Gujarat Technological University Civil (Transportation Engineering)
Gujarat Technological University Civil (Transportation Engineering)
Gujarat Technological University Civil (Transportation Engineering)
Prerequisite : Nil
Rationale :
Teaching Module
Sr.No. Topics
Hrs. Weightage
Introduction: Importance of transportation, various modes and their 5 10%%
Urban transportation systems planning: Public, private, para-transit 5 10%
systems, coordination, routing, scheduling, fare structure.
Travel demand modeling: Land use planning, trip generation, trip
3 5 10%
distribution, modal split, trip assignment, their analysis.
Traffic Engineering: Basic elements-user, facility, vehicles,
environment. Their characteristics and inter actions, traffic flow,
4 classified volume, PCU concept, speed-flow-density relationship, 5 10%
headway, travel time and delay measurement techniques, O-D survey,
accident analysis.
Traffic Infrastructures: Highway geometric elements, curves,
5 intersections, rotary, grade-separated intersections, markings, signs, 5 10%
signals, parking, bus stops, terminal area, truck terminals.
Railway, Air port and Docks-Harbour: Their planning at the regional
6 context, important characteristics, cargo and passenger demand 5 10%
forecasting, planning and design of terminal area facilities.
Pavements: Types, materials, tests, design criteria, ESWL, EWLF,
7 CBR method, Marshall stability test, C.C. pavement design, joints, 10 30%
Construction methods for flexible and rigid pavements, failures,
evaluation study, Benkelman beam deflection study, unevenness
measurement, design of overlays, maintenance management.
Economic evaluation and Environmental Impact Assessment 5 10%
procedures for transportation projects.
1. B.G.Hutchinson, Principles of urban transportation system planning- McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1974
2. Edward K.Morlok, Transportation Engg. and Planning
3. W.Dickey, Metropolitan Transportation Planning Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1975
4. Blunder and Black, Land useTtransportation System
5. J.Ortuzer and L.G. Willumsen, Modelling Transport, Johan Wiley and Sons
6. Vukan R. Vuchic, Urban Transit : Operations, Planning and Economics, Wiley Sons
7. Peter White, Public Transport, UCL Press
8. Kadiyali L.R., Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning, Khanna Publishers
9. Khisty, C J., Transportation Engineering – An Introduction, Prentice-Hall, NJ
10. TCRP Report 30, TCRP Report 95, TCRP Report 100
11. S.C. Saxena, Traffic Planning and Design, Dhanpat Rai Pub., New Delhi.
12. Partho Chakraborty and Animesh Das, Principles of Transportation Engineering, PHI
13. C. S. Papacostas, Fundamentals of Transportation System Analysis, PHI.
14. James H. Banks, Introduction to Transportation Engineering, WCB-McGraw Hill, New
15. L.J.Pingnataro, Traffic Engineering; Theory and Practice. Prentice Hall, Englewood
Clitts, 1973.
16. M.Wohl and B.V.Martin, Traffic System Analysis for Engineering and Planners,
McGraw-Hill. New York,1983.
17. D.R.Drew, Traffic Flow Theory and Control, McGraw Hill. New York 1968.
18. W.R.McShane, R.P.Roess and E.S.Prassas, Traffic Engineering, Prentice Hall, New
Jersey, 1990.
19. R.J.Salter, Highway Traffic Analysis and Design, McMillan, Hampshire, 1989.
20. Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C.,1997, 2000
21. Kadiyali L.R.and Lal, N. B., Principles & Practice of Highway Engineering, Khanna
Publishers, Delhi.
22. Khanna S.K., Justo C.E.G., Highway Engineering, Nem Chand & Bros., Roorkee.
23. Khanna S.K., Arora M.G., Jain S.S., Airport Planning & Design, Nemchand Bros.,
24. Horenjeff Robert, The planning & Design of Airports, McGraw Hill Book Co.
25. Saxena S.C., Railway Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 1995.
26. Bindra S.P., Docks & Harbour Engineering, Dhanpat Rai Publications,
27. Srinivasan R., Harbours, Docks & Tunnel Engineering, Charotar Publishing House,
Anand, 1999.
Course Outcomes:
1. To provide the basic understanding of Transportation Engineering and its main
2. To make the students aware of techniques used in transportation planning, traffic flow
management, pavement – design, construction and its maintenance
List of Practicals:
1. Problems based on trip generation, trip distribution, modal split and route assignment
Review Presentation (RP): The concerned faculty member shall provide the list of peer reviewed
Journals and Tier-I and Tier-II Conferences relating to the subject (or relating to the area of thesis for
seminar) to the students in the beginning of the semester. The same list will be uploaded on GTU
website during the first two weeks of the start of the semester. Every student or a group of students shall
critically study 2 papers, integrate the details and make presentation in the last two weeks of the
semester. The GTU marks entry portal will allow entry of marks only after uploading of the best 3
presentations. A unique id number will be generated only after uploading the presentations. Thereafter
the entry of marks will be allowed. The best 3 presentations of each college will be uploaded on GTU