Get ZitZaki! is a mission in Grand Theft Auto 2 available during Area 1: Downtown, given to the protagonist Claude Speed by the Yakuza boss Johnny Zoo. The mission is available from the left green phone in the neighborhood of Shiroto in Downtown District.
Minimum Respect for the Yakuza is required in order to unlock this mission, indicated by the green light icon below the gang's respect-o-meter on the HUD.
After answering the phone, Claude is informed by Johnny Zoo that the Zaibatsu Corporation have discovered the experiments of Doctor ZitZaki from the Yakuza, and he wants him relocated immediately. Johnny sends Claude to get into the parked Miara at City University in Funabashi, use it to pick up Doctor ZitZaki from the district's nearby hospital, and drive him to the new Yakuza J-Lab.
The reward for completing the mission is $20,000, +1 Score Multiplier, and increased Yakuza Respect level.