lot of walking and lifting and general work at my job. It was compounded by not getting as much rest as I wanted the next day, since my mom had to go in for a colonoscopy and needed me to walk the dog, who was very eager to Go All The Places.)
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Mind" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Mind)
Posted this on Tumblr, got some people who said it helped or thought it might help, figured I'd post it here as well. Inspired by a poll over there about how you take your pills (one at a time, all in one go, etc).

My mom taught me that with solid pills and tablets, you tilt your head back to swallow for best results; capsules, meanwhile, float, so when you take them with a drink, you tilt your head forwards to swallow them. From my understanding, the goal is to get them as close as you can to the back of your mouth for better swallowing.

So because the two different types of meds have different swallowing methods, and I take both, I don't take all of them in one go. (I mean, I don't even take all of my solid pills together, but I used to get heartburn from taking my meds the wrong way, so I'm inclined to take it easy with them when I can.)

Anyway, it probably doesn't work for everyone, but if you have trouble with pills and the like, it might be worth a shot
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Blood" themed Dreamsheep (Ouch)
Hahahahaha! So, around ten years ago or thereabouts, about the time I got my most recent job, I started having (more) trouble with heat. Cut for not-quite-gory deatils: TL;DR, what I thought might be some sort of rash was actually chafing blisters )
soc_puppet: Marceline the Vampire Queen [Adventure Time] drinks red from a dreamsheep (Dreamsheep Drinking Game)
My digestive system seems to have mostly returned to normal operating procedures, touch wood. I also slept most of today and will likely be turning in early on top of that, which makes sense, since my body is probably worn out from all of that infection fighting and healing. I'm honestly surprised I didn't sleep more during the worst of it! I am still feeling a little bit queasy here and there, and my appetite is not quite back to normal, but other than that I think I'm past the worst of it.

Another quick thing, since I haven't brought it up in absolute ages: My IUD is working great for me! As predicted by my medical team, there were a rocky few months (very rocky), but things smoothed out, and by about six months after I had it installed, I'm down to some very light spotting, occasional light cramps that I can barely distinguish from feeling bloated, and occasional headaches. I'm pretty sure my last mention of my IUD was complaining about it, so I wanted to make sure I made things clear: I am very happy with it and, provided my state doesn't sink 100% into anti-choice hell before then, I will be getting another one once this one runs out of juice.
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
I just had an uneventful(!) trip to the restroom, and am tentatively feeling somewhat better??? Like damn, I was certain there for a bit that I'd be laid up another day or two and would end up having to see the doctor again.

I'm trying not to count my chickens before they hatch here, but being well enough to go to work on January 1st does not sound like the worst thing in the world to me right now.


Dec. 29th, 2023 05:23 pm
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Doom" themed Dreamsheep (DOOOOOOOM)
Guess who has a stomach bug? That's right, it's me!

I've been having some digestive troubles, and I know it's illegal for someone with such problems to prepare or serve food professionally, so, after taking a Covid test (it was negative), I went to the local quick care center for a diagnosis and advice. There, I got a flu test, which also came back negative, and was advised that it's probably a viral stomach bug, and that I can go to work after I've been symptom-free for 24 hours. I emailed my boss to let her know, since I'm scheduled the day after tomorrow, and have a doctor's note Just In Case.

After that, I went and picked up some Gatorade, then went home. I plan to spend at least the remainder of today resting and pushing fluids, and probably doing the same tomorrow. I emailed my boss to let her know, since I'm scheduled next on Sunday, and if I'm not symptom-free tomorrow, she'll have to find someone else to cover for me. She told me to keep her updated.

So that's the plan for the next couple of days! Fingers crossed this gets out of my system in a hurry, unpleasant though the system-leaving may be.
soc_puppet: Marceline the Vampire Queen [Adventure Time] drinks red from a dreamsheep (Dreamsheep Drinking Game)
I had the deep misfortune today of scraping my thumb on the mechanical dough cutter at work while I was trying to disassemble it for cleaning. This wouldn't be quite so bad, but it was exactly over where the scar from when that same thumb got cut last December. My only words on that are "Ouch," and a weary, heartfelt sigh.

I did end up leaving work a bit early today, since there wasn't much to do; this turned out well for me, since I wanted to drop off my stuff at the ICON art show before it got too late. Luck was really in my favor, because I managed to get everything set up within minutes of the art show closing for the evening, and I sold three items while setting up, already covering the meager table fees. I hope the rest of the art show goes at least as well!

Ow 😥

Aug. 24th, 2023 11:41 pm
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Doom" themed Dreamsheep (DOOOOOOOM)
The area I live in has been under a heat advisory for the past three days; on top of that, the bakery didn't get below 65% humidity for the entire time I was there today, and I was not prepared. I didn't apply enough anti-chafing gel this morning to deal with that level of humidity, both personal and environmental! The end result was me basically waddling the last few hours of work to minimize thigh chafing, which was less effective than I'd like.

Things got somewhat better at home, where I didn't have to walk around nearly as much and where the humidity is much lower, but I didn't account for the sheer horror of sitting on a toilet seat. I have no idea why that specifically was so bad, except for how targeted it was for the exact area that had been chafing all day. Possibly also I forgot how much of a pain it was since I last had chafing this bad.

Anyway, I've had a nice shower and am airing things out. My thighs should be at least somewhat better after I sleep, though I can't say I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Maybe I'll bring a change of pants to work...
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Breath" themed Dreamsheep (Blown away)
Turns out I'm allergic to chickpeas/garbanzo beans! Whoda thunkit. There were probably better ways to test this than by eating a bunch of falafel to find out if I still find even the plain ones spicy, but I haven't always been the best planner. On the plus side, I never ate falafel or hummus that often in the first place, and can probably make do with couscous whenever I miss the former. (Couscous not being spicy to me, it'll probably taste closer to the way falafel is supposed to taste anyway.)

In other news:

- New theme is up at [community profile] summerofthe69
- I submitted a bunch of fics for the ML Square Dance event/exchange on the Buffet Line
- I am very tired, possibly from my body dealing with all the falafel I ate; not something I'll be doing again!
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Space" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Space)
Thanks to everyone for their well wishes for my dad; he's getting a lot of rest, and his appetite is coming back. He looks a bit like a panda right now with the bruising, but as he said to me, "It could have been so much worse."

In other good news, I finally got the phone call to discuss my biopsy results today, and I now officially have the all-clear! (This has been a hectic week 😅)

I'll be taking it easy the rest of the evening, but I'll try to respond properly to comments in the next few days. For now, though, relaxation.
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Blood" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Blood)
No official biopsy results yet (as in,, I haven't been called to discuss them), but the words "benign breast tissue" on the MyChart test result page has left me cautiously optimistic.

With the good news out of the way, here's the bad:

My dad had a very bad fall this afternoon. He's currently in the hospital, either waiting on or in surgery.
Content Warning: Injury details
Mom told me that he fell on his face; his eyeglasses made a cut in his forehead, both of his eye sockets broke, and he has brain bleeding. When she called me about three-and-a-half hours ago, she said he was hooked up to some anti-seizure meds via IV, and would be going in for brain surgery to deal with the brain bleeding.
Mom told me the doctors expect everything to go well, which is about all I can hope for just now.

I'll update when I know more.

Update: 20:14, US Central time: Dad needs to be in the hospital overnight; he's getting a scan at 01:00 tomorrow, after which we'll know more.

Update 21:45: Mom stopped home to pick up a few things and eat something, and shared some more details. Turns out things are a lot less dire than the impression I had! Dad is actually conscious, and has been the entire time. He says he's not having a problem with pain, though I suspect they at least have him on something at this point. They also let him eat something, so there's not going to be surgery at least until that passes; we'll learn more after the 01:00 scan. He's got a whole team of doctors looking after him, and it's a very good facility with very good staff.
Minor update on one of the above injuriesSo there's two places he's got bleeding in his brain, one in the front and one in the back. Apparently the doctor says the one in the front has been there "forever" so they're not worrying about it? That one is news to me, at the very least.

Anyway, I'm a lot less worried now than I was. I am now also cautiously optimistic about Dad's outcome, whereas when Mom first told me that the doctors expected Dad to make a good recovery, I had been fully prepared to temper my expectations.
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Time to nap for the two hours until I can take off my bra 👍
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Life" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Life)
H'okay! I successfully re-named at least thirteen of my fics to End Racism in the OTW as per [tumblr.com profile] end-otw-racism's call to action. I still don't know yet if I'll get around to writing an actual fic for it, or what such a fic might look like, but I've done at least a little. I'm half-tempted to start transporting a bunch of my old fic to AO3 with the End Racism in the OTW title as well, but we'll see how things go.

I also had my biopsy today! I get to wear a bra to sleep now. I am not looking forward to that part. I'll get the results from the biopsy within a week.

I did not take Molly the dog on a very long walk today, or even a regular length walk, despite both of us wanting to. The most I did was take her on a quick jaunt around the house right before my appointment. I'm holding off on dog walking until tomorrow as well, since I've been advised not to lift anything more than 10 lbs/about 4.5kg until 24 hours after my biopsy, and I wouldn't be surprised if Molly can clock in at over ten pounds of pulling strength. Hopefully sometime this weekend, though, I'll be able to take her out somewhere for some fun.

That's all I have to report for today, I think! With less than three hours to go until midnight in my area, I'd call it a reasonably safe bet.


May. 11th, 2023 02:54 pm
soc_puppet: Marceline the Vampire Queen [Adventure Time] drinks red from a dreamsheep (Dreamsheep Drinking Game)
Went in for my mammogram followup today. Seems like I'll be needing a biopsy done; it's scheduled for next Wednesday, which is in a cluster of days off for me, so that at least works out okay.

I've got my fingers crossed, and my mom is a breast cancer survivor herself (20+ years cancer-free and still going!), so she should be able to help me out with what to expect and so forth.

If it ends up that I need to have surgery, I'll probably ask about getting things flattened out completely, since at that point I'd be going under the knife either way. If I don't end up needing surgery, I may ask about getting flattened out anyway, just to reduce the risk and stress in general (etc). If the question of genetic testing comes up, I'll probably ask about Cowden's Syndrome, since it's a possibility that came up when I was researching during my thyroid nodule scare.
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Mind" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Mind)
That is, specifically on my own boobs, and whether I want to keep them at all, or just at this size.

Some pros and cons of breast reduction or top surgery )

These are just some stray thoughts at the moment, mostly because Baby's First Mammogram was last month, and they need to take a closer look, even though it's Probably Nothing.
soc_puppet: Words "Baseless Opinion" in orange (Baseless Opinion)
I shared this on Tumblr, so I thought I'd put it here as well. These are my personal rules for wearing a mask.

If I am in an indoor space that is not my home, I will wear a mask if:

- There are more than five people in the room, including me, for longer than five minutes at a time
- It is an area with high traffic
- Any of the other people there are wearing a mask
- I am not confident that every other person there has been fully vaccinated for Covid (minimum full original course, one or more boosters preferred)

This means I do sometimes take my mask off at work, and might if I'm visiting someone's house. Not that I've had much occasion to visit anywhere but my brother's family these days. It's reasonably close to the first "Yes, you can visit other people" guidelines that the CDC announced after the vaccine became more publicly available, just plus one extra person.

This also means that there are some people at work that I don't unmask around, because I have asked and they've flat-out told me that they haven't gotten vaccinated. At this point, I figure that if they've decided not to vaccinate, I'm not going to be able to change their minds by confronting them about it. If they decide that they're curious later, I can share my own reasons for getting the vaccine, and they can have another chance to decide if those reasons are good enough for them personally; otherwise, I'll keep my mouth shut. I also don't ask about their reasons for not vaccinating, because I don't want to be any angrier than I already am, either at them (more likely) or at The System (forcing people who cannot get vaccinated back into the workforce/public/etc).

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