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Rumble link Bitchute link Wyatt Peterson, author of the book Perfidy of Zion and the article “October 7 in Contextâ€, returns to discuss his new article “Parallels: JFK, RFK & 9/11.†In light of the apparent Trump assassination attempt, Wyatt provides some interesting historical context: “How many Americans are aware that the Jewish Secretary of... Listen
Rumble link Richard Gage, AIA, is best known for his work on controlled demolitions at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Recently he has taken an interest in questions about what really happened during the Palestinian Resistance’s Al-Aqsa Storm operation on October 7, including speculation about Israeli foreknowledge. Richard has been invited to... Listen
Arguably the two biggest stories of the 21st century—Israel’s 9/11/2001 false flag attack on America, and the neocon COVID bioattack on China and Iran—were first/most credibly aired right here on Truth Jihad Radio. Two of the key people responsible for breaking those stories return to Truth Jihad Radio tonight to kick off 2024! Here is... Listen
Alan Sabrosky made alt-media headlines in 2010 when he appeared on my radio show and said: “They did it. I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the US Army War College, at the Marine Corps headquarters, and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100%... Listen
Approaching the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, one of the notable new articles is Mark Gaffney’s “The Demolition of the World Trade Center (The Devil’s Trick).†It summarizes the case for controlled demolition at the World Trade Center, and (controversially) considers Heinz Pommer’s arguments for a nuclear component to the final takedowns of the Towers. Mark... Listen
Philanthropist Jimmy Walter fled the USA in January, 2005 after a series of threats and vandalism attacks related to his 9/11 truth activism—which included funding full-page ads in the New York Times and Washington Post, distributing more than 300,000 copies of his Confronting the Evidence DVD, and sponsoring several conferences and speaking events. Jimmy recently... Listen
Barrie Zwicker “was the first mainstream journalist in the world to go on air (in January 2002) and ask hard questions about the official story of 9/11.†He “was Director of the International Citizens’ Inquiry Into 9/11, held in Toronto May 25-30 May 2004, at University of Toronto’s Convocation Hall. It featured 40 presenters from... Listen
Ron Unz of The Unz Review discusses his latest, “The Neocons and Their Rise to Power,†as well as my latest, “Chomsky’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein—and Suspected 9/11 Mastermind Ehud Barak—Exposed.†We largely agree on the neocons. But Ron thinks my article is too hard on Chomsky. We also disagree about allegations of Cheney-Rumsfeld complicity... Listen
Human rights activist El-Hajj Mauri’ Salakhan of Aafia.org discusses the “Free Aafia†demonstrations he’s helping organize, scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 23, near where Aafia Siddiqui is being held at the Federal Medical Center, Carswell, in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas. As I wrote in the posting for last month’s interview with Gordon Duff: Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was... Listen
First half hour: Scheduled guest Al-Hajj Mauri’ Saalakhan of the Aafia Foundation, named in honor of Aafia Siddiqui, couldn’t make it, so Gordon Duff of Veterans Today and The Intel Drop filled in. Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was the victim of what Ramsey Clark called “the worst case of individual injustice I have ever witnessed.†A... Listen
Legendary math-science whiz and 9/11 researcher AK Dewdney (University of Western Ontario) joins Truth Jihad Radio to discuss conspiracy facts and hypotheses on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the September 2001 attacks. He discusses his Project Achilles experiments that proved government and media claims that passengers on hijacked planes successfully placed cell phone... Listen
Author-activist Sander Hicks discusses his latest 15-minutes-of-fame thanks to the Forward article “Author who alleged Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks endorses candidate in Brooklyn House race.†Sander responded with an open letter to the Forward that commends the Forward for its coverage of the five “dancing Israeli†spies who were caught on 9/11 apparently... Listen
Ron Unz of the Unz Review discusses his new articles “Alex Jones, Cass Sunstein, and ‘Cognitive Infiltration’†and “Twitter Cancels Russia Over Covid Biowarfare Accusations.†Are true conspiracy theories (9/11 was a neocon-Zionist false flag, COVID emerged from a US bio-attack on Wuhan and Qom, Podesta’s Wikileaked emails appear to contain references to elite pedophilia)... Listen
Why won’t any qualified experts defend the official story? I regularly host this annual debate, sponsored by the Association for Nine Eleven Truth Awareness. Richard Gage, the guest debater this year, then provides a most persuasive presentation of the main points of the debate that would have to be satisfactorily addressed by a future opponent... Listen
Legendary math-science polymath and 9/11 truth researcher A.K. Dewdney discusses strategies for exposing the New World Order, specifically through his New World Intelligencer newsletter. During the interview he mentions the pro-9/11-truth documentary broadcast by Japan’s Asahi television network, the second-most-watched mainstream TV network in Japan. Listen
Psychotherapist Frances Shure is the author of Why Do Good People Become Silent — or Worse — About 9/11?, a 23-part series that is expected to be eventually published as a book. In the latest installment, “Part 23-B: The Role of the Media — The Structure of the Media: Digital Media and ‘Warp-Speed’ Censorship in... Listen
Mick Harrison and Richard Gage AIA of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry discuss the oral arguments presented earlier today to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit: “Court to decide if 9/11 victim family members, ground zero responders, and nonprofits have standing to sue U.S. Attorney for obstructing their First Amendment petition... Listen
Jamie Macphail’s book 9/11: Unraveling the Lies is a terrific resource for newcomers to the controversies around 9/11—and also for us old-timers who occasionally need to refresh our memories. As the author puts it, the book is “A comprehensive and up to date analysis summarized into one volume to provide an overview for both convinced... Listen
Dr. Alan Sabrosky USMC, “most censored man in America,†former head of Strategic Studies, US Army War College, announced his retirement from public speaking on my radio show October 8th. Fortunately he is coming out of retirement tonight. He recently posted on his Facebook page: “SEVERAL WEEKS AGO, before my most recent 3-day (FB) ban... Listen
Mathematics and science professor and Sufism-oriented Muslim A.K. Dewdney ponders: “I am increasingly sceptical these days when I read reports from otherwise (seemingly) reliable activists that ‘The Deep State Is In a Panic,’ or ‘This is a game-changer’ or ‘Deep state retreats’ or ‘VAX plan failing’ and on and on and on. Such assessments may... Listen
Dr. Alan Sabrosky USMC, “most censored man in America,†former head of Strategic Studies, US Army War College, returns to Truth Jihad Radio with politically incorrect takes a long list of issues, starting with 9/11—the topic that brought him to my radio show in 2010 to debut his “Israel did it†interpretation of the mother... Listen
Ken Meyercord discusses his article “9/11: Controlled Demolition of Truth.†In it he writes: “I believe the planes were remotely controlled. One of the most telling pieces of evidence for this is the incredible bit of flying the supposed pilot of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon, Hani Hanjour, performed. The maneuver he made—a... Listen
First half-hour: Henry Herskovitz breaks the good news: The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan at Detroit has upheld the First Amendment right of Henry and others to protest Zionism, Jewish power, and the Palestinian genocide in front of Beth Israel Synagogue in Ann Arbor. As the court writes in its... Listen
Long-time 9/11 activist, poet, and Vermont secessionist Jim Hogue, author of the classic “Ballad of Ladder Five,†is fired up to resist the escalating vaccine mandates: “I hope they move into soft-target Vermont first with these draconian plans. Maybe there are more of us than we think who will stand up to them. My guess... Listen
Former NASA scientist Dwain Deets discusses Scientists for 9/11 Truth‘s research on how airplanes were and were not used in the 9/11 false flag operation. Deets says that the Flight Data Recorder record of the eastbound leg of Flight 77’s journey that allegedly ended with an extremely high-speed ground-level crash into the Pentagon deserves scrutiny:... Listen
Family members Bob McIlvaine and Joe Krackenfels join Ray McGinnis, author of Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored. Bob McIlvaine’s son Bobby, and Joe Krackenfels’ nephew Leonard, were murdered on 9/11 by the criminals who orchestrated the explosive demolition of the World Trade Center. They are joined by... Listen
Former White House Policy Analyst Barbara Honegger discusses Biden’s declassification review of FBI 9/11 documents, Richard Gage’s reported resignation from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, the censored Spike Lee segment on the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, and upcoming 9/11 20th anniversary events, including: The 9/11 Truth Film Festival in Oakland, CA... Listen
Why did the perpetrators of the 1968 RFK assassination use a Palestinian as their hypnotized patsy? Is it just a coincidence that Jacob Rubenstein (“Jack Rubyâ€), the mob bagman who silenced Lee Harvey “I’m just a patsy†Oswald, worked for gangster Mickey Cohen, the all-time biggest fundraiser for Israel in US history? (And that the... Listen
Steven Rosenbaum and Pamela Yoder are the filmmakers behind The Outsider, scheduled for release August 19th—assuming the 9/11 Museum’s team of lawyers hired to torpedo the film do not succeed. As the New York Daily News reports: “Top officials of the 9/11 Memorial and Museum want to cut 18 scenes they call ‘defamatory’ from an... Listen
Ray McGinnis, author of Writing the Sacred, has just come out with a new book about 9/11. Entitled Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored, it “explores the efforts of the Family Steering Committee and other September Eleventh family members, and first responders, to have a transparent, accountable, and... Listen
First hour: Author, journalist, and geopolitics expert Eric Walberg grew up as a Communist sympathizer in Cold War era Canada. Somewhere along the line he converted to Islam. So Eric got a chance to be demonized twice! His new article “Needed urgently! New US national myth†reviews Andrei Martyanov’s Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American... Listen
Senator Mike Gravel passed away last Saturday, June 26. Obituaries by the New York Times, Democracy Now, and other supposedly trustworthy outlets failed to mention Senator Gravel’s nearly two decades of support for the 9/11 truth movement, which he was privately advising even before I came onboard in 2004. In affectionate memory of one of... Listen
What roles did neoconservatism (the Straussian atheistic political philosophy of the Big Lie) and Zionism (the messianic-millennarian project dedicated to creating and maintaining a Jewish state in Palestine) play in 9/11? Why are there double-standards governing what can and can’t be said about Jews on the one hand, and Muslims on the other? How has... Listen
They say no good deed goes unpunished. Classic example: When Iranian filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh, Iran’s leading talk show host, founded the New Horizon NGO to bring independent thinkers from all over the world to Tehran seeking dialogue and common ground, the Zionist-occupied US Treasury Department slapped him with sanctions and all but labeled him a... Listen
Edward Curtin discusses Ron Unz’s argument that COVID was deliberately unleashed by neocons in a biowar attack on China and Iran, as well as Ed’s recent article “Second Stage Terror Wars,†which begins: “It is well known that the endless U.S. war on terror was overtly launched following the mass murders of September 11, 2001... Listen
Note: this show begins with a brief commentary on YouTube censoring yesterday’s False Flag Weekly News. Then Jim Hogue describes how he was forced off the air after two decades at a college radio station for saying that he was boycotting Israel. Since free speech in America is almost dead, should we be locking and... Listen
Since the recent 9/11 physics debate focusing on the nuclear demolition hypothesis garnered a lot of interest in the Unz comment section, and since nanothermite-investigating chemistry professor Niels Harrit recently published an interesting article on the shortcomings of PCR tests, I thought this would be a good time for a flashback to the Great Demolition... Listen
Dr. Joel Hirschhorn just published a new book: PANDEMIC BLUNDER – FAUCI AND PUBLIC HEALTH BLOCKED EARLY HOME COVID TREATMENT Dr. Joel Hirschhorn is also the author of “The 9/11 Truth Manifesto.†I respect his integrity, and have a good reason for that. In 2007 I first interviewed him on my radio show about his... Listen
Researcher and author Elias Davidsson has shown that there is no evidence any Muslims hijacked planes on 9/11. (See his book Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11, reviewed here, as well as the new America’s Betrayal Confirmed.) He also exposed “India’s 9/11†– the 26/11/2008 attacks on Mumbai—in his book The Betrayal of India: Revisiting the... Listen
Journalist and activist Barbara Honegger returns to Truth Jihad Radio. She sent this list of topics: 1) The Lawyers’ Committee’s Oct. 15th filing with all 535 Members of Congress a Petition calling for a reopening of the Anthrax Attacks investigation. The date was intentionally chosen as it’s the anniversary of the date Daschle’s aide opened... Listen
Adam Green of KnowMoreNews just had his YouTube channel taken down. Why? Maybe because he is asking why the many well-documented reports of Zionist foreknowledge of 9/11 — including a just-discovered report about Israel’s top Hasidic rabbi saying “say goodbye to those (Twin Towers), you won’t be seeing them again†not long before the demolitions—are... Listen
Wisconsin lumberjack and author Homer Van Meter r ecently published Living in Rome: A 9/11 Story. Though thinly-disguised autobiography, it reads like a novel and packs a powerful punch. If Hemingway had been around to predict 9/11 a few days before it happened while on a moose hunting trip, then survive a near-lethal attack triggered... Listen
Whistleblowing ex-Air Traffic Controller Robin Hordon, a source for some of David Ray Griffin’s work on the 9/11 planes, offers a different take on AA77 and related issues from David Chandler’s. At the end of the show he updates us on his civil information activism, which will be taking him to the Portland “civil war... Listen
David Chandler of Scientists for 9/11 Truth has done important work on the controlled demolitions of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7. Tonight he discusses his latest video AA Flight 77 at the Pentagon. David Chandler, Wayne Coste, and others offer a detailed forensic argument that a large plane, almost certainly the one... Listen
In his new article “Is This the Man with his Finger on the Button?†award-winning journalist Eric Margolis offers a nuanced yet devastating assessment of Trump’s alleged remarks calling fallen soldiers “losers†and “suckersâ€: “Our commander-in-chief Trump reportedly dodged the Vietnam era draft six times, at least once because of a little bone spur in... Listen
I recently encountered the work of Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy through his review of The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton, reprinted below. (Check out my interview with co-author David Martin.) Clearly “Charlie†McCarthy is one of those rare American religious leaders who are both well-informed and committed to seeking and speaking the truth. In this interview... Listen
Musician and philosopher Gilad Atzmon searches for the roots of our ever-escalating apocalyptic hysteria and finds them—where else—in the Torah, a.k.a. Old Testament, and its interpretive traditions. Check out his new article Apocalypse Now! Excerpts: “For two decades, we, the people who happen to dwell on this planet, have been subjected to repeated apocalyptic hysteria.... Listen