Psychotherapist Fran Shure on 9/11 & COVID Psy-Ops
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Psychotherapist Frances Shure is the author of Why Do Good People Become Silent — or Worse — About 9/11?, a 23-part series that is expected to be eventually published as a book. In the latest installment, “Part 23-B: The Role of the Media — The Structure of the Media: Digital Media and ‘Warp-Speed’ Censorship in the Covid Era,” Fran analyzes the censorship epidemic that has swept America and the world during recent years, and discusses the way fear has been weaponized to brainwash the public into accepting the sacred myths of 9/11 and COVID.
(Republished from Truth Jihad by permission of author or representative)
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Really annoying to listen to your podcasts when the guests have a lousy connection and you try to give and interview which cuts out over and over. I’m sure most people would tune out once you lose connection. Like your podcast “Dr. Peter Chojnowski on Fatima Apparitions Conspiracy” was certainly unlistenable once Dr. Chojnowski got to the juicy parts, and I gave up after losing connection numerous times. I was led to believe somebody was actively trying to ruin your presentation, which is not a crazy thought these days. Still waiting to listen to Frances Shure at 16:00 so shut up and let her speak, please. “Where where we?” says Fran.
Note on geopolitical aspect: We’re not sure who did what or when. You’re jumping the gun again (like usual) to suppose it’s another Anglo-Zionist conspiracy “against China”, etc. All the great powers seem to be in on the subterfuge. All the great power came up at the same time with “Beast Vaxx” chocked full of graphine bio-electronics. All great powers, and lesser ones, became heavily involved in the fear campaign, using psychology as a weapon, as Fran says. These were not accidents. It just seems me there’s some some sort of higher conspiracy going on. Do the Zionist control everybody? The Davos crowd? Alien beings?
“30 million Muslims” killed in the post 9/11 wars doesn’t jive well with “6 million killed in the Holocaust”. A more accurate comparison would be to use 50 or 60 million or so WW II casualties from all causes. Small point, but it goes along with your skewed thinking and your anti-Zionist tact to get that wrong. It doesn’t take much for “fact checkers” to render you important points rather null and void when you miss these finer points. The thrust of your original point is completely valid and important.
Critical thinking to me has become an independent exercise. It would seem in the last 20 years the MIC goes back and forth across the right and left divide depending on the particular need.
I have a theory about the the hostility of the Dems to the unvaccinated. I think the vaccines actually have the nano-bioelectronic capability to actually change a person’s thinking and opinion. How else does one explain the 180 turn of the Dem electorate the last 2 years. Talk about a conspiracy theory? Gotta make my tin foil hat now, bye.
Truck than Cuck.
Video Link
Road Revolution, the wheels of history.
If you reverse engineer the effects on most Democrats/lefty types who took the vaccine it looks like it activated the “fear and hate the other” portion of the brain–while seemingly keeping the Republican conservative types who took the vaxx quiet and obedient.
The Deep State has been working on mind control since the 1950s–it may well be these vaxxes are human experimentation on a large scale.
I am sure they will tell us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth–with fully declassified (unredacted) documents sometime in the next thousand years.
Good points all, jsinton.
Can you get Laurent comment on Curtin?
And anybody else for that matter.
RFK is solved!
Per analogiam JFK too!
Serial killers!
They just got the habit.
Get them all now, Trudeau Schwab Ardern Morrisson Biden Macron Boris and all the other WEF Junge Globale Leiter, or Young Global Leaders.
You, that is You Kevin.
KB, controlled opposition
The plural of Moose is(5 pts)
a) Mooses
b) Moose
Check out this parasitic worm Saad Omer, trying to automate manipulation of the American peoples. Lying scumbag wants to pit compliant dupes against people who check out his Big Goebbels Lies
Yale is yet another institution that spent the pandemic pissing away the remnants of its reputation. Just fuckin nuke it.
Does ‘persuasive messaging’ by recidivist liars mean something akin to water-boarding?