soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
[personal profile] soc_puppet
I finally went and early-voted today! TBH it was really well organized, plenty of poll officials, no wait at all when I got there. They also had two different versions of the "I Voted" sticker, and let me take one of each!

Also finally got a response about whether I'll be employed as a PEO for this election, and the current verdict is "Probably not, sorry for not getting to you earlier!" Which, at least I know now. And honestly, considering how many poll workers were at the early voting station, I can't say I'm terribly surprised.

Shame they probably can't loan me out to other counties, though; I'll bet at least one near-by county in my state is in need of an extra poll worker!

It feels great to have voted.

Date: 2024-11-01 12:56 am (UTC)
jesse_the_k: Black dog on patio tongue tip showing (BELLA at ease)
From: [personal profile] jesse_the_k

How is the early-voting handled by you?

In Dane County, deputized poll-workers basically walk people through filling out an absentee ballot with the voting machines. This means people can vote anywhere (libraries, community centers)--the actual voting wards are on the exterior of the envelopes, and the County Clerk will start counting the mountain of ballots at 12:01 Tuesday AM.

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