Hooky Wiki

Episode 49 is the forty-ninth episode of Hooky, created by Míriam Bonastre Tur. It is the fourth episode of King of the Witches Arc.


The episode is structured in hourly segments in an ordinary day as Dani as she navigates her daily routine with her new lifestyle as a non-magical person, and narrating her thoughts as she handles this transition.

Her day begins with her waking up, meeting Mark and Mr. Evans at the café, and working her job as best as she can. She is seen riding a bike to place deliveries instead of riding a broom, cleaning toilets without potions, and sweeping the floors without spells. At the end of her shift, Mark asks her if she’s tired – which she says she’s exhausted. He tells her he can tell his dad that she’s quitting, to which she says she isn’t going to quit. Mark says he’s leaving to go meet with his friends, to which Dani asks if she can come along. Mark says she’ll probably get bored, but she insists.

The two go to the Village Pub, and Dani feels awkward as all of Mark’s friends are older boys. As the boys talk about their jobs, Dani starts to doze off. Mark wakes her up, and says that life without magic must be that boring. He asks her if she’d want to go home and do magic with Dorian, but she says he needs to stop insisting she do magic. Dani mentally notes that Mark has been acting weird today, and that he seems sad. Dani suggests the group play cards, which they accept and have fun together.

Dani eventually heads back to Pendragon’s house and makes some hot chocolate for her and Dorian, when she notices a broom in the corner. She thinks back to what Mark said about having fun with magic and considers riding it, though she stops herself. As she heads upstairs, Dorian sticks his head out of the attic. He says he’s been waiting for her, and wants to know how her workday went, expecting it to have been horrible. Dani says it was cool, and she’s expecting she’ll get better. She offers him the hot chocolate and to tell him more about her day, but he abruptly leaves. Dani decides to go see if Monica is still awake.

After going back into his room, Dorian is seen with Mark. Mark says he tried everything he could to convince her to quit and do magic again, to which Dorian says they’ll have to keep trying. Mark says not to rush it, since she’ll eventually realize how great magic is.

The next day, Dani and Monica are out in the village shopping. Dani laments over Dorian’s bad mood, to which Monica says he’s been ignoring her for days, despite his promise to teach her. Dani considers apologizing to him, but Monica tells her she needs to make her own decisions. Dani is seen trying on different clothes Monica has picked for her, most of which are not quite her style – and decides on an overall dress.

As they leave the shops, Monica spots one of her father’s guards putting up a poster. They go take a look, and it’s an invitation to the public to attend a ball – including witches. Monica is excited, seeing it as another excuse to go shopping, but Dani is worried it could be a trap.

Characters in order of appearance[]


  • One of the other posters shown were advertising a circus. Miriam’s next webtoon following Hooky, Marionetta, takes place in a circus. The character on the poster is just a generic clown, so it is likely just a coincidence.
  • The other poster may be a reference to artist Alejandro Barrigon, creator of the webcomic Vampire Lilith and a mutual friend of Miriam.

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