TE MOD 1 & 2
TE MOD 1 & 2
TE MOD 1 & 2
TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING: Introduction, Different Modes of Transportation, M R
Jayakar Committee recommendations, Road Classifications and Road Patterns.
Highway Alignment: Factors affecting highway alignment, Engineering surveys for alignment-
conventional and modern methods.
Highway Geometric Design: Factors affecting geometric design of roads, Cross Sectional Elements,
Sight distances, Horizontal alignment- Transition curve, superelevation, Extrawidening, Vertical
alignment–gradients, summit and valley curves. (No derivations)
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Problems on Sight distance, Super elevation, extra widening of curves, Length of transition
curve, Length of summit and valley curve. (L1,
HIGHWAY MATERIALS AND PAVEMENTS: Desirable properties of aggregates, soil subgrade &
Bitumen, Application of bituminous emulsion, Desirable properties of Bituminous Mixes
Pavement Design: Factors Controlling design of highway pavements, Pavement types, component
parts of pavements and their functions; types of joints used in rigid pavement. Critical stresses in
flexible and rigid pavement.
Highway Drainage: Significance and requirements, Surface drainage system and design-Examples,
sub surface drainage system, Types of cross drainage structures their choice and location.
Problems on design of Longitudinal drain. (L2, L3)
TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: Objectives and scope of Traffic Engineering. Traffic Characteristics:
Road user characteristics, vehicular characteristics – static and dynamic characteristics, Reaction
time of driver and PIEV theory, Types of traffic engineering studies-volume, spot speed, speed and
delay, parking, accident, origin & destination, objectives of studies and data collection, method of
study, analysis. PCU concept, factors affecting and PCU at different locations and applications.
Traffic signs, Signal design by IRC method; Types of intersections.
Problems on Spot speed studies, Speed and delay studies, accident studies, Signal design by IRC
method. (L2, L3)
RAILWAY ENGINEERING: Permanent way and its requirements, Gauges and types, Typical cross
sections single and double-line BG track, Coning of wheels and tilting of rails, Rails-Functions-
requirements, types and defects of rails. Sleepers and Ballast: Functions, requirements, Track fitting
and fasteners, Calculation of quantity of materials required for laying a track, Points & crossings,
Railway Station and Yards. Metro train & high speed train- Design factors considered.
Problem on Quantity calculation for laying railway track. Super-elevation
(L1, L2)
AIRPORT ENGINEERING: Layout of an airport with component parts and functions, Site selection
for airport, Aircraft characteristics affecting the design and planning of airport, Airport classification,
Runway orientation using wind rose with examples.
RUNWAY-Basic runway length-Corrections and examples, Runway geometrics, Taxiway-Factors
affecting the layout - geometrics of taxiway-Comparison between Runway and Highway, Design of
exit taxiway with examples.
Problems on Runway orientation, Basic Runway length, Exit taxiway design. (L2, L3)
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PRACTICAL COMPONENT OF IPCC (May cover all / major modules)
Sl. Experiments (8-10 Lab slots)
1 Tests on Aggregates
a. Crushing Strength Test b. Los Angeles abrasion test c. Impact test
d. Shape tests (combined index and angularity number) (L1, L2)
2 Tests on Bituminous Materials
a. Penetration test b. Ductility test c. Softening point test d. Specific gravity test e. Viscosity
test by tar viscometer f. Flash and fire point test (L1,
3 Tests on Soil
a. Wet sieve analysis b. CBR Test on soil (L1, L2)
4 Design of flexible pavement as per IRC 37-2018 (L2, L4)
5 Design of Rigid pavement as per IRC 58-2015 (L3, L4)
6 Bituminous Mix Design by Marshall Method (Demonstration only) (L1,
7 Traffic Engineering studies (L3, L4)
Course outcomes (Course Skill Set):
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Explain the basic principles of geometric design in the context of transportation
engineering and planning.
2. Select the appropriate pavement materials for construction and design the pavement as per
standard practices.
3. Conduct traffic studies and analyse traffic data for practical applications.
4. Identify the Components parts of Railway Track and design the suitable runway for an
5. Able to interpret the experimental results of highway materials based on laboratory tests
and design the pavement as per IRC guidelines.
CIE for the theory component of the IPCC (maximum marks 50)
IPCC means practical portion integrated with the theory of the course.
CIE marks for the theory component are 25 marks and that for the practical component is 25
25 marks for the theory component are split into 15 marks for two Internal Assessment Tests
(Two Tests, each of 15 Marks with 01-hour duration, are to be conducted) and 10 marks for other
assessment methods mentioned in 22OB4.2. The first test at the end of 40-50% coverage of the
syllabus and the second test after covering 85-90% of the syllabus.
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Scaled-down marks of the sum of two tests and other assessment methods will be CIE marks for
the theory component of IPCC (that is for 25 marks).
The student has to secure 40% of 25 marks to qualify in the CIE of the theory component of
CIE for the practical component of the IPCC
15 marks for the conduction of the experiment and preparation of laboratory record, and 10
marks for the test to be conducted after the completion of all the laboratory sessions.
On completion of every experiment/program in the laboratory, the students shall be evaluated
including viva-voce and marks shall be awarded on the same day.
The CIE marks awarded in the case of the Practical component shall be based on the continuous
evaluation of the laboratory report. Each experiment report can be evaluated for 10 marks. Marks
of all experiments’ write-ups are added and scaled down to 15 marks.
The laboratory test (duration 02/03 hours) after completion of all the experiments shall be
conducted for 50 marks and scaled down to 10 marks.
Scaled-down marks of write-up evaluations and tests added will be CIE marks for the laboratory
component of IPCC for 25 marks.
The student has to secure 40% of 25 marks to qualify in the CIE of the practical component of the
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question
papers for the course (duration 03 hours)
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a
maximum of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scoredby the student shall be proportionally scaled down to 50 Marks
The theory portion of the IPCC shall be for both CIE and SEE, whereas the practical portion
will have a CIE component only. Questions mentioned in the SEE paper may include questions
from the practical component.
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. S K Khanna and C E G Justo, “Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand Bros, Roorkee.
2. L R Kadiyali, “Highway Engineering”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
3. “A Text Book of Railway Engineering" by S C Saxena and S P Arora
4. “Airport Engineering” by S C Rangwala
5. “Airport Planning and Design” by Khanna Arora and Jain, Nem Chand Bros, Roorke.
6. “Roads, Railways, Bridges, Tunnels and Harbour Dock Engineering by B L Gupta, Amit
7. S K Khanna, C E G Justo and A Veeraragavan, “Highway Materials Testing Laboratory
Manual”, Nem Chand Bros, Roorkee.
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Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105101087
2. https://onlinemanuals.txdot.gov/txdotmanuals/rdw/horizontal_alignment.htm#BGBHGEGC
3. www.civil.iitb.ac.in/tvm/1111_nptel/567_Grade/plain/plain.html
4. https://www.pavementinteractive.org/
5. https://www.eng.auburn.edu/research/centers/ncat/research/other-publications.html
6. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105/106/105106203/
7. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105/101/105101008
8. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105/104/105104098
9. https://www.classcentral.com/course/edx-intro-to-traffic-flow-modeling-and-
10. https://www.aai.aero/
11. https://www.faa.gov/
12. https://www.icao.int
Activity Based Learning (Suggested Activities in Class)/ Practical Based learning
Visit to a road construction project
Note: Depending on the Assessment tool used, higher order POs Can be identified by the
concerned course instructor.
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Basic Definition
A facility consisting of the means and equipment necessary for the movement of
passengers or goods. At its most basic, the term “Transportation System” is used to refer to
the equipment and logistics of transporting passengers and goods.
Importance of Transportation
The evolution and advancements in transportation facilities have been closely linked
with the development of human beings throughout the history of the world.
Role of Transportation
Transportation plays a vital role in economic development of any region of any country,
since every commodity produced, whether it may be agricultural or industrial products they
need to be transported at various stages from production to distribution. At production stage
for carrying raw materials and at distribution stage for transportation from farms and factories
to marketing centers to retailers to consumers.
Inadequate transportation facilities retard the process of socio-economic and cultural
development. Development of transportation facilities in a country indicates its economic
growth and progress in social development.
The main objective of a good transportation system is to provide a safe, economical and
efficient transportation facility for passengers and goods.
The transportation by road is the only mode which could give maximum service to one
and all. Road transport mode has the maximum flexibility for travel with reference to choice
of the route, direction, time and speed of travel. This is only mode which caters for the
movement of passengers and goods independently right from the place of origin up to the
destination of any trip along the route. The other three modes (railways; water ways; airways)
have to depend on transportation by road for the service to and from their respective terminals.
Therefore, the roadway essentially serves as a feeder network. It is possible to provide door to
door service by road transport. Ultimately, road network is therefore needed not only to serve
as feeder system for other modes of transportation and to supplement them, but also to provide
independent facility for road travel by a well-planned network of roads throughout the country
1) Flexibility: It offers complete freedom to the road users.
2) It requires relatively smaller investments and cheaper in construction with respect to
other modes.
3) It serves the whole community alike the other modes.
4) For short distance travel, it saves time.
5) The road network is used by various types of vehicles.
1) Speed is related to accidents and more accidents results due to higher speed and is
usually not suitable for long distance travel
2) Power required per tonne is more.
The concept of rail transportation is movement of multiple wagons or a train of wagons
passenger’s bogies on two parallel steel rails. The resistance to traction along the railway track
for the movement of steel wheels is much lower than that along more uneven road surface for
the movement of road vehicles with rubber tyres. The transportation along the railway track
could be advantageous by railways between the stations both for the passengers and goods,
particularly for longer distances. The energy requirement to haul unit load through unit distance
by the railway is only a fraction (one fourth to one sixth) of the required by road. Hence, full
advantage of this mode of transportation should be taken for the transportation of bulk goods
along land where the railway facilities are available. The Indian railways is one of the world’s
largest Railway network in the world. It was introduced in 1853 and it is spread over 1,09,221
km covering 6906 stations.
1) Can transport heavy loads of goods at higher speed
2) Power required per tonne is less compared to roadways
3) Chances of accidents are less.
1) Entry and exist points are fixed
2) Requires controlling system and no freedom of movement
3) Establishment and maintenance cost is higher
Transportation by water offers minimum resistance to traction and therefore needs
minimum energy to haul unit load through distance. The water transportation is the most energy
efficient but it is the slowest among the four modes. The highest use of this mode is for bulk
cargo of relatively low value. The transportation by water is possible between the ports on the
sea routes or along the rivers or canals where inland transportation facilities are available.
1) Cheapest: Cost per tonne is lowest
2) Possess highest load carrying capacity
3) Leads to the development of the industries.
1) Slow in operation and consumes more time and Depends on whether condition
2) Chances of attack by other countries on naval ships are more.
3) Ocean tides affects the loading and unloading operation and the routes are circuitous.
The transportation by air is the fastest among the four modes. Air transport provides
more comfortable and fast travel resulting in substantial saving in travel time for the passengers
between the airports. The shipment of high value freight on long hauls is possible in the shortest
time by air transport. Unlike other modes of transport, air transport allows continuous journey
over the land and water, even across inaccessible places in between two airports.
For shorter hauls helicopters are used and they were developed for their landing and
takeoff. Military aviation is also important to meet the defense needs of a country.
1) It has highest speed.
2) Intercontinental travel is possible
3) Journey is continuous over land and water
1) Highest operating cost (cost/tonne is more) and the load carrying capacity is lowest
2) Depends on whether condition
3) Should follow the flight rules.
It is accepted that the fact road transport is the nearest to the people. All classes of road
vehicles consisting of both personal or public transport vehicles and also the pedestrians can
make use of the roadway system. The passengers and goods have to be first transported by road
before reaching a railway station or an airport. The far-flung border areas located in high
altitude and difficult terrains of the country and the remote villages in the under developed
villages could be served by the road network. Road network is very economical and convenient
for short road trips and even some times for longer trips.
The characteristics are of roads are as follows
1) Roads are used by various types of road vehicles like passenger, goods vehicles and
pedestrians. But the rail locomotives and wagons can only make use of the railway
track. The ships and boats can make use of only the waterways and the aircraft’s only
the airports.
2) Road transport infrastructure requires the lowest initial investments in comparison to
that for the infrastructure of other transportation modes. The cost of any class of road
of road vehicle is much lower is much lower than that of other carriers like the railways,
ships and aircrafts. The initial cost of construction and the cost of maintenance of roads
is also lesser than those for railway tracks, harbors and airports.
3) Roads offer complete freedom to the roads to the road user to make use of the roadway
facilities at any time convenient to them or to move the vehicle from a lane of the road
to the adjoining one and from one road to another, according to the need and
4) It is possible to travel directly from the respective places of origin to the destination by
road vehicles.
5) Speed of movement is directly related with the severity of accidents. The road safety
decreases with the increasing running speed dispersion in the traffic stream. Road
transport is prone to a high rate of accidents due to the flexibility of movements offer
to the road users. However, in other modes of transport, in spite of various safety
measures and strict controls in the movements, major accidents do occur even in the
form of head on collisions and the accidents in these modes are more severe and
6) Road transport is the only mode that offers the facilities to the whole section of society.
Over a period after the First World War, motor vehicles using the roads increased and
this demanded a better road network which can carry mixed traffic conditions. The existing
roads when not capable to withstand the mixed traffic conditions. For the improvement of roads
in India government of India appointed Mr. Jayakar Committee to study the situations and to
recommend suitable measures for road improvement in 1927 and a report was submitted in
1928 with following recommendations
1) The road development in the country should be considered as a national interest as this
has become beyond the capacity of provincial governments and local bodies.
2) An extra tax should be levied on petrol from the road users to develop a road
development fund called ‘Central Road Fund’
3) A Semi-official technical body should be formed to pool technical know-how from
various parts of the country and to act as an advisory body on various aspects of roads.
4) A research organization should be instituted to carry out research and development
work pertaining to roads and to be available for consultations.
Majority of the recommendations were accepted by the government implemented by
Jayakar Committee.
Some of the technical bodies were formed such as,
1) Central Road Fund (CRF) in 1929
2) Indian Road Congress (IRC) in 1934
3) Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) in 1950.
Various states based on actual petrol consumption or revenue collected
5) The accounts of the CRF are maintained by the Accountant General of Central
6) The control of the expenditure is exercised by the Roads Wings of Ministry of
Highway design is only one element in the overall highway development process.
Historically, detailed design occurs in the middle of the process, linking the preceding phases
of planning and project development with the subsequent phases of right-of-way acquisition,
construction, and maintenance. While these are distinct activities, there is considerable overlap
in terms of coordination among the various disciplines that work together, including designers,
throughout the process.
It is during the first three stages, planning, project development, and design, that
designers and communities, working together, can have the greatest impact on the final design
features of the project. In fact, the flexibility available for highway design during the detailed
design phase is limited a great deal by the decisions made at the earlier stages of planning and
project development. This Guide begins with a description of the overall highway planning and
development process to illustrate when these decisions are made and how they affect the
ultimate design of a facility.
Project Development
Final Design
Right of Way
Objectives of Highway Planning
Planning if considered as pre-requisite before attempting any development program in
the present era. Highway planning is of great importance when funds available are limited
whereas the total planning is of great importance when the funds are limited whereas the total
requirement is much higher. The objectives are as follows
a) To plan the overall road network for efficient and safe traffic operations, but at
minimum cost. Here the costs of construction, maintenance and resurfacing or
strengthening of pavement layers and vehicle operation costs are taken into
b) To arrive at the road system and the lengths of different categories of roads which could
provide maximum utility and could be constructed within the available resources during
the plan period under construction
c) To divide the overall plan into phases and to decide priorities.
d) To fix up date wise priorities for development of each road link based on utility as the
main criterion for phasing the road development program.
e) To plan for the future requirements and improvements of roads in view of anticipated
f) To work out suitable financing systems
Phases of Highway Planning
Highway planning includes the following phases
Assessment of road length requirement for an area.
Preparation of masterplan showing the phasing of plan in five year plans or annual
Types of Roads
Basically, different types of roads can be classified into two categories namely,
a) All-weather roads and
b) Fair-weather roads.
All-weather roads: These roads are negotiable during all weather, except at major river
crossings where interruption of traffic is permissible up to a certain limit extent, the road
pavement should be negotiable during all weathers.
Fair-weather roads: On these roads, the traffic may be interrupted during monsoon season at
causeways where streams may overflow across the roads.
There are various types of road patterns and each pattern has its own advantages and
limitations. The choice of the road pattern depends upon the various factors such as:
Layout of the different towns, villages, industrial and production centers.
Planning Engineer.
The various road patterns may be classified as follows:
1) Rectangular or block pattern: In this, entire area is divided into rectangular segments
having a common central business and marketing area. This area has all the services
located in the central place. This pattern is not convenient or safe from traffic operation
point of view and it results into more number of accidents at intersections. E.g.:
Chandigarh city.
2) Radial or star and block pattern: In this, roads radially emerge from the central
business area in all directions and between two built-up area will be there. The main
advantage in this, central place is easy accessible from all the directions. E.g.: Nagpur
3) Radial or star and circular pattern: In this road radiate in all the directions and also
circular ring roads are provided.
Advantages: Traffic will not touch the heart of the city and it flows radially and reaches the
other radial road and thereby reducing the congestion in the center of the city. This ring road
system is well suited for big cities where traffic problems are more in the heart of the city. E.g.:
Connaught place in New Delhi.
4) Radial or star and grid pattern: It is very much similar to star and the circular pattern
expects the radial roads are connected by grids. In this pattern, a grid is formed around
the central point which is a business center. E.g. Nagpur road plan.
5) Hexagonal pattern: In this entire zone of planning is divided into hexagonal zones
having separate marketing zone and central services surrounded by hexagonal pattern
of roads. Each hexagonal element is independent. At each corner of hexagon three roads
6) Minimum travel pattern: In this type, city is divided into number of nodal points
around a central portion by forming sectors. And each sector is divided again in such
a way that from each of the nodal center, the distance to the central place is minimum.
The studies for collecting the factual data for highway planning are known as ‘Fact
Finding Studies’ or ‘Planning Surveys’. The fact-finding studies point to an intelligent
approach for planning and these studies should be carried if the highway programme is to be
protected from inconsistent and short-sighted policies. Planning based on the factual data and
analysis may be considered scientific and sound.
Objectives of Planning Surveys:
Workout, the financial system and recommended changes in tax arrangements and
budget procedures, provide efficient, safe economics, comfortable and speedy
movement for goods and people.
Plan a road network for efficient traffic operation at minimum cost.
Plan for future requirements and improvements of roads in view of developments and
social needs.
Fix up data wise priorities for development of each road link based on their utilities.
b) Financial Studies
The financial studies are essential to study the various financial aspects such as sources
of income, various types of revenues from duties and taxes on products, road transport, vehicle
registration, court fees etc. and the future trends. This study involves collecting the details such
a) Sources ofincome
b) Living Standards
c) Resources from local levels
d) Factor trends in financial.
d) Engineering Studies
All the details of the topography, soil and drainage characteristics, alignment of the existing
roads, deficiencies in drainage, alignments and geometrics of existing roads and requirements
of essential upgradation, identification of maintenance and problems etc.,
This involves:
a) Topographic study and Soil details
b) Location and classification of existing roads
c) Assessment of various other developments in the area that are likely due to the proposed
highway development
d) Road life studies
e) Specific problems in drainage constructions and maintenance.
The details collected during the planning surveys are tabulated and plotted on the maps of the
area under planning. Before finalizing the alignment and other details of the road development
program, the information collected during the fact-finding studies are presented in the form of
various plans. They are as follows
Plan-1: General area plan showing most of the existing details about the topographical details
related to existing road network, drainage, structures, towns and villages with population,
agricultural, industrial and commercial activities.
Plan-2: Plan showing the distribution of population groups in accordance with the categories
made in appropriate plan.
Plan-3: Plan showing the locations of places with their respective quantities of productivity.
Plan-4: Should indicate the existing network of roads and proposals received.
Ultimately, the Master plan is the one to be implemented.
Master plan is referred to as road development plan of a city; district or a street or for
whole country. It is an ideal plan showing full development of the area at some future date. It
serves as the guide for the plan to improve some of the existing roads and to plan the network
of new roads.
It helps in controlling the industrial, commercial and agricultural and habitat growth in
a systematic way of that area. It gives a perceptive picture of a fully developed area in a plan
and scientific way.
Stages in the preparation of master plan:
Data Collection: It includes data regarding existing land use, industrial and agricultural
growth, population, traffic flow, topography, future trends.
Preparation of draft plan and invite suggestions and comments from public
Revision of draft plan in view of the discussions and comments from experts and public.
Comparison of various alternate proposals of road system and finding out the sequence
in which the master plan will be implemented.
In India, targeted road lengths were fixed in various road plans, based on population,
area and agricultural and industrial products. The same way it may be taken as a guide
to decide the total length of road system in each alternate proposal while preparing a
master plan for a town or locality.
In this system optimum road length is calculated for an area based on the concept of
attaining maximum utility per unit length of the road. This is also called as MAXIMUM
Factors to attain maximum utility per unit length are:
a) Population served by the road network
b) Productivity served by the network
Agricultural Products
Industrial Products
The various steps to be taken to obtain maximum utility per unit length are:
1) Population factors or units: Since, the area under consideration consists of villages
and towns with different population these are grouped into some convenient population
range and some reasoning values of utility units to each range of population serve are
a) Population less than 500, utility unit = 0.25
b) 501 to 1001, utility unit = 0.50
c) 1001 to 2000, utility unit = 1.00
d) 2001 to 5000, utility unit = 2.00 etc.
2) Productivity Factors or units: The total agricultural and industrial products served
by each road system are worked out and the productivity served may be assigned
appropriate values of utility units per unit weight.
3) Optimum Road length: Based on the master plan the targeted road length is fixed for
the country on the basis of area or population and production or both. And the same
may be taken as a guide to decide the total length of the road system in each proposal.
The first attempt for proper planning of the highway development programme in India
on a long-term basis was made at the Nagpur Conference in 1943. After the completion of the
Nagpur Road Plan targets, the Second Twenty year Plan was drawn for the period 1961- 1981.
The Third Twenty Year Road Development Plan for the period 1981-2001 was approved only
by the year 1984.
The fourth 20-year road development plan of the country for the period 2001 – 2021
has not yet been approved as an official plan document, instead ‘Roads Development Vision:
2021’ has been formulated.
First 20-Year Road Plan (Nagpur Road plan)
This plan was formed in the year 1943 at Nagpur and plan period was from 1943- 1963.Two
plan formulae were finalized at the Nagpur Conference for deciding two categories of road
length for the country as a whole as well as for individual areas (like district). This was the
first attempt for highway planning in India. The two plan formulae assumed the Star and Grid
pattern of road network. Hence, the two formulae are also called “Star and Grid Formulae”.
Salient Features of Nagpur Road Plan
All the roads were classified into 5 categories namely
1) National Highways (NH)
2) State Highways (SH)
3) Major District Roads (MDR)
4) Other District Roads (ODR)
5) Village Roads (VR)
Two plan formulas were suggested for deciding the length of two categories of roads
Category – 1: Surfaced or metaled roads meant for NH/SH/MDR
Category – 2: Unsurfaced roads meant for ODR/VR
Nagpur road plan aimed at achieving a modest average road density of 16km per km2 area.
Second Twenty Year Road Plan (Bombay Road Plan):
As the target road length of Nagpur road plan was completed nearly earlier in 1961 a
long-term plan was initiated for twenty-year period which was initiated by IRC. Hence, the
second twenty year road plan came into picture which was drawn for the period of 1961-81.
The second twenty year road plan was envisaged overall road length of 10, 57,330 km by the
year 1981.
Salient Features of Second 20-year Road Plan:
Every town with population above 2000 in plains should be connected by a bituminous
road or metaled road, above 1000 in semi-hilly area above 500 in hilly area
1600 km length of expressways was proposed.
Development allowance is 5% only
Length of railway track was not deducted.
Five equations are given to find NH/SH/MDR/ODR/VR.
Roads should be built in less industrialized areas to attract the growth of industries.
Long term master plans for road development should be prepared at various level i.e.,
taluk, district, state and national level. The road network should be scientifically
decided to provide maximum utility.
The existing roads should be improved by rectifying the defects in the road geometrics,
widening of the pavements, improving the riding quality of the pavement surface and
strengthening of pavement structure
There should be improvements in environmental quality and road safety.
Road length by 3rd 20-year road development plan
a) Length of NH – 1km per 50sq. km area.
b) Length of SH
1) By total area – SH, km = Area of the state, sq.km/25
2) By total no of town and area in the state, SH, km =
(62.5 x No towns in the state – area of the state, sq. km)
Adopt length of SH (higher of the two criteria)
c) Length of MDR
1) By total area – MDR, km = Area of the state, sq.km/12.5
2) By total no of town and area in the state, MDR, km = 90 x No. of towns in the state.
Adopt length of SH (higher of the two criteria).
Vajpayee. National Highways account for only about 2% of the total length of roads, but
carry about 40% of the total traffic across the length and breadth of the country.
This project is managed by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) under
the Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways.
The NHDP represents 49,260 km of roads and highways work and construction in order
to boost economic development of the country.
The government has planned to end the NHDP program in early 2018 and consume the
ongoing projects under a larger Bharatmala project.
Phase I: Golden Quadrilateral of total length 5846km connecting the 4 major metropolitan
cities. The four sides of the quadrilateral are Delhi – Mumbai, Mumbai – Chennai (Via
Bengaluru), Chennai – Kolkata and Kolkata- Delhi.
Phase II: North-South and East-West corridors comprising national highways connecting four
extreme points of the country. The North–South and East–West Corridor (NS-EW; 7,142 km)
connecting Srinagar in the north to Kanyakumari in the south, and Silchar in the east
to Porbandar in the west. Total length of the network is 7,142 km.
Phase III: The government on 12th April, 2007 approved NHDP-III to upgrade 12,109 km
(7,524 mi) of national highways on a Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis, which takes
into account high-density traffic, connectivity of state capitals via NHDP Phase I and II, and
connectivity to centers of economic importance.
Phase IV: The government on 18th June, 2008 approved widening 20,000 km of highway that
were not part of Phase I, II, or III. Phase IV will convert existing single-lane highways into two
lanes with paved shoulders.
Phase V: As road traffic increases over time, a number of four-lane highways will need to be
upgraded/expanded to six lanes. On 5 October, 2006, the government approved for upgrade of
about 5,000 km (3,100 mi) of four-lane roads.
Phase VI: The government is working on constructing 1,000 km (620 mi) expressways that
would connect major commercial and industrial townships. It has already identified 400 km
(250 mi) of Vadodara (earlier Baroda)-Mumbai section that would connect to the existing
Vadodara (earlier Baroda)-Ahmedabad section. The World Bank is studying this project. The
project will be funded on BOT basis. The 334 km (208 mi) Expressway between Chennai—
Bangalore and 277 km (172 mi) Expressway between Kolkata—Dhanbadhas been identified
and feasibility study and DPR contract has been awarded by NHAI.
Phase VII: This phase calls for improvements to city road networks by adding ring roads to
enable easier connectivity with national highways to important cities. In addition,
improvements will be made to stretches of national highways that require additional flyovers
and bypasses given population and housing growth along the highways and increasing traffic.
The government has planned to invest Rs. 16,680 Cr for this phase. The 19 km (12 mi)
long Chennai Port—Maduravoyal Elevated Expressway is being executed under this phase.
The Public Works Department carried out Strategic Option Study (SOS) during 1996
on a road network of 13,362 km comprising State Highways and Major District Roads
and the study identified 2888 km of roads for prioritized improvements.
The World Bank have extended Technical Assistance (T.A.) Loan of US $ 3.2 million
for project preparation through the Department of Economic Affairs of Ministry of
Finance, Government of India for taking up the Project Coordinating Consultancy
(PCC) Services to investigate and prepare detailed project report on the 2888 km and
Institutional Development Strategy (IDS) Study.
With concurrence of the World Bank, M/s. Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick, United Kingdom
were selected and appointed on 07-01-1999 to carryout PCC Services for 2505 km of
The PCC Services were divided into Phase I & II. The PCC Consultants carried out
feasibility and social & environmental screening and identified 2271 km for prioritized
improvement. It is proposed to undertake Upgradation of 992 Km and Rehabilitation
of 1277 Km.
Karnataka Road Development Corporation (KRDCL) was incorporated on 21st of July 1999
as a wholly owned Government of Karnataka Company as per the Provisions of the Company's
Act, 1956
KRDCL is a company under the Public Works, Ports & Inland Water Transport
Department. This Company was established to promote surface infrastructure by taking
up Road Works, Bridges etc., and to improve road network by taking up construction
widening and strengthening of roads, construction of bridges, maintenance of roads
etc., and to take up projects on BOT, BOOT, BOLT.
Since inception Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited has strived to
improve the road network and to establish connectivity to all the nook & corner of the
Actual achievement in terms of length of different categories of roads in the country
at the end of the 3rd 20-year road development plan period was compared with the
plan targets.
It was observed that actual length of NH and SH achieved fell short of plan targets.
The total length of NH achieved was 57,700km as against the target of 66,000km
and that the SH achieved was 1,24,300km as against of 1,45,000km.
This vision document has considered the need for overall development of road
system in country. The total target length of primary and secondary road system to
be achieved in the country by the year 2020 are given below
Primary highway system consisting of 15,766km of expressway and 80,000km of
Secondary road system consisting of 1,60,000 km of SH and 3,20,000km of MDR
The above document also has given special attention for road development needs
in North-Eastern regions and other isolated areas. In view of rapid growth rate of
urban centres, some suggestion has been made for the development of urban road
system also.
Tertiary system of rural roads consisting of ODR and VR are to be developed in
order to provide all-weather road connectivity to all the villages of the country in a
phased manner. Considering the importance of this subject, a rural road
development plan document was prepared.
Rural Road Development Plan: Vision 2025
It was developed for the 20-year period of 2005-2025 to provide basic access to villages in
Phase – I: Villages with population above 1000
Phase – II: Villages with population above 500
Phase – III: Villages with population below 500
Lower population limits were fixed for under developed regions including hills, deserts and
tribal areas.
The position or the layout of the central line of the highway on the ground is called the
alignment. Highway Alignment includes both
a) Horizontal alignment includes straight and curved paths, the deviations and horizontal
b) Vertical alignment includes changes in level, gradients and vertical curves.
A new road should be aligned very carefully as improper alignment will lead to increase in
construction, maintenance and vehicle operation cost. Once the road is aligned and constructed,
it is not easy to change it due to increase in cost of adjoining land and construction of costly
structures by the roadside
The requirements of an ideal alignment are
a) Short: The alignment between two terminal stations should be short and as far as
possible be straight, but due to some practical considerations deviations may be needed.
b) Easy: The alignment should be easy to construct and maintain. It should be easy for the
operation of vehicles. So, to the maximum extend easy gradients and curves should be
c) Safe: It should be safe both from the construction and operating point of view especially
at slopes, embankments, and cutting. It should be safe for traffic operation with safe
geometric features.
d) Economical: The alignment should be economical and it can be considered so only if
the total life cycle cost considering the initial cost, maintenance cost, and vehicle
operating cost is lowest.
Obligatory Points
These are the control points governing the highway alignment. These points are
classified into two categories.
1) Points Through Which the Alignment Should Pass
2) Points Through Which the Alignment Should Not Pass.
in the map are collected and noted down. Some of the details to be collected during
reconnaissance are given below
a) Valleys, ponds, lakes, marshy land, ridge, hills, permanent structures and other
obstructions alone the route which are not available in the map
b) Approximate values of gradient, length of gradients and radius of curves of alternate
c) Number and type of cross drainage structures, maximum flood level and natural ground
water level along the probable routes.
d) Soil type along the routes from field identification tests and observation of geological
e) Sources of construction materials, water and location of stone quarries
f) When the road passes through hilly or mountainous terrain, additional data regarding
the geological formation, type of rocks, dip of strata, seepage flow etc. may be observed
so as to decide the stable and unstable sides of the hill for highway alignment
A rapid reconnaissance of the area, especially when it is vast and the terrain is difficult and it
may be done by aerial survey. From the details collected during the survey the alignment
proposed may be altered or even changes completed.
Preliminary Survey
The main objectives of the preliminary survey are
To survey the various alternate alignment proposed after the reconnaissance and to
collect all the necessary physical information and details of topography, drainage and
To compare the different proposals in view of the requirements of a good alignment.
To estimate quantity of earthwork materials and other construction aspects and to work
out the cost of alternate proposals.
The preliminary survey may be carried out by of following methods
a) Conventional approach, in which a survey party carries out surveys using the required
field equipment, taking measurements, collecting topographical and other data and
carrying out soil survey
b) Rapid approach, by aerial survey taking the required aerial photographs and by
photogrammetric methods and photo-interpretation techniques for obtaining the
necessary topographic and other maps including details of soil and geology
c) Modem techniques by use of Global Positioning System (GPS)
The procedure of the conventional methods of preliminary survey is given in following steps:
a) Primary Traverse
b) Topographical Features
c) Levelling Work
d) Drainage Studies and Hydrological Data
e) Soil Survey
f) Material Survey
g) Traffic Studies Primary Traverse
Primary Traverse
The first step in the preliminary survey is to establish the primary traverse, following
the alignment recommended in the reconnaissance. For alternate alignments either secondary
traverses or independent primary traverses may be necessary. As these traverses are open
traverses and adjustment of errors is not possible later, the angles should be very accurately
measured using a precision theodolite.
Topographic Features
After establishing the centre lines of preliminary survey, the topographical features are
recorded. All geographical and other man-made features along the traverse and for a certain
width on either side are surveyed and plotted. The width to be surveyed is generally decided
by the survey party, but the absolute minimum width is the land width of the proposed
Levelling work
Levelling work is also carried out side by side to give the centre line profiles and typical
cross sections. Permanent and temporary bench marks should be first established at appropriate
locations and the levels should be connected to the GTS datum. The levelling work in the
preliminary survey is kept to a minimum just sufficient to obtain the approximate earth work
in the alternate alignments. To draw contours of the strip of land to be surveyed, cross section
levels should be taken at suitable intervals, generally 100 to 200 m in plain terrain, up to 50 m
in rolling terrain and up to 30 m in hilly terrain.
Drainage Studies and Hydrological Data
Drainage investigations and hydrological data are collected so as to estimate the type,
number and approximate size of cross drainage structures. Also, the vertical alignment of the
highway, particularly the grade line is decided based on the hydrological and drainage data,
such as HFL. ponded water level, depth of water table, amount of surface runoff, etc.
Soil Survey
Soil survey is an essential part of the preliminary survey as the suitability of the
proposed location is to be finally decided based on the soil survey data. The soil survey
conducted at this stage also helps in working out details of earth work, slopes, suitability of
materials, subsoil and surface drainage requirements and pavement type and the approximate
thickness requirements. All these details are required to make a comparative study of alternate
proposals. A detailed soil survey is not necessary. Post-hole auger or any other suitable types
of hand augers may be used depending on the soil type to collect the soil sample up to a depth
of 1 to 3 metre below the likely finished road level or the existing ground level, whichever is
lower. When the road is expected to be constructed over an embankment, the depth of
exploration should extend up to twice the height of embankment from the ground level. During
the soil exploration if the ground water table is struck, the depth from the ground surface is
also noted. The types of soils encountered along the route up to the depth under consideration
are marked on the soil profile either symbolically or by suitable colour coding.
Material Survey
The survey for naturally occurring materials like stone aggregates, soft aggregates, etc.
and identification of suitable quarries should be made. Also, availability of manufactured
materials like cement, lime, brick, etc. and their locations may be ascertained.
Traffic Survey
Traffic surveys conducted in the region form the basis for deciding the number of traffic
lanes and roadway width, pavement design and economic analysis of the highway project.
Traffic volume counts of the classified vehicles are to be carried out on all the existing roads
in the region, preferably for 24 hours per day for seven days. Origin and destination surveys
are very useful for deciding the alignment of the roads. This study may be earned out on a
suitable sample of vehicle users or drivers. In addition, the required traffic data may also be
collected so that the traffic forecast could be made for 10 to 20 year periods.
Determination of Final Centre Line
After completing the preliminary surveys and conducting the comparative studies of
alternative alignments, the final centre line of the road is to be decided in the office before the
final location survey. For this, the preliminary survey maps consisting of contour plans,
longitudinal profile and cross sections of the alternate alignments should be prepared and
carefully studied to decide the best alignment satisfying engineering aesthetic and economical
requirements. After selecting the final alignment, the grade lines are drawn and the geometric
elements of the horizontal and vertical alignments of the road are designed.
Rapid method using aerial survey and modern technique using GPS
Aerial photographic surveys and photogrammetric methods are very much suited for
preliminary surveys, especially when the distance and area to be covered are vast, The survey
may be divided into the following steps:
Taking aerial photographs of the strips of land to be surveyed with the required longitudinal
and lateral overlaps. Vertical photographs are necessary for the preparation of mosaics.
a) The photographs are examined under stereoscopes and control points are selected for
establishing the traverses of the alternate proposals. The control points are located on
the maps
b) Using stereo-pair observations, the spot levels and subsequently contour details may be
noted down on the maps
c) Photo-interpretation methods are used to assess the geological features, soil conditions,
drainage requirements etc.
and drainage details are to be worked out from the level notes.
The cross-section levels are taken up to the desired width, at intervals of 50 to 100 m
in plain terrain, 50 to 75 m in rolling terrain, 50 m in built-up areas and 20 m in hilly
The cross sections may be taken at closer intervals at horizontal curves and where there
is abrupt change in cross slopes.
All river crossing, valleys etc. should be surveyed in detail up to considerable distances
on either side.
All topographical details are noted down and also plotted using conventional signs.
Adequate hydrological details are also collected and recorded.
A detailed soil survey is carried out to enable drawing of the soil profile. The depth up
to which soil sampling is to be done may be 1.5 to 3.0 m below the ground line or
finished grade line of the road whichever is lower. However, in case of high
embankments, the depth should be up to twice the height of the finished embankment.
The spacing of auger borings very much depends upon the soil type and its variations.
CBR value of soils along the alignment may be determined for designing the pavement.
The data during the detailed survey should be elaborate and complete for preparing
detailed plans, design and estimates of the project.
In a new highway project, the engineer has to plan, design and construct either a net-
work of new roads or a road link. There are also projects requiring re-design and re-alignment
of existing roads of upgrading the geometric design standards.
Once a highway is constructed, development takes place along the adjoining land and
subsequent changes in alignment or improvements in geometric standards become very
difficult. A badly aligned highway is not only a source of potential traffic hazard, but also
causes a considerable increase in transportation cost and strain on the drivers and the
passengers. Therefore, proper investigation and planning are most important in a road project,
keeping in view the present day needs as well as the future developments of the region.
Route Selection
The selection of route is made keeping in view the requirements of alignment and the
geological, topographical and other features of the locality. However special care should be
taken as regards the geometric design standards of the road for possible upgrading of speed
standards in future, without being necessary to realign the road. After the alignment if finalised,
the plans and working drawings are prepared.
The construction of the road may be divided into two stages as follows
1) Earth Work
2) Pavement Construction.
Earth Work
It consists of excavation and construction of the embankments. During the excavation
for highway cuts, the earth slopes, their protection and construction of drainage network are
taken care of. Highway embankments may be best constructed by rolled-fill method by
compacting the soil in layers under controlled moisture and density using suitable rollers. In
the case of high embankments, the stability of the embankment foundation and slopes and the
possible settlement of the embankment with time are to be investigated.
Pavement Construction
It is subsequently taken up starting with the preparation of subgrade and the
construction of sub-base, base and surface courses of the pavement.
Re-Alignment Project
Necessity of Re-Alignment
Most of the present highways in India have been upgraded in stages, from the existing
local roads of the pre-automobile era. As these roads were then meant for slow traffic, they are
found deficient in the geometric design elements for the present-day automobile traffic. There
are several stretches of NH in the country having single lane carriageway, narrow bridges and
culverts and many locations with sharp horizontal curves and avoidable zigzags, steep gradients
and inadequate sight distances. These defects are to be rectified as early as possible at least in
stages, starting with roads of greater importance like NH and SH’s. It will be worth-while to
adopt more liberal values of geometric design parameters than the ruling minimum values
specified, where the conditions are favourable and the costs involved are not excessive. In such
cases, it would be possible to upgrade the highway if necessary in future by increasing the
width standards only, but without the necessity of re-aligning the road. However, in constrained
situations and in difficult terrain, it may not always be economical to improve the existing
highway geometries to the recommended design standards. In such cases appropriated speed
restrictions have to be imposed to minimise road accidents.
It has been decided as a policy that NH’s should as far as possible be able to fully cater
to the traffic moving at design speed, fulfilling the comfort and safety requirements, both for
the present and future traffic needs. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to plan
improvements in the geometries of roads wherever deficient, to the extent economically
practicable along with other improvements such as raising of the road above flood water level,
pavement resurfacing or construction of overlay for strengthening the pavement structure.
Types of Improvement
The following types of improvement in alignment of existing road may be carried out:
1) Improvement of horizontal alignment design elements such as, radius, super elevation,
transition curve, providing adequate clearance on inner side of the curve or shifting the
curve to provide adequate sight distance, elimination of reverse curve and undesirable
zigzags, etc.
2) Improvement of vertical alignment design elements like steep gradients, changes in
summit curves to increase sight distance, correction of undesirable undulations like
humps any dips, etc.
or widening pavement section. The formation level be raised such that the subgrade is
at least 0.6 m above the HFL. Suitable measures should be adopted against water-
logging and care should be taken to provide suitable drainage facilities including the
cross drainage works.
While reconstructing bridges of length greater than 60 m on sites other than the existing
ones, separate surveys should be carried out for the selection of suitable sites. The
selection of site for major bridges would be governed by the river training works, sub-
soil conditions for foundation and hydraulic considerations. However, in small bridges,
the road alignment would essentially govern the bridge site selection
The deciding factor which is being considered for providing over-bridges or under
bridges for a NH across railway level crossings is product of number of gate closures
and the intensity of traffic on the highway in tonnes per day in the design year. When
this product exceeds 50,000 or when the level crossing is within the shunting limits of
a railway station, the grade separation is justified. The location is decided keeping in
view the highway alignment, the topographic and other site conditions,
The necessity to provide alternate routes to bypass through traffic is assessed from the
origin and destination studies. If the by-passable traffic more than the traffic terminating
at the town or built-up area then the bypass may be justified.
7) Earth-work and preparation of subgrade of the re-alignment road stretches, setting out
and construction of new bridges and culverts
8) Checking the geometric design elements of the newly aligned stretches of the road
9) Design and construction of the new highway pavements
The geometric design of highways depends on several design factors. The important
factors which control the geometric elements are:
The topography or the terrain conditions influence the geometric design of highway
significantly. The terrains are classified based on the general slope of the country across the
alignment, as plain, rolling, mountainous and steep terrains. The design standards specified for
different classes of roads, are different depending on the terrain classification. Further in hilly
terrain, it is necessary to allow for steeper gradients and sharper horizontal curves due to the
construction problems.
Traffic Factors
The factors associated with traffic that affect geometric design of road are the vehicular
characteristics and human characteristics of road users. It is difficult to decide the design
vehicle or standard traffic lane under mixed traffic flow.
Environmental and Other Factors
The environmental factors such as aesthetics, landscaping, air and noise pollution and
other local conditions should be given due considerations in the design of road geometrics.
Some of the arterial high-speed highways and expressways are designed for higher speed
standards and uninterrupted flow of vehicles by providing controlled access and grade
separated intersections.
1) Friction
The friction of skid resistance between vehicle tyre and pavement surface is one of the
factors determining the operating speed and the minimum distance requires for stopping of
'Skid' occurs when the wheels slide without revolving or rotating or when the wheels partially
revolve i.e., when the path travelled along the road surface is more than the circumferential
movements of the wheels due to their rotation When the brakes arc applied, the wheels are
locked partially or fully, and if the vehicle moves forward, the longitudinal skidding takes place
which may van, from 0 to 100%.
While a vehicle negotiates a horizontal curve, if the centrifugal force is greater than the
counteracting forces (i.e. lateral friction and component of gravity due to super elevation)
lateral skidding takes place. The lateral skid is considered dangerous as the vehicle goes out of
control leading to an accident. The maximum lateral skid coefficient is generally equal to or
slightly higher than the forward skid coefficient in braking tests.
'Slip' occurs when a wheel revolves more than the corresponding longitudinal movement along
the roads. Slipping usually occurs in the driving wheel of a vehicle when the vehicle rapidly
accelerates from stationary position or from slow speed on pavement surface which is either
slippery and wet or when the road surface is loose with mud
2) Pavement Unevenness
The longitudinal profile of the road pavement has to he even' in order to provide a good
riding comfort to fast moving vehicles and to minimise the VOC. Presence of undulations on
the pavement surface is called pavement unevenness which results in
Increase in Discomfort and Fatigue to Road Users
Increase in Fuel Consumption and Tyre Wear and Increase in VOC
Reduction in Vehicle Operating Speed and Increase in Accident Rate
The pavement surface should therefore be maintained w i t h minimum possible unevenness or
undulations so that the desired speed can be maintained m conformity w i t h other geometric
standards Loose road surface increases the resistance to traction and causes increase in fuel
The unevenness of pavement surface is commonly measured by using a simple equipment
called 'Bump Integrator' (BI), in terms of Unevenness Index which is the cumulative
measure of vertical undulations of the pavement surface recorded per unit length of the road.
Internationally, the riding quality of a pavement surface is quantified in terms of 'roughness’
and is expressed as International Roughness Index (IRI) in units of m/km. The relation between
the unevenness measured using bump integrator in mm/km and the International Roughness
index in m/km is as follows
BI = 630 (IRI)1.12
Undulations of newly laid pavement surface are sometimes measured using a straight edge and
wedge scale, in terms of the depth and number of depressions or ruts along and across the
pavement. It may be mentioned here that there are several advanced techniques and equipment
available now to evaluate the pavement surface condition.
The cross slope for shoulders should be 0.5% steeper than the cross slope of adjoining
pavement, subject to a minimum of 3.0% and a maximum value of 5.0% for earth shoulders.
The cross slope suggested for the carriageway, paved shoulders and edge strip of expressways
with bituminous surface as well as cement concrete surface is 2.5 % in regions with annual
rain fall exceeding 1000 mm and 2.0 % in places with less than 1000 mm rain fall.
Kerb indicates the boundary between the pavement and median or foot path or island
or shoulder. It is desirable to provide kerbs on urban roads. Refer Fig. There are a variety of
kerb designs. Kerbs may be mainly divided based on their functions.
a) Low or Mountable Kerbs
These types of kerbs are provided such that they encourage the traffic to remain in the through
traffic lanes and also allow the driver to enter the shoulder area with little difficulty.
The portion of the road beyond the carriageway and on the roadway can be generally called
road margin. Various elements that form the road margins are given below.
Shoulders are provided on both sides of the pavement all along the road in the case of
undivided highway and are provided on the outer edge of the highway in divided carriage way
(a) Shoulders provide structural stability and support to the edges of the flexible
(b) The capacity of the carriageway and the operating speeds of vehicles increase if the
shoulders are laid and maintained in good condition.
(c) Shoulders serve as emergency lanes for vehicle compelled to be taken out of the main
carriageway or roadway. Shoulders should have sufficient load bearing capacity to
support loaded truck even in wet weather
(d) Shoulders also act as service lanes for vehicles that are disabled. The width of shoulder
should be adequate to accommodate stationary vehicle fairly away from the edge of
adjacent lane.
Guard rails
Guard rails are provided at the edge of the shoulder when the road is constructed on a
fill so that vehicles are prevented from running off the embankment, especially when the
height of the fill exceeds 3 m. Guard stones (painted with black and white strips) are installed
at suitable intervals along the outer edge of the formation at horizontal curves of roads running
on embankments along rural areas so as to provide better night visibility of the curves under
head lights of vehicles
Footpath or side-walk
In order to provide safe facility to pedestrians to walk along the roadway, foot paths or
side-walks are provided in urban areas where the pedestrian traffic is noteworthy and the
vehicular traffic is also heavy. By providing good foot path facility, the pedestrians can keep
off from the carriageway and they are segregated from the moving vehicular traffic. Thus, the
operating speeds of the vehicular traffic increases and there will be marked reduction in
accidents involving pedestrians.
Drive ways
Drive ways connect the highway with commercial establishment like fuel-stations,
service-stations etc. Drive ways should be properly designed and located, fairly away from an
intersection. The radius of the drive way curve should be kept as large as possible, but the
width of the drive way should be minimised to reduce the crossing distance for the
Cycle tracks
Cycle tracks are provided in urban areas where the volume of cycle traffic on the road
is very high. A minimum width of 2 m is provided for the cycle track and the width may be
increased by 1.0 m for each additional cycle lane.
Parking lanes
Parking lanes are provided on urban roads to allow kerb parking. As far as possible
only 'parallel parking' should be allowed as it is safer for moving vehicles. For parallel parking,
the minimum lane width should be 3.0 m.
Bus bays
Bus bays may be provided by recessing the kerb to avoid conflict with moving traffic.
Bus bays should be located at least 75 m away from the intersections.
Lay-byes are provided near public conveniences with guide maps to enable drivers to
stop clear off the carriageway. Lay-byes should normally be of 3.0 width and at least 30 m
length with 15 m end tapers on both sides.
Frontage roads
Frontage roads are provided to give access to properties along an important highway
with controlled access to express way or freeway. The frontage roads may run parallel to the
highway and are isolated by a separator, with approaches to the through facility only at selected
points, preferably with grade separation.
Sight Distance and Importance
Sight distance is the length of road visible ahead of the driver at any instance. Sight
distance available at any location of the carriageway is the actual distance a driver with his eye
level at a specified height above the pavement surface has visibility of any stationary or moving
object of specified height which is on the carriageway ahead. The sight distance between the
driver and the object is measured along the road surface.
Restrictions to Sight Distance
Restrictions to visibility or sight distance may be caused in the following circumstances
At horizontal curves, when the line of sight is obstructed by objects at the inner side of
the curve. Here the sight distance is measured along the centre line of the horizontal
curve when the vehicle driver is able to see another vehicle or object on the carriageway
At a vertical curve, the line of sight is obstructed by the road surface of the summit
curve (i.e., a vertical curve of the road with convexity upwards)
In this case also the sight distance is measured along the centre line of the vertical curve
when the vehicle driver is able to see another vehicle or object on the road
At an uncontrolled intersection when a driver from one of the approach roads is able to
sight a vehicle from another approach road proceeding towards the intersection, Here
the sight distance for each vehicle driver is the distance from the position when the two
can see each other up to the intersection point of the two roads.
The PIEV time of a driver also depends on several factors such as physical and psychological
characteristics of the driver, type of the problem involved, environmental conditions and
temporary factors.
Speed of vehicle
The stopping distance depends very much on the speed of the vehicle. First, during the
total reaction time of the driver the distance moved by the vehicle will depend on the speed.
Second, the braking distance or the distance moved by the vehicle after applying the brakes,
before coming to a stop depends also on the initial speed of the vehicle.
Efficiency of brakes
The braking efficiency is said to be 100 percent if the wheels are fully locked preventing
them from rotating on application of the brakes. This will result in 100 percent skidding which
is normally undesirable, except in utmost emergency. Also skidding is considered to be
dangerous, as it is not possible for the driver to easily control a vehicle after it starts skidding.
Frictional resistance between road and tyres
The factional resistance developed between road and tyres depends upon the 'skid
resistance' or the coefficient of friction, f between the road surface and the tyres of the vehicle.
Analysis of Stopping Distance
The stopping distance of a vehicle is the sum of
a) The distance travelled by the vehicle at uniform speed during the total reaction time, t
which is known as LAG DISTANCE.
b) The distance travelled by the vehicle after the applications of the brakes, until the
vehicles comes to a dead stop which is known as BRAKING DISTANCE.
During the total reaction time, t seconds the vehicle may be assumed to move forward
with a uniform speed at which the vehicle has been moving and this speed may be taken as the
design speed. If ‘v’ is the design speed in m/sec and ‘t’ is the total reaction time of the driver
in seconds, then
Lag Distance = v t
If the design speed is V kmph, then the lag distance = V t x
= 0.278 V t ≈ 0.28 V t in meters
IRC has recommended the value of reaction time t as 2.5 sec for calculation of Stopping
The coefficient of friction f depends on several factors such as the type and condition
of the pavement and the value of f decreases with the increase in speed. IRC has recommended
a set of friction co efficient values for the determination of stopping sight distance.
Speed, kmph 20 – 30 40 50 60 65 80 100 and above
Longitudinal friction
0.40 0.38 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.35 0.35
coefficient value, f for SSD
The braking distance, l = 𝒗
IRC has recommended the SSD values for different speed as follows
Design Speed, kmph 20 25 30 40 50 60 65 80 100
SSD for design, m 20 25 30 45 60 80 90 120 180
Measurement of OSD
Factor Affecting OSD
Speeds of
1) Overtaking Vehicle
2) Overtaken Vehicle
3) Vehicle coming from opposite direction
Distance between the overtaking and overtaken vehicles, the minimum spacing
between vehicles depends on the speeds
Skill and reaction time of the driver
Rate of acceleration of overtaking vehicle
The overtaking manoeuvre may be split up into 3 operations, thus dividing OSD into 3 parts
d1, d2 and d3.
d1 is the distance (m) travelled by the overtaking vehicle A during the reaction time, t
(secs) of the driver from position A1 to A2 before starting to overtake the slow vehicle
d2 is the distance travelled (m) travelled by the vehicle A during the actual overtaking
operation during T (secs) from position A2 to A3
d3 is the distance (m) travelled by oncoming vehicle C during the actual overtaking
operation of A during T (secs) from position C1 to C2.
Thus, on a 2-lane road with 2-way traffic the OSD = d1 + d2 + d3 in meters
The vehicle A accelerates and overtakes the slow vehicle B within a distance d2 during
the overtaking time, T (sec) between the position A2 to A3
The distance d2 is split up into three parts
a) Spacing, s (m) between A2 and B
b) Distance b (m) travelled by the slow vehicle B between B1 and B2 during the overtaking
manoeuvre of A
c) Spacing (m) between B2 and A3
During this overtaking time T (sec), the vehicle C coming from opposite direction
travels through a distance d3 from position C1 to C2
overtaking operation of vehicle A i.e. during time T (sec) is the distance d2 (m) between
positions C1 to C2. Hence,
d3 = v T (m)
In m/sec units
OSD = (d1 + d2 + d3) = (vb t + vb T + 2s + vT)
vb = initial speed of overtaking vehicle, m/s
t = reaction time of driver = 2 sec
V = speed of overtaking vehicle or design speed, kmph
4 s
In kmph units
OSD = 0.28 Vb t + 0.28 Vb T + 2s + 0.28 V T
Vb = initial speed of overtaking vehicle, kmph
t = reaction time of driver = 2 sec
V = speed of overtaking vehicle or design speed, kmph
4 X 3.6 s 14.4 s
T=√ =√
the characteristics of the driver. The average rate of acceleration during overtaking manoeuvre
may be taken corresponding to the design speed.
SSD is not available due to any reason such as obstruction to vision, immediate steps should
be taken to either remove the obstruction to the sight line or install suitable regulatory signs to
specify the speed limit along with appropriate warning signs.
Overtaking Zones
It is desirable to construct highways in such a way that the length of road visible ahead
at every point is sufficient for safe overtaking. This is seldom practicable and there may be
stretches where the safe overtaking distance cannot be provided. In such zones where
overtaking or passing is not safe or is not possible, sign posts should be installed indicating No
Passing or Overtaking Prohibited before such restricted zones start. However overtaking
opportunity for vehicles moving at design speed should be given at as frequent intervals as
possible. These zones which are meant for overtaking are called Overtaking Zones.
The width of carriageway and the length of overtaking zone should sufficient for safe
overtaking. Sign posts should be installed at sufficient distance m advance to indicate the start
of the overtaking zones, this distance may be equal to
(d1 + d2) for one-way roads
(d1 + d2 + d3) for two-way roads
Two values of design speeds are considered at the design stage of highway geometries namely,
1) Ruling design speed
2) Minimum design speed
As a general rule, attempt should be made to design all the geometric element of the highway
for the 'ruling design speed'. This is because ruling design speeds are guiding criteria for the
geometric design. However, 'minimum design speed’ may be accepted where site conditions
or economic considerations warrant.
The ruling design speeds suggested for the National and State Highways in India passing
through plain terrain is 100 kmph and through rolling terrain is 80kmph and minimum design
speed values standardized by the IRC for of roads on different terrains in rural (non-urban)
areas are given in Table below
Design Speed in kmph
Plain Rolling Mountainous Steep
Ruling Min. Ruling Min. Ruling Min. Ruling Min.
Expressway 120 100 100 80 80 60 80 60
NH and SH 100 80 80 65 50 40 40 30
MDR 80 65 65 50 40 30 30 20
ODR 65 50 50 40 30 25 25 20
VR 50 40 40 35 25 20 25 20
Horizontal Curves
A horizontal highway curve is a curve in plan to provide change in direction to the
centre line of a road. A simple circular curve may be designated by either the radius, R of the
curve in meters or the degree, D of the curve. The degree of the curve (D°) is the central angle
subtended by an arc of length 30 m and is given by the relation, RD𝜋/180 = 30. Therefore, the
relation between the radius and degree of the circular curve is given by, R = 1720 / D
When a vehicle traverses a horizontal curve, the centrifugal force acts horizontally
outwards through the centre of gravity of the vehicle. The centrifugal force developed depends
on the radius of the horizontal curve and the speed of the vehicle negotiating the curve. This
centrifugal force is counteracted by the transverse frictional resistance developed between the
tyres and the pavement which enables the vehicle to change the direction along the curve and
to maintain the stability of the vehicle. Centrifugal force P is given by the equation:
P = centrifugal force, kg
W = weight of the vehicle, kg
R = radius of the circular curve, m
v = speed of vehicle, m/sec
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/sec
The ratio of the centrifugal force to the weight of the vehicle, P/W is known as the
'centrifugal ratio' or the 'impact factor'. Therefore, centrifugal ratio
𝑷 𝒗𝟐
𝑾 𝒈𝑹
The centrifugal force acting on a vehicle negotiating a horizontal curve has the following two
1) Tendency to overturn the vehicle outwards about the outer wheels
Overturning Effect
The overturning moment due to centrifugal force, P = P x h
This is resisted by the restoring moment due to weight of the vehicle W and is equal to (Wb/2)
𝑾𝒃 𝒃
The equilibrium condition for overturning will occur when 𝑷 𝒉 = or 𝑷
𝟐 𝑾 𝟐𝒉
overturning will occur
𝒃 𝒗𝟐
And for safety >
𝟐𝒉 𝒈𝑹
Thus, to avoid both overturning and lateral skidding on a horizontal curve, the
𝑷 𝒃
𝑾 𝟐𝒉
In order to counteract the effect of centrifugal force and to reduce the tendency of the
vehicle to overturn or skid, the outer edge of the pavement is raised with respect to the inner
edge, thus providing a transverse slope throughout the length of the horizontal curve. This
transverse inclination to the pavement surface is known as SUPER ELEVATION or CANT
The rate of super elevation, 'e' is expressed as the ratio of the height of outer edge with
respect to the horizontal width.
e = tan θ = sin θ = =
E – Relative elevation of the outer edge
B – Width of the pavement
The general equation for design of super elevation is given by
𝑒+𝑓 =
e = rate of super elevation = tan θ
f = design value of lateral friction coefficient = 0.15
v = speed of the vehicle, m/sec
R = radius of the horizontal curve, m
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/sec2
If the speed of the vehicle is given in kmph then the equation is
(𝟎. 𝟐𝟕𝟖𝑽)𝟐 𝑽𝟐
𝑒+𝑓 = =
𝟗. 𝟖𝟏𝑹 𝟏𝟐𝟕𝑹
The maximum value of super elevation is limited to 7% or 0.07 and the minimum value of
lateral friction of coefficient f for highway is 0.15
In some situations, particularly at, some intersections it is not possible to provide super
elevation and in such cases the friction counteracts the centrifugal force fully. The allowable
speed of vehicle negotiating a turn should be restricted to the condition
𝑽 = √𝟏𝟐𝟕𝒇 𝑹
The super elevation depends upon
1) Radius of the curve R,
2) Speed of the vehicle V
3) The coefficient of lateral friction f
2) If the calculated value of 'e' is less than 7% or 0.07 the value so obtained provided. If
the value of 'e' as per the above equation exceeds 0.07 then provide the maximum super
elevation equal to 0.07 and proceed with steps 3 or 4
3) Check the coefficient of friction developed for the maximum value e = 0.07 at the full
value of design speed, v m/sec or V kmph
𝟐 𝟐
𝑓 = ( 𝒗 − 𝟎. 𝟎𝟕) 𝑜𝑟 ( 𝑽 − 𝟎. 𝟎𝟕)
𝒈𝑹 𝟏𝟐𝟕𝑹
If the value of f thus calculated is less than 0.15, the super elevation of 0.07 is safe for
the design speed and this is accepted as the design super elevation. If not, either the
radius of the horizontal curve has to be increased or the speed has to be restricted to the
safe value which will be less than the design speed. The restricted speed or the allowable
speed is calculated as given in step 4
4) The allowable speed or restricted speed (va m/sec or Va kmph) at the cm1' is calculated
by considering the. design coefficient of lateral friction and the maximum super
elevation. The safe allowable speed
𝑽𝒂 = √𝟐𝟕. 𝟗𝟒 𝑹 kmph
If the allowable speed, as calculated above is higher than the design speed design, then the
design is adequate and provide a super elevation of 'e' equal to 0.07. If the allowable speed is
less than the design speed, the speed is limited to the allowable Va kmph calculated above.
If the allowable speed Va is less than the design speed V, appropriate warning signs and speed
limit signs are to be installed.
Attainment of Super elevation in the field
Introduction of super elevation on a horizontal curve in the field is an important feature
in construction. The road cross section at the straight portion is cambered with the crown at the
center of the pavement and sloping down towards both the edges. But the cross section on the
portion of circular curve of the road is super elevated with a uniform tilt sloping down from
the outer edge of the pavement up to inner edge.
Thus, the crowned camber sections at the straight before the start of the transition curve
should be changed to a single cross slope equal to the desired superelevation at the beginning
of the circular curve. This change may be conveniently attained at a gradual and uniform rate
through the length of horizontal transition curve. The full superelevation is attained by the end
of transition curve or at the beginning of the circular curve.
The attainment of superelevation may be split up into two parts:
(a) Elimination of crown of the cambered section
(b) Rotation of pavement to attain full superelevation
𝑅𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 =
(𝒆 + 𝒇 )𝒈
𝑅𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 =
𝟏𝟐𝟕 (𝒆 + 𝒇)
The minimum design speed is V’ Kmph, the absolute minimum radius of horizontal curve
𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑛 =
𝟏𝟐𝟕 (𝒆 + 𝒇)
v and V – ruling speeds in m/sec and Kmph
V’ – minimum design speed in kmph
e - rate of superelevation, (0.07)
f – co efficient of friction 0.15
g - acceleration due to gravity 9.8 m/sec2
2) At speeds, higher than the design speeds when the superelevation and lateral friction
developed are not fully able to counteract the outwards thrust due to the centrifugal
force, some transverse skidding may occur and the rear wheels may take paths on the
outside of those traced by the front wheels on the horizontal curves. However, this
occurs only at excessively high speeds
3) The path traced by the wheels of a trailer in the case of trailer units, is also likely to be
on either side of the central path of the towing vehicle, depending on the speed, rigidity
of the universal joints and pavement roughness
4) In order to take curved path with larger radius and to have greater visibility at curve,
the drivers have tendency not to follow the central path of the lane, but to use the outer
side at the beginning of a curve.
Mechanical Widening
The widening required to account for the off-tracking due to rigidity of wheel base is
called as ‘Mechanical Widening’ (Wm) and is given by
𝑊𝑚 =
Psychological Widening
Widening of pavements has to be done for some psychological reasons also. There is
a tendency for the drivers to drive close to the edges of the pavement on curves. Some extra
space is to be provided for more clearance for the crossing and overtaking operations on
curves. IRC proposed an empirical relation for the psychological widening at horizontal curves.
𝑊𝑝𝑠 =
𝟗. 𝟓√𝑹
Hence Total Widening We is given by We = Wm + Wps
𝒏𝒍𝟐 𝑽
𝑊𝑒 = +
𝟐𝑹 𝟗. 𝟓√𝑹
R – Radius of the curve
n – No of lanes
l – length of wheel base of longest vehicle, m
Note: For multi lane roads, the pavement widening is calculated by adding half extra width of
two lane roads to each lane of the multi lane road.
𝒗𝟐 𝑹𝑳𝒔 𝒗𝟑
𝑪= = =
𝑹𝒕 𝒗 𝑳𝒔 𝑹
The IRC has recommended the following equation
(𝟕𝟓 + 𝑽)
The minimum and maximum value of C are limited to 0.5 and 0.8
𝑳𝒔 =
𝑳𝒔 =
𝟒𝟔. 𝟓 𝑪𝑹
C - rate of change of centrifugal acceleration, m/sec3
Ls – length of transition curve
R – radius of the circular curve, m
𝑳𝒔 = 𝑬𝑵 = 𝒆𝑵 (𝑾 + 𝑾𝒆)
By Empirical Formula
According to IRC standards the length of horizontal transition curve Ls should not be less
than the value given by the following formulas for two terrain classification
a) For plain and rolling terrain
𝟐. 𝟕 𝑽𝟐
𝑳𝒔 =
b) For mountainous and steep terrain
𝑳𝒔 =
𝟐𝟒 𝑹
Setback Distance on Horizontal Curves
Setback distance m or the clearance distance is the distance required from the centreline
of a horizontal curve to an obstruction on the inner side of the curve to provide adequate sight
distance at a horizontal curve. The setback distance depends on:
a) Required Sight Distance, S
b) Radius of Horizontal Curve, R
c) Length of the curve, Lc which may be greater or lesser than S
a) When Lc > S
When the length of curve Lc is greater than the sight distance S, let the angle subtended
by the arc length S at the curve be α. On narrow roads such as single lane roads, the sight
distance is measured along the centre line of the road and the angle subtended at the centre, α
is equal to S/R radians. Therefore, half central angle id given by
𝑎 𝑺 𝟏𝟖𝟎 𝑺
= 𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒔 = 𝒅𝒆𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒔
𝟐 𝟐𝑹 𝟐 𝝅𝑹
The setback distance m, required from the centre line on narrow road is given by
𝒎 = 𝑹 − 𝑹𝒄𝒐𝒔
In case of wide roads with 2 or more lanes, if d is the distance between the centre line of the
road and the centre line of the inside lane in meters, the sight distance is measured along the
middle of the inner side lanes and the setback distance m’ is given by
𝒎′ = 𝑹 − (𝑹 − 𝒅)𝒄𝒐𝒔
𝑎′ 𝟏𝟖𝟎 𝑺
= 𝒅𝒆𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒔
𝟐 𝟐 𝝅(𝑹 − 𝒅)
b) When Lc < S
If the length of the curve Lc is less than the required sight distance S, then the angle α subtended
at the center is determined with reference to the length of circular curve Lc and the setback
distance m’ is worked out in 2 parts
𝑎′ 𝟏𝟖𝟎 𝑳𝒄
= 𝒅𝒆𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒔
𝟐 𝟐 𝝅(𝑹 − 𝒅)
The setback distance is given by
𝑎′ (𝑺 − 𝑳𝒄) 𝑎′
𝒎′ = 𝑹 − (𝑹 − 𝒅)𝒄𝒐𝒔 + 𝒔𝒊𝒏
𝟐 𝟐 𝟐
Curve Resistance
When the vehicle negotiates a horizontal curve, the direction of rotation of the front and
the rear wheels are different. The front wheels are turned to move the vehicle along the curve,
whereas the rear wheels seldom turn. The rear wheels exert a tractive force T in the PQ
direction. The tractive force available on the front wheels is T cos θ in the PS direction. This is
less than the actual tractive force, T applied. Hence, the loss of tractive force for a vehicle to
negotiate a horizontal curve is:
CR = T – T cos α = T (1 – cos α)
Gradient is the rate of rise or fall along the length of the road with respect to the
horizontal. It is expressed as a ratio of 1 in x (1 vertical unit to x horizontal units). The gradient
is also expressed as percentages such as n%, the slope being n vertical units to 100 horizontal
Types of gradient
a) Ruling Gradient
b) Limiting Gradient
c) Exceptional Gradient
d) Minimum Gradient
Ruling gradient
The ruling gradient or the design gradient is the maximum gradient with which the
designer attempts to design the vertical profile of the road. This depends on the terrain, length
of the grade, speed, pulling power of the vehicle and the presence of the horizontal curve. In
plain terrain, it may be possible to provide at gradients, but in hilly terrain it is not economical
and sometimes not possible also.
The IRC has recommended ruling gradient values of
a) 1 in 30 on plain and rolling terrain
b) 1 in 20 on mountainous terrain
c) 1 in 16.7 on steep terrain.
Limiting gradient
Where topography of a place compels adopting steeper gradient than the ruling
gradient, 'limiting gradient' is used in view of enormous increase in cost in constructing roads
with gentler gradients. However, the length of continuous grade line steeper than ruling
gradient should be limited. On rolling terrain and on hill roads, it may be frequently necessary
to exceed ruling gradient and adopt limiting gradient, but care should be taken to separate such
stretches of steep gradients by providing either a level road or a road with easier grade.
Exceptional gradient
In some extra ordinary situations, it may be unavoidable to provide still steeper
gradients than limiting gradient at least for short stretches and in such cases the steeper gradient
up to 'exceptional gradient' may be provided. However, the exceptional gradient should be
strictly limited only for short stretches not exceeding about 100 m at a stretch.
Minimum gradient
This is important only at locations where surface drainage is important. Camber will
take care of the lateral drainage. But the longitudinal drainage along the side drains requires
some slope for smooth flow of water.
The road with zero gradient passing through level land and open side drains are provided
with a gradient of 1 in 400.A minimum of 1 in 500 may be sufficient to drain water in concrete
drains or gutter, on inferior surface of drains 1 in 200 or 0.5%, on kutcha open drains steeper
slope up to 1 in 100 or 1 % may be provided
Vertical Curves
Due to changes in grade in the vertical alignment of highway, it is necessary to
introduce vertical curve at the intersections of different grades to smoothen out the vertical
profile and thus ease off the changes in gradients for the fast moving vehicles.
The vertical curves used in highway may be classified into two categories:
(a) Summit curves or crest curves with convexity upwards
(b) Valley curves or sag curves with concavity upwards
Summit curves
Summit curves with convexity upwards are formed in any one of the cases as given below
a) When a positive gradient meets another positive gradient
b) When positive gradient meets a at gradient
c) When an ascending gradient meets a descending gradient.
d) When a descending gradient meets another descending gradient
The deviation angle, N between the two intersecting gradients is equal to the algebraic
difference between them. Among all the cases, the deviation angle will be maximum when an
ascending gradient, (+ n1) meets with a descending gradient, (- n2).
Therefore, deviation angle, N= n1 - (- n2) = (n1 + n2)
When a fast moving vehicle travels along a summit curve, the centrifugal force will act
upwards, against gravity and hence a part of the self-weight of the vehicle is relieved resulting
in reduction in pressure on the tyres and on the suspension springs of the vehicle suspensions.
So there is no problem of discomfort to passengers on summit curves, particularly because the
deviation angles on roads are quite small. Also if the summit curve is designed to have adequate
sight distance, the length of the summit curve would be long enough to ease the shock due to
change in gradients.
Many curve forms can be used with satisfactory results; the common practice has been
to use parabolic curves in summit curves. This is primarily because of the ease with it can be
laid out as well as allowing a comfortable transition from one gradient to another.
The important design aspect of the summit curve is the determination of the length of
the curve which is parabolic. As noted earlier, the length of the curve is guided by the sight
distance consideration.
Length of the summit curve for SSD
a) When L > SSD
The equation for length L of the parabolic curve is given by
𝑳= 𝟐
(√𝟐𝑯 + √𝟐𝒉)
L – length of summit curve, m
S – SSD, m
N – Deviation angle, equal to algebraic difference in grades, radians, or tangent of deviation
H - Height of eye level of driver above road surface, m = 1.2m
h – Height of subject above the pavement surface, m = 0.15m
As per IRC
𝟒. 𝟒
As per IRC
𝟗. 𝟔
S – OSD or ISD, m
Valley curve
Valley curve or sag curves are vertical curves with convexity downwards. The deviation
angle, N between the two intersecting gradients is equal to the algebraic difference between
them. Among all the cases, the deviation angle will be maximum when a descending gradient,
(- n1) meets with an ascending gradient, (+ n2).
Therefore, deviation angle, N= - n1 - (+ n2) = - (n1 + n2)
They are formed when two gradients meet as illustrated in figure below in any of the
following four ways:
1) When a descending gradient meets another descending gradient
2) When a descending gradient meets a at gradient
3) When a descending gradient meets an ascendinggradient
4) When an ascending gradient meets another ascending gradient
The length of the valley transition curve is designed to fulfil two criteria
a) Allowable rate change of centrifugal acceleration
b) The required HSD for night driving
𝒉𝟏 + 𝑺 𝒕𝒂𝒏 𝑎 = 𝒂 𝑺𝟐 =
h1 – the average height of head light = 0.75m
α - 1º, the beam angle
(𝟏. 𝟓 + 𝟎. 𝟎𝟑𝟓𝑺)
L – Total length of valley curve, m
S – OSD or ISD, m
N - Deviation angle = (n1 + n2), with slopes – n1 and + n2
(𝟏. 𝟓 + 𝟎. 𝟎𝟑𝟓𝑺)
𝑳 = 𝟐𝑺 −