soc_puppet: Butt-end view of an agouti rat laying on its back, holding the stem of a pink flower to signify that it has shuffled off this mortal coil (drama hound) (Deceased)
[personal profile] soc_puppet
Oops, stuck in hyperfocus hell again. I want to say that it's not quite as bad as a few weeks ago, but uh.


Listen, I didn't mean to stay up all night on Wednesday and only go to sleep again on Thursday afternoon because I was too busy reading a fic, it just kinda happened!

Honestly, the only thing that's really "better" about this right now is that I don't have many other demands on my attention/major stressors. Mostly.

On a "Brains are weird" note, I have trouble admitting to myself that I'm in a new fandom when I haven't technically consumed any canon material for said fandom yet. But that's where I currently am with Scum Villain's Self Saving System, so. Working on that from both angles with my brain currently, we'll see how it goes.

Date: 2024-10-12 03:46 am (UTC)
alexseanchai: Katsuki Yuuri wearing a blue jacket and his glasses and holding a poodle, in front of the asexual pride flag with a rainbow heart inset. (Default)
From: [personal profile] alexseanchai
I've got about halfway through the first volume of SVSSS and all ten episodes of the animated adaptation (which doesn't get me kuch further into the plot) and a whole bunch of fanfic

I do know for sure I'm in the fandom, though: I'm getting fic ideas

Date: 2024-10-12 08:16 pm (UTC)
librarygeek: cute cartoon fox with nose in book (Default)
From: [personal profile] librarygeek
My teenager got me into Heaven Official's Blessing (same author as SVSSS) and I'm making plans for Xie Liang cosplay. 🤷‍♂️ Teen likes Hua Cheng better. At least I know something of Daoism with several different comparative religions courses as I study towards chaplaincy.

Date: 2024-10-13 02:04 am (UTC)
krait: profile image of Zhuzhi-lang (Zhuzhi-lang)
From: [personal profile] krait
I'm in SVSSS fandom, but it's more of a side-fandom? I've read the canon and I visit the fandom periodically, but I'm not thinking about it all the time. Still, I just finished rereading a fic I love, so right now I'm in the midst of having More Emotions about a character and yearning for more fic and wishing for a WIP I like to update and wondering about whom else I could pair this character with, etc. so I'm definitely in Full Fandom Mode for it right now. :D

Tell me all your fic thoughts!

Date: 2024-10-14 11:17 pm (UTC)
alexseanchai: Katsuki Yuuri wearing a blue jacket and his glasses and holding a poodle, in front of the asexual pride flag with a rainbow heart inset. (Default)
From: [personal profile] alexseanchai
what are your Abyss fix-it thoughts?

the one I've got so far is, due to slightly different circumstances at the conference, Shen Yuan is distracted from the idea of needing to throw Binghe into the Abyss for long enough for currently unspecified third parties to notice Binghe is a demon and attack. and he doesn't think any more than he did when he got poisoned. and then he's convinced he's dying regardless, so he tries to tell Binghe to take Xiu Ya and run, and somehow this ends with Shen Yuan falling into the Abyss. which naturally Binghe tries to prevent, but the rift closes before he catches Shen Yuan.

(it's a fix-it bc they both survive without being convinced either hates and/or fears the other)

Date: 2024-10-15 08:22 pm (UTC)
alexseanchai: Katsuki Yuuri wearing a blue jacket and his glasses and holding a poodle, in front of the asexual pride flag with a rainbow heart inset. (Default)
From: [personal profile] alexseanchai
I haven't seen either of those yet, though that doesn't necessarily mean nobody's done them

anyway *grabbyhands*

Date: 2024-10-15 10:07 pm (UTC)
alexseanchai: Katsuki Yuuri wearing a blue jacket and his glasses and holding a poodle, in front of the asexual pride flag with a rainbow heart inset. (Default)
From: [personal profile] alexseanchai
I have all the volumes accessible on this very tablet (yay libraries!), I don't understand why I'm not reading canon

the animated, meanwhile, technically gets as far as showing Mobei-jun (for like one second at the very end) and the Abyss yeet (a couple seconds in the end credits), but anything else after partway through the Immortal Alliance Conference is material for a later season that has yet to materialize

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