Oct. 20th, 2024

soc_puppet: Marceline the Vampire Queen [Adventure Time] drinks red from a dreamsheep (Dreamsheep Drinking Game)
Oh right, I committed to posting publicly once a week; private posts where I store tidbits I copy-pasted from ebooks on my phone aren't the same thing...

Not a whole lot to report. I'm spending more time at my makeshift desk with my laptop instead of lounging in bed with it, which is an improvement; I do think I need a better computer chair sooner rather than later, though, preferably with at least one arm rest. I don't usually care much for arm rests, on account of having a good deal of mass around my middle, but, well. My left hand's pinky finger and sometimes ring finger are occasionally going a little numb, and switching to the new desk setup is the only major change I can think of in the past while that might be causing it.

In addition to a proper computer chair, I'm thinking of asking for a tablet for my birthday and/or Xmas. Used would be fine, I just want something I can use to browse AO3 instead of my laptop, since I'm back in New Fandom Hyperfocus Mode. That might also help with the hand issue, IDK.

Still getting absolute crap hours at work, with no notice from the Precinct Election Official people; it seems like I was supposed to get an availability survey at some point, but didn't? Early voting started half a week ago, so I'll be sending an email asking about that later tonight.

I think that's it for now; time to draft that email!

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