soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Life" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Life)
[personal profile] soc_puppet
Egads, how is it already Friday?

Mom and Molly made it back safely and have settled right back in. Molly is currently snuggled in the blankets at the foot of my bed, because she gets Lonely when her favorite person (my mom) is asleep/otherwise unavailable.

Room cleaning saga got some very good work done; I managed to clear off most of a tall table construct on the side of my room and added a new bookshelf there, both of which are pretty great. The bookshelf has allowed me to relocate a lot of DVDs and some books that I had piling up in various places; things still aren't completely organized (another bookshelf wouldn't hurt, truth be told), but they're much better than they were.

On top of that, the table space that I cleared is a great location for my laptop! Which was actually a pretty major motivation in getting that space cleared off; the built-in trackpad buttons are starting to go a little haywire, so attaching an old mouse and using that instead helps a lot. I haven't been able to make myself move my laptop over there more permanently yet (baby steps!), but I have actually been using it, rather than not using it at all, the previous state when that table was elbow-deep in Stuff. Today I picked up a tall office chair to use with it secondhand, which is an improvement over the spare kitchen stool I had been using previously. It's not my ideal office chair (I want one with breathable mesh instead of pleather cushions), but for a measly $8, I'm happy enough to make do.

I've still got stuff to clear out from under the table, and I could definitely stand to do some digging in both my crafting corner and in my closet, but my room is still looking a lot better!

Step by step

Date: 2024-10-05 09:04 pm (UTC)
jesse_the_k: harbor seal's head captioned "seal of approval" (Approval)
From: [personal profile] jesse_the_k

the longest racecan be won

from context I'm thinking your computer moved from your lap to that table. Computer out of lap is always a good move.

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