soc_puppet: Adorable art of the Pokémon Piplup; its flippers are clutched close to its chin, its eyes are dewy, and it is blushing, while light pink hearts and bubbles float around it. Originally a sticker for Pokémon Go. (Love Piplup)
[personal profile] soc_puppet
Happy Birthday to me, yay!

Dad got me the picture book, "The Bakery Dragon", as seen on Tumblr.

Mom got me season 10 of Bob's Burgers.

My brother's family got me something that's still in the mail 😂

And Dreamwidth got me my new mood themes going live!

...Okay, they're not technically live yet exactly (they'll show up soon!), and it's a complete coincidence that [site community profile] dw_dev posted the code tour on my birthday, but I'm counting it!

Date: 2024-12-01 04:22 am (UTC)
yhlee: Alto clef and whole note (middle C). (Default)
From: [personal profile] yhlee
Happy birthday!!!

Date: 2024-12-01 04:40 am (UTC)
chanter1944: a cream-colored yellow Labrador lying at the top of a staircase, one paw draped over the top step (mellow yellow)
From: [personal profile] chanter1944
I'd totally count it. :) Happy birthday!

Date: 2024-12-01 10:18 pm (UTC)
lightbird: (Default)
From: [personal profile] lightbird
Happy birthday!

Date: 2024-12-02 04:47 am (UTC)
mistressofmuses: Image of nebulae in the colors of the bi pride flag: pink, purple, and blue (Default)
From: [personal profile] mistressofmuses
Happy belated birthday! :D

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