Sink or Swim! (or Pickup 'N' Drown! in the PlayStation version) is a mission in Grand Theft Auto 2 available during Area 2: Residential, given to the protagonist Claude Speed by Sex and Reproductive Systems (SRS) Scientist boss Dr. LaBrat. The mission is available from the left green phone outside the Scientist Research Center at Dominatrix in Residential District.
Minimum Respect for the Scientists is required in order to unlock this mission, indicated by the green light icon below the gang's respect-o-meter on the HUD.
The Zaibatsu have stolen SRS information and Dr. LaBrat wants those responsible captured alive to find out what they know. He hires Claude to locate and steal a taxi to pick up four Zaibatsu operatives waiting for a cab around the district. Once all the operatives have been picked up, Dr. LaBrat has Claude drive the cab to the dockside crane to drown them.
The reward for completing the mission is $30,000, +1 Score Multiplier, and increased Scientists Respect level.