Course Syllabus-Transportation

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0931582 – Transportation Engineering Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Spring 2012 University of Jordan

Instructor: Dr. Hana Naghawi

Office hours: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Monday, Wednesday 11:00 - 12:30

I will do every effort to be available during my scheduled office hours. However,

University duties may require that I sometimes miss these hours.

Textbook: “Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering”, by Jon D. Fricker and Robert

K. Whitford, Prentice Hall, 2004, 5th printing.

1- Papacostas, C.S. and prevedouros, Transportation Engineering and Planning, 3rd
Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001.
2- Garber, N. and Hoel, L., Traffic and Highway Engineering, PWS Publishing,
latest Edition.
3- Banks, J., Introduction to Transportation Engineering. 2nd Edition. MC-Graw Hill,

Class Schedule: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.

Course Objectives:
To introduce the fundamental concepts of transportation engineering through an in-depth
study of road-based transportation systems as well as of multi-modal transportation

Student Outcome Objectives:

By the end of this course, the student will be able to...
1. Explain the magnitude, variety, and complexity of transportation as a human
activity and as an engineering discipline.
2. Identify and distinguish the key attributes of land, air, and water modes.
3. Identify and distinguish the planning, design, and operations phases of a
transportation project.
4. Identify and calculate the performance measures needed to carry out the
appropriate analysis.

Assessment Methods/Students Outcomes:

1. Homework assignments will be required to help students develop skills and
confidence to solve problems related to the course topics and objectives.
Assignments are not to be handed in unless you are specifically instructed to do
2. Unannounced quizzes will be given from time to time.
0931582 – Transportation Engineering Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Spring 2012 University of Jordan

3. Midterm exam/s will be used to determine the level of understanding of the

fundamental definitions, the methodology for solving engineering problems, and
the quantitative relations of important concepts.
4. The final exam will be used to test the ability of students to synthesize related
concepts from course topics, and to evaluate their capability of assimilation of
course contents through quantitative problems and qualitative reasoning.

Course Requirements:
1. Attendance is required.
2. No make-up exams will be given for the scheduled exams, unless the student has
a legitimate excuse documented properly

Grading Policy:
Assignments, Quizzes, and Participation 10 %
Short Exam 10 %
Midterm Exam 30 %
Final Exam 50 %

Course Schedule:

Week Topic
1 Introduction
1- The Transportation System
2- Modes of Transportation
3- Transportation System Issues & Challenges
2&3 The Nature of Transportation Engineering
1- Transportation Demand & Supply
2- Urban Transport
3- The Transportation Planning and Engineering Process
4, 5 & 6 Transportation Demand Forecasting
1- Urban Travel Demand Estimation Process
2- Trip Generation
3- Trip Distribution
4- Mode Choice
5- Traffic Assignment
7 Transportation System Management
1- Strategies of TSM and TDM
2- TSM Action
8, 9 & 10 Air Transport
1- Airport as A System
0931582 – Transportation Engineering Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Spring 2012 University of Jordan

2- Forecasting Air Transport Demand

3- Airport Master Planning
4- Airport Configuration
5- Runway Decisions
6- Taxiway Decisions
7- Apron and Terminals
11 & 12 Rail Transport
1- Definitions & Characteristics of Individual Rail Modes
2- Forecast of Rail Demand
3- Geometric Elements & Design
4- Planning and Management of Railways
5- The Track System
13 Water Transport
1- Port Classification, Details and Definitions
2- Ships and their Characteristics
3- Design of Quay Walls
14 Transportation Project Evaluation & Financing
1- Feasibility Studies, Methods of Financing, and privatization
2- Economic Evaluation Techniques
3- Environmental Impact Analysis
15 Review

Course Policies
All cellular phones must be turned off before class begins. Eating and/or drinking is not
allowed in the classroom. Talking to a fellow student while the lecture is in progress will
not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave the class if this behavior is disruptive. For
any behavior, points may be deducted from your exam grade(s). The number of points
deducted is left to the instructor’s discretion. As required by the University, cases of
academic dishonesty will be handled through the proper channels.

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