Rubric - Building A Structure Toothpick Bridge

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Building A Structure : Toothpick Bridge Construction

Teacher Name: Mr. Taylor

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Plan Plan is neat with Plan is neat with Plan provides clear Plan does not show
clear measurements clear measurements measurements and measurements
and labeling for all and labeling for labeling for most clearly or is
components. most components. components. otherwise

Construction - Care Great care taken in Construction was Construction Construction

Taken construction careful and accurate accurately followed appears careless or
process so that the for the most part, the plans, but 3-4 haphazard. Many
structure is neat, but 1-2 details could details could have details need
attractive and have been refined been refined for a refinement for a
follows plans for a more attractive more attractive strong or attractive
accurately. product. product. product.
Modification/Testing Clear evidence of Clear evidence of Some evidence of Little evidence of
troubleshooting, troubleshooting, troubleshooting, troubleshooting,
testing, and testing and testing and testing or refinement.
refinements based refinements. refinements.
on data or scientific

Journal/Log - Journal provides a Journal provides a Journal provides Journal provides

Content complete record of complete record of quite a bit of detail very little detail about
planning, planning, about planning, several aspects of
construction, construction, construction, the planning,
testing, testing, testing, construction, and
modifications, modifications, and modifications, and testing process.
reasons for reasons for reasons for
modifications, and modifications. modifications.
some reflection
about the strategies
used and the
Journal/Log - Several entries Several entries are Several entries are Few entries are
Appearance made and all are made and most of made and most of made AND/OR many
dated and neatly. the entries are the entries are entries are not dated
dated and neatly dated and legible. or very difficult to
entered. read.
Collaborative Work Skills : Toothpick Bridge Project
Teacher Name: Mr. Taylor

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Attitude Never is publicly Rarely is publicly Occasionally is Often is publicly critical
critical of the project critical of the project publicly critical of the of the project or the
or the work of others. or the work of project or the work of work of other
Always has a others. Often has a other members of the members of the group.
positive attitude positive attitude group. Usually has a Often has a negative
about the task(s). about the task(s). positive attitude about attitude about the
the task(s). task(s).
Working with Almost always listens Usually listens to, Often listens to, Rarely listens to,
Others to, shares with, and shares, with, and shares with, and shares with, and
supports the efforts supports the efforts supports the efforts of supports the efforts of
of others. Tries to of others. Does not others, but sometimes others. Often is not a
keep people working cause "waves" in the is not a good team good team player.
well together. group. member.

Focus on the Consistently stays Focuses on the task Focuses on the task Rarely focuses on the
task focused on the task and what needs to and what needs to be task and what needs
and what needs to be done most of the done some of the to be done. Lets
be done. Very self- time. Other group time. Other group others do the work.
directed. members can count members must
on this person. sometimes nag, prod,
and remind to keep
this person on-task.
Problem-solving Actively looks for and Refines solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to solve
suggests solutions to suggested by others. refine solutions, but is problems or help
problems. willing to try out others solve problems.
solutions suggested Lets others do the
by others. work.

Quality of Work Provides work of the Provides high quality Provides work that Provides work that
highest quality. work. occasionally needs to usually needs to be
be checked/redone checked/redone by
by other group others to ensure
members to ensure quality.

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