Hooky Wiki

Episode 205 is the two hundred and fifth chapter of Hooky by Míriam Bonastre Tur.


Nico's friends leave Pendragon's house and ask the townspeople for help. Noah and his group hear them, but before they can go, Barry notices someone he knows in the distance.

Monica takes some of her potions from her storage trunk, while Damien fights the monster alone on hi broom. Damien first tries to use some attacking spells, but the monster dodges them. He so decides to trap the sea beast with a huge spherical shield but to his surprise the monster shows to be able to pass through it. Monica takes her broom while Dorian enlarges Carlo, and both join Damien in battle while Nico looks for Dani with the townsfolk.

In the meantime, since the monster seems unaffected by magic, William thinks of another plan. He takes his sword and climbs Pendragon's house until he reaches its rooftop. The he jumps inside the monster's mouth so he can kill it from the inside. Damien assists powerless to William's risky action and immediately cries his name in desperation. Still, William attack seems to have affected the monster, which falls to the ground.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

(*Note: Bold + Italicized = First Appearance)
