Cossack Conversion! is a mission in Grand Theft Auto 2 available during Area 3: Industrial, given to the protagonist Claude Speed by the Hare Krishna boss Sunbeam. The mission is available from the left yellow phone from Krishna Krushers in the neighborhood of Tabernacle in Industrial District.
Moderate Respect for the Krishna is required in order to unlock this mission, indicated by the yellow light icon below the gang's respect-o-meter on the HUD.
Wanting to convert more Russians to the Hare Krishna cause, Sunbeam has Claude sneak into the heavily-fortified Lubyanka Warehouses to steal a truck, use it to trick the workers at Mad Island Docks in Tedium into boarding, then driving them to the Conversion House in northeast Tabernacle for indoctrination.
The reward for completing the mission is $60,000, +1 Score Multiplier, and increased Krishna Respect level.