Musician and philosopher Gilad Atzmon searches for the roots of our ever-escalating apocalyptic hysteria and finds them—where else—in the Torah, a.k.a. Old Testament, and its interpretive traditions. Check out his new article Apocalypse Now! Excerpts:
“For two decades, we, the people who happen to dwell on this planet, have been subjected to repeated apocalyptic hysteria. Following 9/11 we were taken into a world war against Islam as the ‘Islamists,’ we were told by our Neocon masters, were ‘intending to eradicate our civilization.’ Shortly after, the economic bubble collapsed. We were prepared for global poverty. Even as we recovered from the economic turmoil, global warming was threatening to grill us alive or maybe flush us into the ocean. In between all of those catastrophic scenarios, Isis was also a global existential threat and then came Covid-19…
“We observe that those who express any doubts about the official 9/11 narrative, global warming hysteria or Covid 19 are quickly labelled by the media as ‘rightwing,’ ‘Nazis,’ Conspiracy Theorists and antisemites. And we should know why: those who question the current apocalyptic religions interfere with our ‘new monotheistic Jerusalemite order’ — they think for themselves.”

Atzmon should stick to written word.
Trying to follow his spoken ramblings w all the um s and uh s is sheer torture.
Not worth the price of admission.
I think he said “The god of Jews operates by invoking fear; only way Jews can allay their terror is by carrying out (mindless) rituals.
Jews are imposing their terror god on RoW.
My 2 cents: Should be other way around.
In fact, world was a better place when neurosis of jewishness was marginalised.
Christians allowed themselves to be bought, bribed, bullied by jews.
Forget about constantly raggi.g on jews.
Christian – Ness is in need of profound reform, renewal, re-invigoration.
The People in the Pews used to be known as The Church MILITANT.
Thanks to Gilad Atzmon’s book The Wandering Who? I was able to accept and no longer suppress what I was already wrestling inside with (suppressing) about the primacy of their tribe and their suffering over all others. His insights during these chaotic times help bring clarity. Must have him on from time to time as things are evolving fast with COVID mass psychosis.
Athensness was never a thing in America from Cotton Mather until now. Witch hunting conformism goes back even to the Druids burning people in the wicker man. The Anglosphere was a virgin ovum waiting to be fertilized by the Jerusalemite seed.
While I deeply enjoy your podcast, I wonder if its lack of “Jerusalemness” is what causes its lack of appeal to the Amerigolem Jerusalemite. If you want more listeners, I would suggest getting a large steel building and opening a Megachurch where you tell your flock that they are the elect of God.
We invent our own history just like the Jews. There is this phony notion that America was once Deist, Athenian, scientific. The vast majority never believed in these things. The Enlightenment never came to America. The cracker hates education. He hates opposing points of view. He hates Athens even while aping its architecture.
Gilad, you are a great guy. However, even an atheistic interpretation of the world says that things will end eventually.
Saint Paul in Athens from the Acts of the Apostles. Saint Paul was not a “dajjal” as one of those British converts to Islam said in one of Dr. Barrett’s podcast:
17:16 Now whilst Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred within him, seeing the city wholly given to idolatry.
17:17 He disputed, therefore, in the synagogue with the Jews, and with them that served God, and in the marketplace, every day with them that were there.
17:18 And certain philosophers of the Epicureans and of the Stoics disputed with him; and some said: What is it, that this word sower would say? But others: He seemeth to be a setter forth of new gods; because he preached to them Jesus and the resurrection.
17:19 And taking him, they brought him to the Areopagus, saying: May we know what this new doctrine is, which thou speakest of?
17:20 For thou bringest in certain new things to our ears. We would know therefore what these things mean.
17:21 (Now all the Athenians, and strangers that were there, employed themselves in nothing else, but either in telling or in hearing some new thing.)
17:22 But Paul standing in the midst of the Areopagus, said: Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are too superstitious.
17:23 For passing by, and seeing your idols, I found an altar also, on which was written: To the unknown God. What therefore you worship, without knowing it, that I preach to you:
17:24 God, who made the world, and all things therein; he, being Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;
17:25 Neither is he served with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing; seeing it is he who giveth to all life, and breath, and all things:
17:26 And hath made of one, all mankind, to dwell upon the whole face of the earth, determining appointed times, and the limits of their habitation.
17:27 That they should seek God, if happily they may feel after him or find him, although he be not far from every one of us:
17:28 For in him we live, and move, and are; as some also of your own poets said: For we are also his offspring.
17:29 Being therefore the offspring of God, we must not suppose the divinity to be like unto gold, or silver, or stone, the graving of art, and device of man.
17:30 And God indeed having winked at the times of this ignorance, now declareth unto men, that all should every where do penance.
17:31 Because he hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the world in equity, by the man whom he hath appointed; giving faith to all, by raising him up from the dead.
17:32 And when they had heard of the resurrection of the dead, some indeed mocked, but others said: We will hear thee again concerning this matter.
17:33 So Paul went out from among them.
17:34 But certain men adhering to him, did believe; among whom was also Dionysius, the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.
18:1 AFTER these things, departing from Athens, he came to Corinth.
My advice, for what it’s worth, is that both Kevin and Gilad should be baptized in the Orthodox Church:
I say this only out of concern for you and your soul. I am a recent convert to Orthodox Christianity. I say the same thing to people I know, even lapsed Orthodox apostates who became Marxists, and they think I’m being eccentric. If you examine Orthodoxy and patristic literature, not the Roman Catholic heretics adulterated their doctrines due to schism and learning the heresies of the Muslim Aristotelian philosophers of Spain, if you examine Orthodoxy honestly and read the Cappadocian fathers et. al., you will begin to realize that “Athens” is not enough. This anecdote is somewhere in the Lives of the Saints: a zealous priest during the days of Byzantium was railing against Plato, and then Plato appeared to him in a dream and said: “Do not condemn me: I was the first to believe in Christ when he came down to Hades.” From the perspective of Orthodoxy, Talmudic Judaism is simply another heresy. Even the kippa which you mention is just another innovation drawing on Turkic influence in 16th century Poland. But the Orthodox believe that the Old Testament was a preparation for the advent of Jesus Christ, who came to save all humanity. Israel was chosen to prepare the way for the believe in the One God in the Trinity. The True God couldn’t have just shown up in Babylon or Varanasi and said: “Alright, the show is over, you’re all saved.” As the Apostle Paul writes, God wants friends, not servants. God chose Israel to wean humanity off of millennia of horrible paganism in which our ancestors literally worshipped demons who demand human sacrifice. I studied semiotics. The God of Israel, YHWH, has unique name: “I am Who I am.” He doesn’t have a “name” in the sense of pagan gods like Venus, whose literal proto-Indo-European meaning is “desire.” Or Jupiter, which means “father of Gods,” who kills his father Saturn. YHWH forbids human sacrifice; this is the meaning of the binding of Isaac. YHWH inspires the prophets like Isaiah to see the advent of His Son, the incarnate Logos. And the Old Testament is not simply a genocidal text. Have you ever read the Book of Ruth in which a Moabite woman is accepted in Israel and becomes the grandmother of King David??? When it comes to “genocide,” YHWH was no worse than other “deities.” Read the Rig Veda which celebrates the wholesale slaughter of non-Aryans. Study Aztec history, what Alexander the Great did in Tyre. Read the Illiad. Ancient texts were hyperbolic. It is questionable whether these “genocides” even occurred. It’s like when Jesus Christ tells his disciples to “cut of their arm” if they sin with the arm, not meant to be taken literally. The Assyrians celebrated their genocides much as the Jews did; there are all those cuneiform tablets in which the king says: “I went to the city and massacred everybody.” As for your fascination with “Athens,” I think it is rather facile. This notion of “Athens” as liberating the mind from the shackles of “Jerusalem” is pretty naive from my perspective, no offense. “Rationalistic” philosophies killed more people than Orthodox Christianity or even Joshua and King David, viz. Marxism, the Jacobins, etc. The Jacobins ransacked Notre Dame and put up a statue to the “Goddess of Reason.” Meanwhile, they massacred priests, decapitated aristocrats, burned churches, etc. As for “Athens” as the luminary that will save us, read the Acts of the Apostles when St. Paul goes to Athens. Also, PLEASE READ “Philosophy as a Way of Life” by Pierre Hadot. It is a modern fallacy to think of “ancient philosophy” as being supremely rational in comparison to Judaism. Ancient Philosophy, Platonism, Stoicism, etc., was very much a religion with rituals, meditation, prescribed diets, discipleship to philosopher gurus. Late Antique philosophy believed in magic. Porphyry, the disciple of Plotinus, was into theurgy and his disciples saw him levitating. Even Newton believed in the occult. Socrates had his “daimon” or “guarding spirit.” My point is that “Athens” wasn’t as “rational” as you think Gilad. And Athens ended up condemning Socrates to death. The Greeks were about as xenophobic as the Israelites, they owned slaves. Non-Hellenized peoples were “barbarians.” The history of human cruelty and genocide is not exclusive to Joshua and David. Read about the Saxon Crusade in Poland, the Mongols. I return to the names: YHWH is pure ontology. Unfortunately, the Pharisees, rejecting Christ, Yeshua ha-Moshiah, fell for a materialist ethnocentric heresy devoid of God’s light, the same way Guyenot falls for this Neo-pagan gnostic heresy. It’s very foolish in my opinion. There was a professor I knew. A student in a lecture opined that “the moon landing was the greatest moment in human history.” The professor responded: “No, the greatest moment in human history was the resurrection of Christ.” This is how the Orthodox Christians and most Christians see it. My sincere hope for lapsed Jews like Gilad who see the bankruptcy of the Talmudic pharisaic heresy would be for them to be baptized in the “Chalcedonian” Orthodox Church which recognizes the Seven Ecumenical Councils. This requires great humility, but the reward, eternal life in Christ, is immense. If you decide to become Christian Gilad, which I suspect you secretly are in a way, just please don’t go to the Catholics, protestants, Monophysites, Nestorians or messianic Jews. They all got lost because their clergy followed their egos. Follow the example of Father James Bernstein who became an Orthodox priest or Adam Israel Shamir. Leave Athens and “Old Jerusalem.” Go to the “New Jerusalem” which is eternal and incorruptible, in which all nations, righteous Jews included, bask in the Uncreated Light. Remember, Orthodox and other Christians regard a Jewish woman, Mort Miriam bat Yehoyaqim, as the greatest human who ever lived and we venerate her daily. It is only in Christianity that God and man are reconciled. Judaism, Islam, Neo-Platonism, they all miss the mark. And the “rationalism” or “independent thought” of Athens ultimately ends up in amorphous confusion. Read the homilies by Saint John Chrysostom on pagan philosophy, and you’ll understand. And if you were a Late Antique philosopher, it would mean joining a sect, finding a guru, meditating, not eating certain foods, maybe levitating. The Late Antique philosophy of Athens was more like “Hare Krishna” than the pristine rationalism you imagine. May you see the light.
I think Time Traveller has a point ”Athensness was never a thing in America from Cotton Mather until now.”
I recall reading much of the above about America in Prof. Anthony Hall’s 1000 page thesis AMERICAN EMPIRE AND THE FOURTH WORLD. Before Jews began to be the force of today in the USA and Canada they had their problems. They had their blind spot over aboriginal understanding of our world. Private land ownership was supreme over the natives ‘inferior’ communal ownership of land.,and much more. American puritanism wasn’t healthy either.
Morris Berman’s book entitled Why America Failed: The Roots of American Decline is good too. America was heading to making money at all cost.’ Worshipping’ of technology…….The French thinker Alexis Tocqueville is quoted in his book. I was shocked to see his view of America when he visited in the early to mid 1800s. As a liberal, Berman found respect in the American south’s slower pace of life, family, no-hyper tech……
A similar conclusion was found in an American expat living in Quebec, Canada. Robert Dole’s book entitled ”Cauchemar Americain ”(French for American Nightmare). Dole teaches in Chicoutimi Quebec
This was an excellent exchange, and it really seemed to benefit from Kevin Barrett’s comments. The only problems I have with Gilad’s “Apocalypse” are the examples, specifically, the masks and the climate problem. Of course, it’s possible to see these things in terms of indoctrination, or “judaification”, but sometimes a mask is just a mask (i.e., worn to suppress transmission).
As for the coming climate chaos, I can’t think of any practical reason to go on denying it . . the science (and here I’m speaking of predictions based on empirical data like ice cores, lake sediments, atmospheric CO2 and temperature measurements) says we’re heading for something like Blade Runner 2049 . . to wit
Video Link
Video Link
. . and by the way, this footage was taken in daytime.
Even Newton believed in the occult.
Please cite some example’s of Newton’s occultism.
I agree, and a few months ago I came across an article arguing that society was undergoing an occult initiation ritual. I put that idea to one side, notwithstanding the fact that masks are largely useless and have serious downsides to them in terms of health.
Then I noticed the behaviour of police in Melbourne, who have made a great thing about putting masks on dissenters in more than one video clip. It does smack of an initiation ritual.
I agree with you about the climate crisis. I would call it a climate collapse. The “slushification” of the North Pole is significant since the Arctic sea ice seems to act as a regulator of planetary temperatures.
My point was just that it’s important to keep both eyes open, so to speak. As for surgical masks and hand washing, I doubt you could find a surgeon these days who feels indoctrinated by the practice, although, once upon a time . .
Celine, France’s greatest 2oth century writer (and notorious anti-Semite) wrote a book on Semmelweis, who discovered the hideous truth about how the medical Establishment was killing about half the people it touched due to terrible hygiene. Semmelweis spent decades trying to convey this simple, obvious truth to an obtuse Establishment. He was a role model for Celine, and for truth-seekers in general.
Thanks Kevin. I came across this article in the journal Philosophy of Science while searching Semmelweis and Celine :
The author contends that, “contrary to prevailing opinion, Semmelweis was not the excellent reasoner he has been assumed to be”, and suggests this as an explanation for why his ideas was initially rejected.
Having watched an excellent documentary on Semmelweis and his experiments, I find this argument very difficult to accept. Nevertheless, it’s interesting to see that the history of this matter is still being debated.
Interesting! I knew Celine is highly controversial—the dichotomy “our greatest 20th century writer” and “damnable anti-Semite” drives French people nuts—but I didn’t realize people were still arguing about Semmelweis.
As a teenager I loved Kurt Vonnegut, which is how I discovered Celine and the hidden history of Allied firebombings of German civilians. So maybe it’s partly Vonnegut’s fault that I eventually wound up on the ADL’s hit list.
That’s funny. I read Cat’s Cradle and Player Piano, but only saw the movie for Slaughterhouse 5 , so it looks like I missed out on the Celine reference . . although I did encounter a similar kind of reaction from a certain group of people (not the ADL) for reading DT Suzuki if you can believe it,
Apparently, he initially supported the war effort in Japan, so somehow he got entered into the enemies column of the ‘thought police’ black book.