- 2015/04/12
- 08:00
"Yemen is Becoming an Extremist’s Dream. Was it Predictable?," Frontline, PBS, April 7, 2015.
Every entity in places like Yemen or in places like Syria or places like Iraq reports to a regional power. Unfortunately, [Yemen] became a proxy war. There were local wars, local conflicts. Regional powers used them and injected sectarianism in them a little bit and made it regional and sectarian conflicts.
The moment you inject sectarianism to it, you have a similar situation to what we have in Syria or similar situation to what we have in Iraq … So the moment that sectarianism becomes a problem, then you’re not talking about governments; you’re not talking about political reform; you’re not talking about economic factors or tribal factors or political factors that led to the problem at hand. You start talking about issues that have to do with religion and sectarianism, and people are really blinded to the real reasons that they started this war in the first place.
One of the things about the Middle East, especially recently, there is always a worst case scenario and a worst worst case scenario. Unfortunately, today the [situation in] Yemen is in its worst case scenario, but I am not convinced that this is the worst …
"Yemen is Becoming an Extremist’s Dream. Was it Predictable?," Frontline, PBS, April 7, 2015.
Every entity in places like Yemen or in places like Syria or places like Iraq reports to a regional power. Unfortunately, [Yemen] became a proxy war. There were local wars, local conflicts. Regional powers used them and injected sectarianism in them a little bit and made it regional and sectarian conflicts.
The moment you inject sectarianism to it, you have a similar situation to what we have in Syria or similar situation to what we have in Iraq … So the moment that sectarianism becomes a problem, then you’re not talking about governments; you’re not talking about political reform; you’re not talking about economic factors or tribal factors or political factors that led to the problem at hand. You start talking about issues that have to do with religion and sectarianism, and people are really blinded to the real reasons that they started this war in the first place.
One of the things about the Middle East, especially recently, there is always a worst case scenario and a worst worst case scenario. Unfortunately, today the [situation in] Yemen is in its worst case scenario, but I am not convinced that this is the worst …
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