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Alan Sabrosky’s First First Friday

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Arguably the two biggest stories of the 21st century—Israel’s 9/11/2001 false flag attack on America, and the neocon COVID bioattack on China and Iran—were first/most credibly aired right here on Truth Jihad Radio. Two of the key people responsible for breaking those stories return to Truth Jihad Radio tonight to kick off 2024! Here is the archive of the first hour with Dr. Alan Sabrosky. The second hour with Jeff Brown will follow.

First hour: Good news for 2024: Retired Marine Corps officer Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former Head of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College, is back in good health and planning regular appearances every first Friday of the month here on Truth Jihad Radio!

“Doc” Sabrosky made alt-media headlines in 2010 when he appeared on my radio show and said: “They did it. I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the US Army War College, at the Marine Corps headquarters, and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation.” Since then Dr. Sabrosky has become a notable but much-censored critic of the Zionist genocide of Palestine and occupation of America. (He says he expresses his Jewish identity through cuisine, not foreign policy.)

So what’s his take on the biggest stories of the week and of 2023? Tune in and find out!


I started a couple of years ago, actually about a year and a half ago, to do what I thought was going to be a series of three articles on America’s Endgame. And the first one went out. And then I got distracted into secondary articles. And also I realized that the other articles were going to be about 20,000 words apiece and absolutely no one would read them.

They were going to be big enough anyway.

And there was a delay because of my vision, and some shoulder injuries that came home to roost So I couldn’t even use a mouse or keyboard for about three months. But now I’ve got three articles that are coming out, starting in about two weeks, at one week intervals.

The first one is called “The Culling Fields.” And it’s a take on the killing fields in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. It’s an attempt to look at why so many, not necessarily warlike, but strong countries, as different as Germany and Ireland and the United States, have effectively caved with barely a whimper to the woke dementia enfolding them.

Because they didn’t all have the same experience. Ireland wasn’t in either World War. It had strong and different movements in the Roman Catholic Church and the IRA, and it now has a homosexual Hindu as its Prime Minister.

That’s serious intersectionality, isn’t it?

It’s very much that.

Ireland has one of the largest migration rates in Europe. And when there’s the same amount of migrant violence that there is in so many countries, a lot of it from Sub-Saharan Africa, not North Africa or the Middle East, and both the Catholic Church and the IRA say nothing.

Germany, you can understand. It lost 10% of its population in World War II, half civilians, had between 6 and 8 million women raped by Soviet, American, or French colonial troops at the end of the war, was partitioned, occupied, lost most of its territory. The process of denazification was actually a process of de-Germanification, and they were effectively stripped of anything that resembled the type of German heritage that they had.

And you could sort of understand them. But not Ireland.

But then there’s the United States, which was on the winning side of both world wars, and had, I’m going to say minuscule casualties…

…So I’ve been looking at that and I think I found an explanation. I’m going to explore that completely in the first article.

The second one looks at Germany and it’s basically calling for a repartition of Germany. That the eastern part of Germany, the eastern states, the ones that were communist states, like the former communist regimes, most of them in Eastern Europe and Russia, are absolutely not going along with the woke agenda.

Whereas the West, Western Germany is in overdrive on this. And if there’s going to be anything saved of Germany, maybe the two pieces of it need to be separate.

There was a, there was a nasty incident, uh, I think within the past week where at the trial, A female judge presided over the trial of eight migrants, and I don’t know where they were from, who gang-raped a 15-year-old German girl, and she turned them loose without any punishment.

And there was a really interesting meme which showed the two Germans, and there was a wall called East Germany, and they were rebuilding the wall with bricks, putting a wall between them. I’m actually going to explore that: what would it take, and is it a good idea?

The third one is the final one on America’s Endgame. It basically looks at where we could have gone in 2020 and where I believe it is now too late for us to go in 2024, which is going to be a replay of 2020 from the left side.

And it’s basically called Ruthless or Ruined. You know, what did America’s endgame mean? We should have been ruthless and instead we’ve been ruined. There may be a chance to save something of it.

I think we can salvage something of the United States, something of what was the United States that I served and loved and still love for at least for its ideals, if not for its reality. And it’s not going to be all of the United States.

One of the classic axioms in military tactics and strategy is that if you try and defend everything, you end up defending nothing. Basically, you spread yourself too thin and you lose the whole thing…

(Republished from Truth Jihad by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Foreign Policy •�Tags: 9/11, Conspiracy Theories, Covid, Israel/Palestine
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  1. I read a “Deathbed Confession” ,supposedly by a member of the 1,000 man Crew working under Mossad supervision, planting High Explosive Demolition Charges in the Twin Towers 2001. Netanyahu said ,
    right after, that “9-11 was very good for Israel ” I watched it on UK TV and it looked obviously like
    a Commercial Demolition. Volcanic Dust Clouds and the Structure Falling Vertically, “into it`s
    own footprint”. NYPD Helicopter Photos showed Gaping Holes where the Basement Foundations
    should have been. For a 110 Story Building ,containing 100,000 Tons of Steel to fall Straight Down,
    the “Bathtub” Foundations had to be Vaporised. People have theorized that a Nuclear Device had to have been used. Such as a B61 x 1 Kiloton Bomb, or a 203 mm Atomic Artillery Shell. Israel has both of these Weapons. First Responders and Cleanup Workers have developed the Same Cancers as the
    Russian Firemen and Helicopter Pilots at Chernobyl.

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