A.K. Dewdney on Exposing the New World Order
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Legendary math-science polymath and 9/11 truth researcher A.K. Dewdney discusses strategies for exposing the New World Order, specifically through his New World Intelligencer newsletter.
During the interview he mentions the pro-9/11-truth documentary broadcast by Japan’s Asahi television network, the second-most-watched mainstream TV network in Japan.
(Republished from Truth Jihad by permission of author or representative)
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Dr B: “I can’t stand organized religion and that’s why I converted to Islam!” (28.30)
On a more serious and perhaps less self-deluded note, here is the url for the New World Intelligencer newsletter produced by AK Dewdney:
Just have to say….
Dr. K’s interview with Dr. E.
(Kevin Barett, E.Michael Jones)
Thanks Bigly. Never stop talking.
One listen is not enough.
(I found it at Bitchute. )
That quote makes sense when one considers that Islam has no clerical hierarchy .
Also , the four main Sunni schools of thought are not at theological variance , unlike Christianity with its internecine denominational strife.
Not only does Islam have no formal clerical hierarchy, we have a hard time even getting organized enough to pray together on time ; – )