Hooky Wiki

Episode 73 is the seventy-third episode of Hooky by Míriam Bonastre Tur.


Nico and Mark walk through rubble and debris from Pendragon’s house. Mark sees how distraught Nico is and offers that his father could come and help. He says that it‘s fine and he wants to do it himself so in some way, he could be useful.

It then goes back to the past, Nico and Monica are having a conversation about Dani and Dorian. Apparently Dani did magic without a wand and started floating according to Nico. The worst part of it was though, was that Dorian lost control to protect his sister and Dani lost it to seek vengeance.

Barry tries to ask Mark where to but even he is lost at this point from everything that happened. Nico suggested his master’s place because, even though he was captured, he still trusted him enough to got to his place. Everyone then formally introduces themselves to familiarise with each other and head to Pendragon’s house.

When they arrive at their destination, they become dismayed; the house was burning in flames. Nico immediately rushes over and all of the townsfolk are gathered around the place. It turned out afterwards that it was an order sent by Hilde Wytte. Supposedly if you showed loyalty to the old king, your fate will turn out the same as his as well. Nico agrees with Mark‘s father and tells the group to watch from the sidelines because they would be obliterated if they tried attacking.

After that, everything appeared blurry and fuzzy. In a flash, three months have passed and Nico feels useless than ever without his master. Then, when all hope seemed lost, he looks over and spots his master’s crystal ball. When he looks inside, he spots a green dragon and what appeared to be a desert-like setting. However that wasn’t the most important thing. The most important thing was the person he also saw: Prince William. Nico now knows where to find William.

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