soc_puppet: A photo of a black slug in the grass seemingly turning to look at the viewer; it is captioned "Live Slug Reaction" in a way that mimics "Live Tucker Carlson Reaction" (Live Slug Reaction)
[personal profile] soc_puppet
Watched The Daily Show's live election coverage, and otherwise have been mostly avoiding things aside from what comes up on Tumblr/the occasional tidbit in Discord. Pretty sure I'm going to bury myself in fanfiction to keep a sense of peace for a while.

Also I'm going to eat a lot of cheap Halloween candy. (Well. Not a lot a lot. But still at least four or five "fun size" bars.) Maaaaaybe do a tiny bit of retail therapy, but def gonna try to keep any of that under $15.

Anyway, eye appointment tomorrow morning, so I can't stay up all night. Time to pull up that fanfic!

Edit: Hmm, yes; I think my minor splurge tomorrow may be takeout Chinese.

Date: 2024-11-06 01:40 pm (UTC)
capri0mni: Pencil sketch of a thought balloon in three-d, with the word "sigh" (Sigh)
From: [personal profile] capri0mni
Emotionally, I'm feeling like this is a repeat of 1984 (my first vote in a presidential election), when I stayed up in the local Mondale Campaign office to watch the results as Reagan got reelected to a second term.

Only this time, it's tempered by my playing a dual role as the voice of my mother, reassuring me that the world is not actually going to end.

(I like your icon choice for this post)

Date: 2024-11-06 08:55 pm (UTC)
capri0mni: A black Skull & Crossbones with the Online Disability Pride Flag as a background (Default)
From: [personal profile] capri0mni
Okay, here's a maybe dim, but brighter than the depths of the Abyss, spot:

In that second victory, Ronald Reagan won ~58% of the popular vote (I just looked it up). Donald Trump got 51%. We may be the minority, right now. But we're a pretty big minority.

And maybe even that minority status is an illusion, because Jill Stein took 22% of the vote in Michigan,* which is infuriating, considering how much I and my online friends were warning against voting "third" party. But whether she actually is, or not, Stein positioned herself to the Left of Harris. So maybe, ideologically, we may be in the majority. And the challenge ahead of us might not be to convince more people outside our movements that we're (morally) right, but to convince the people inside our movements to quit with the ideological purity tests and infighting.

*(according to the Headline from The Washington Post -- I wasn't going to give my email address to read the whole article)

Edited (html goof, changed some phrasing) Date: 2024-11-06 09:01 pm (UTC)

Date: 2024-11-07 02:03 pm (UTC)
capri0mni: A black Skull & Crossbones with the Online Disability Pride Flag as a background (Default)
From: [personal profile] capri0mni

Yes, Exactly!

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