soc_puppet: Words "Baseless Opinion" in orange (Baseless Opinion)
[personal profile] soc_puppet
Going back for a moment to "Tampon Tim" Walz: I feel like there's a very good argument to be made for tampons to be available in every single classroom across the country, and that is that they can be used in an emergency to plug bullet and other puncture-type wounds.

And if people aren't comfortable with that, they can always work on ways to reduce school shootings instead.


Date: 2024-10-22 07:44 pm (UTC)
jesse_the_k: Extreme closeup of dark red blood cells (Blood makes noise)
From: [personal profile] jesse_the_k

That anyone has discovered that other tampon use-case is horrifying


Date: 2024-10-22 07:54 pm (UTC)
jesse_the_k: My black mutt totally blissed out, on her back, paws folded (BELLA on back)
From: [personal profile] jesse_the_k

Ahh! The many uses of technology are outstanding.

Thanks for expanidn on that Snopes link — just a glanceat the “current rumors” section made me nope the fuck out

Date: 2024-10-23 03:29 am (UTC)
lightbird: (Default)
From: [personal profile] lightbird
Yep. Sadly.

Date: 2024-10-23 08:05 pm (UTC)
grayestofghosts: a shiba inu in a blanket (shibe)
From: [personal profile] grayestofghosts
I remember the urban legend being that tampons were originally invented for this purpose and weren't used for period hygiene until later.

Date: 2024-10-24 07:00 pm (UTC)
grayestofghosts: a shiba inu in a blanket (shibe)
From: [personal profile] grayestofghosts
Yeah, it was something like, they were originally made for bullet wounds and some field nurses were like "hey wait a minute, you know what these would be perfect for?"

And then there was like the idea that the very first tampons came from ancient Egypt? I have no idea the veracity of that one.

I dunno, this was the kind of stuff you hear in the girl's cabin at sleepaway camp.

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