Hooky Wiki

Episode 54 is the fifty-forth episode of Hooky by Míriam Bonastre Tur.


Nico and Mark have a conversation, Nico letting his feelings out whilst Mark listens. Nico is afraid of going back to his master again since he was really mad at him and tells Mark not to tell Pendragon that he was here. Mark hesitantly agrees.

The next day, Nico is caught red handed when Pendragon enters the bakery, Mark being the perpetrator of it. Nevertheless, he ignores it and tells his master that he will not be going back to his place. Surprisingly, Pendragon agrees, even saying that he should stay at Mr. Evans‘ place for a while. Mr Evans is shocked, saying it was a crazy idea and Pendragon in return says that he will give the money to help raise the boy.

Nico is betrayed by his agreement, feeling even more useless and unwanted by everyone around him. Mark chases after him and tries to reason with him but it was too late, Nico’s feelings were too overwhelming for any reasoning to help him. Nico says to Mark that he has no friends now which means he won’t have to help him anymore, obviously still having an inferiority complex towards those around him. And so he ran not looking back.

Shortly after the whole ordeal, Dani and Dorian arrive in the picture, the two that Pendragon had foresaw would arrive at his doorstep. Nico pretends to not care, trying to feel proud about himself and his accomplishments. It turned out he hated the both of them, Dani not so much since she was really cute and rather clumsy. Dorian on the other hand was everything that Nico wanted in his eyes and he felt jealous that he could achieve it so well. To top it all off, Dorian wasn’t condescending towards Nico, he actually looked up to him and Nico felt that he shouldn’t be looked up to because, in his opinion, he was the most useless thing to exist in the world.

Nico tried being horrible to Dorian since he identified him as his foil but that couldn’t work since, Dani ended up cursing him to be small. During that moment, Nico could truly see what it meant to be useless, to have everyone looked down upon you (literally this time). However he could also see that, in his own odd way, Pendragon did care for Nico and maybe, just maybe he was protecting him from all the danger that was going on around him. It was too late now though to apologise; the damage was done and he let everyone down by pushing them all away.

Fast-forward now to the present, Nico is having another conversation with Mark like he did at the beginning, this time he has shrunken from the spell. He asks Mark if he hates him to which Mark replies with a no. He then said that he thought Nico didn’t need him anymore since he had other friends to depend on. Nico responds, saying that he was really angry at the world and Mark being cool and really mature did not help things. Mark says that only he thought he was cool, no one else. In the end, he could never hate Mark because he was his best friend. Mark manages to convince Nico to go talk to Dorian.

Around the next day after, Nico’s friends and Dorian had stolen a chicken egg and their shoes are all wrapped to prevent from being dirty. Dani and Monica then pop out behind them, both being frustrated at Dorian for different reasons. Nico then finally decides to speak to Dorian alone.

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