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Kosai! Johnny Zoo here. The Zaibatsu have discovered our experiments with Doctor ZitZaki. He needs help - and fast. Collect the marked car parked at City University.

Get ZitZaki! is a mission in Grand Theft Auto 2 available during Area 1: Downtown, given to the protagonist Claude Speed by the Yakuza boss Johnny Zoo. The mission is available from the left green phone in the neighborhood of Shiroto in Downtown District.

Minimum Respect for the Yakuza is required in order to unlock this mission, indicated by the green light icon below the gang's respect-o-meter on the HUD.


After answering the phone, Claude is informed by Johnny Zoo that the Zaibatsu Corporation have discovered the experiments of Doctor ZitZaki from the Yakuza, and he wants him relocated immediately. Johnny sends Claude to get into the parked Miara at City University in Funabashi, use it to pick up Doctor ZitZaki from the district's nearby hospital, and drive him to the new Yakuza J-Lab.


The reward for completing the mission is $20,000, +1 Score Multiplier, and increased Yakuza Respect level.



Video Walkthroughs[]

PC Version
PlayStation Version


[ ve ]Grand Theft Auto series
Grand Theft AutoProtagonists | Liberty City (and New Guernsey) | San Andreas | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: London
London 1969Protagonists | London | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
London 1961Protagonists | London | Manchester | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto 2Claude Speed/GBC Protagonists | Anywhere City (Downtown | Residential | Industrial) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto IIIClaude | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Vice CityTommy Vercetti | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasCarl Johnson | State of San Andreas (Los SantosSan FierroLas VenturasRed CountyFlint CountyWhetstoneBone CountyTierra Robada) | Characters | Missions | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto AdvanceMike | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Soundtrack | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City StoriesToni Cipriani | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City StoriesVictor Vance | Vice City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto IVNiko Bellic | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Episodes from Liberty City
The Lost and DamnedJohnny Klebitz | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
The Ballad of Gay TonyLuis Fernando Lopez | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown WarsHuang Lee | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto VMichael De Santa | Trevor Philips | Franklin Clinton | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | State of North Yankton (Ludendorff) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Weapons | Vehicles | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto OnlineGTA Online Protagonist (Crews | Organizations | Motorcycle Clubs) | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | The Caribbean (Cayo Perico) | Missions | Jobs | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Reputation (Arena Points | LS Car Meet) | Content Updates | Events | Achievements/Trophies | Awards
Grand Theft Auto VILucia | Unnamed male accomplice | State of Leonida (Vice-Dale County | Kelly County | Leonard County) | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Collectibles | Multiplayer | Modifications | Controversy
[ ve ]Missions in Grand Theft Auto 2
Area1Downtown-GTA2-Icon Downtown
Johnny Zoo (Yakuza) Yakuza-GTA2-IconGet ZitZaki! | Bank Robbery! | Happy Gas Smash! (Destroy Happy Gas!) | Get Gama Rei! | Follow That Traitor! (Follow Traitor!) | SWAT Van Swipe! (Steal SWAT Van!) | Stop the Tank!
Trey Welsh (Zaibatsu) Zaibatsu-GTA2-IconCop Car Crush! | Wheeler-Dealing! (Drug Dealing!) | Lick Those Loonies! (Kill Loonies!) | Yutes Must Die! | Big Bank Job! | Armored Car Clash! (Armored Cars!) | Bank Van Theft!
Elmo (Loonies) Loonies-GTA2-IconRadio Za-Za! | Pizza Cake! | Who's Mad? (Who's Behind You!) | Destroy J-Lab! | Dimentia To Go! (Getta Isetta!) | Taxi Drivers Must Die! | Gang War A-Go-Go! (Start a Gang War!)
EndingThe Final Job!
Area2Residential-GTA2-Icon Residential
Billy Bob Bean (Rednecks) Rednecks-GTA2-IconDouble-Cross Crush! (Gang Car Bang!) | Blow Job! (Blow-Up!) | Benson Burner! | Greatest Hits! (In Too Deep!) | Tanks-Giving! (Second Hand Tank) | Gang Car Bang! (Gang Land Nonsense) | Penal Ties! (Alma Mater Return!)
Dr. LaBrat (Scientists) Scientists-GTA2-IconSink or Swim! (Pickup 'N' Drown!) | Fake Truce! | LaBrat's Plan! | Gran'pa We Love You! (Race 'N' Kidnap) | Redneck Attack! | Taxi Traitor Test! (RC Taxi!) | Water Carry On! (The Dam!)
Red Valdez (Zaibatsu) Zaibatsu-GTA2-IconFire Truck Fun! (Flame-It!) | Science Friction! (SRS Destruction!) | Operation Z! | Valdez Alert! | Law Enforcement Larceny! (Cop Stealin') | Murder in the Mall! (Mall Murder!) | Distraction Action! (Decoy Trailer!)
EndingThe Final Job!
Area3Industrial-GTA2-Icon Industrial
Sunbeam (Krishna) HareKrishna-GTA2-IconDeconstruction Yard! | Cop Car Scrap! (Police Car Scrap) | Cossack Conversion! | Conversion Evasion! (De-Con Labs!) | Sunbeam Contract! | Rooftop Rescue! | Power Station!
Uno Carb (Zaibatsu) Zaibatsu-GTA2-IconGrand Theft Auto! | It Was an Accident! | Payback! | Lock-Out! | Gang War! | I'd Like A Tank Please, Bob! | Army Base Alert!
Jerkov (Russian Mafia) RussianMafia-GTA2-IconHot Dog Homicide! (R.S. L. Bows!) | Mmm, Russian Sailors! (Russian Sailors!) | Officer Down! | Karma Assassins! | Tanks A Lot! | Vedic Massacre! | Super Grass Rescue!
EndingFinal Job!*
Side MissionsKill Frenzies | Wang Cars List | Bonus Stages
DemoGTA2 Demo v8.9
Missions in GTA 2 (Category) | Side Missions
* denotes the final story mission.