Moderate Respect for the Zaibatsu is required in order to unlock this mission, indicated by the yellow light icon below the gang's respect-o-meter on the HUD.
The Kovski Russian Mafia has stolen a Box Truck full of brain chips from the Zaibatsu Corporation, and Uno Carb hires Claude to attack their compound in Mad Island and retrieve it. With the help of Zaibatsu associate Satchmo, they get access to the compound. However, while trying to unlock the main access gate, Satchmo is killed by an explosion caused by the booby trapped gate. Claude steals a Kovski Bulwark to fool the guards and get access to the gate. He kills the guard who opens the gate and uses the Bulwark to jump across the river using the ramp, and goes to find the Box Truck.
The exit gates of the compound are also locked, and Claude must find a way to destroy the two generators on top of the gate to unlock it. He manages to open the gates and escape with the Box Truck. On the way back to Uno Carb's garage, he is chased by the Kovski men.
The reward for completing the mission is $60,000, +1 Score Multiplier, and increased Zaibatsu Respect level.