Hooky Wiki

Episode 222 (Series Finale) is the two-hundredth and twenty-second episode of Hooky, created by Míriam Bonastre Tur. This episode is the finale of the main series.


Dani is busy preparing for her trip with Nico, wearing new clothing and the red witch hat that she picked up when her curse was lifted. Her outfit also consists of a red robe due to her being the royal messenger for Monica. To add on to that, she also wears a brown bag full of scrolls to send to people all over the kingdom.

Most of her friends are there and wish her farewell to her and Nico but know that they’ll see each other again. Damien, being slightly overprotective and hypocritical decides to go and cast a spell on Nico but gets stopped by William making a speech that flusters him.

After the goodbyes, Nico and Dani head off on brooms, Nico’s being magicked to keep it from falling and they go, off to travel to different regions. They seem to first travel to the desert kingdom, visiting Amir and Aisha’s mother along with the rest of their family over there.

Following that, images of everyone’s lives take place including slightly irrelevant characters like Grandmother Wolf and The Huntsman being shown. The series ends with a group drawing of all the main characters.

Characters in order of appearance[]



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