Esld Course Outline Working 2

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Scarborough Centre for Alternative Studies

Adult Day School Program

Course Title:
Course Code: ESLD
Course Title: English for School and Work
Teachers: Karen Essery, Emoke Danyi, Adam Wrestch
Offered: Quad 4, 2014
Prerequisite: ESLC

Contact Information:
Classrooms: Karen Essery-Room 276
Adam Wrestch-Room 205
Emoke Danyi-Room
By email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Course Description
This course prepares students to use English with increasing fluency and accuracy in classroom and
social situations and to participate in Canadian society as informed citizens. Students will develop
the oral-presentation, reading, and writing skills required for success in all school subjects. They will
extend listening and speaking skills through participation in discussions and seminars; study and
interpret a variety of grade-level texts; write narratives, articles, and summaries in English; and
respond critically to a variety of print and media texts.
Major Topics Addressed/ Evaluations and Dates, Subject to Change


Unit 1

Oral Communication (4%): Literature circles

Socio-Cultural Competence (3%): Intertextual connection to another text/real life
Reading (6%) and Writing (7%): Group five-paragraph literary essay (contribution
individually graded)
Writing (4%): Resume and Cover Letter
Oral Communication (4%) and Socio-Cultural Competence (3%): Job Interview
Reading (7%) and Writing (7%): Letter writing

Unit 2
and the
Unit 3


Socio-Cultural Competence (8%): Media-Based Research Task

Oral Communication (6%): Present Research Findings
Reading (8%): Quotation analysis
Writing (7%): Four-Paragraph In-Class Literary Essay
Course Culminating Activity (10% of overall mark)
SCM: Respond to an Issue in Canada
OC: Present to the Class
Final Examination (20% of overall mark)
RLS: Read a Sight Passage
W: Write a three-paragraph short essay


Week 9

How your mark is determined:

Term Mark
Final Mark

Reading (R)
Writing (W)
Oral Communication (OC)
Socio-Cultural Competence & Media Literacy (SCM)
Culminating Activity: OC and SCM Strands
Final Examination: RLS and W Strands
Overall Mark

Assessment and Evaluation Strategies

Strand Weights


Assessment for Learning: Assessment activities used, as required at the beginning of a block of learning
(i.e. course, unit), to determine students strengths and learning needs in order to plan, modify and
adjust instruction or to provide alternative learning opportunities (e.g. quizzes, homework, diagnostic
test). Diagnostic assessment data is not used in the determination of midterm or finals for inclusion on
the report card.
Assessment as Learning: Ongoing assessment during the learning process. It is used to monitor
student performance and provide feedback in an effort to enhance and improve learning and instruction
(e.g. quizzes, performances, journals, homework, tests). Recorded formative data can be tracked and
monitored to support professional judgment in cases where the body of evidence provided by the
student has been affected by such things as illness, missed assignments, etc.
Assessment of Learning: Evaluation that occurs at the conclusion of a block of learning (e.g. activity,
unit, course, semester/school year) and focuses on student achievement and program effectiveness
(e.g. journal portfolio, major presentation/performance, exam). This is used to determine the 70% term
Course Expectations
Late Assignments
Late assignments may be accepted, at the teachers discretion, after the due date until an
Ultimate Deadline date (the day the graded evaluation is returned) and up to 10% may be
deducted from the total mark.
Missed Tests/Assignments:
Students are responsible for finding out themselves what they missed if they are absent from
If a student is absent for a test, the student may be given an opportunity to make up the test at
the teachers discretion and will write the test on an agreed date.
There are no opportunities to make up missed quizzes.
Every student must write the final exam. If a student misses a final exam, the student must
provide to the Vice Principal(s) the appropriate medical or legal documentation; otherwise, a
mark of zero will be given.
Plagiarism or Cheating
Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone elses words and ideas as ones own. Please see your
Student Agenda for examples of plagiarism. When plagiarism or cheating is detected, the following
process will be followed:
The teacher will discuss the matter with the student and a mark of zero will be given on
The Vice-Principal(s) will be informed.
Code of Conduct
Students are bound by the Code of Conduct. The entire code may be found in your agenda.
No cell phones, pagers, and/or other electronic communication devices at any time,
including in class and during final exams/culminating activities
Attendance & Punctuality Expectations
Your success depends upon regular attendance, punctuality, and completing course assignments.
Students are expected to show up every day, be on time, and stay for the duration of the class. Failure
to do so places their registration in the course and SCAS program at risk. Late students will be asked to
go to the office to meet with a Vice-Principal (Stan or Ionie). The Vice-Principal or Guidance Office
Administrator will provide students with an official computerized admit slip. Students must present this
official slip to the teacher for re-entry to class.

Midterm Mark and Maintain Mark Date:


Day 23 of the Quad (Mid-term mark): This offers you a chance to review your achievement to
date. At the teachers discretion, after reviewing your attendance and course participation,
you may be offered the chance to make up missed or alternate assignments. However, you
are not entitled to this opportunity.
Day 28 of the Quad (Mark maintain date): You have five days after you receive the mid-term
mark to withdraw from a course, should you not want the mark to appear on your transcript.
The mark will appear and remain on the transcript on the sixth day after mid-terms.
Day 40 of the Quad: With the end of the Quad, at the teachers discretion, after reviewing
your attendance and course participation, the teacher may offer you a chance to make up
missed or alternate assignments. Again, you are not entitled to this opportunity. Credit
Rescue and Credit Recovery are options, not entitlements, for students.

Duty to Report -- A Note on Legal Obligations and Reporting

Should you be experiencing personal difficulties, support is available to you via your teacher, the
Guidance Department, and the Administration at SCAS.
Should you approach your teacher, a member of Guidance, or an administrator with concerns, she or he
has a legal and professional duty to report to the relevant authorities, including the Children's Aid Society
(CAS), any issues dealing with the following:
statements about harm to children ( e.g., any comments that suggest a child under the age of
16 has been or may be harmed by physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and/or
neglect or exposure to unfit living conditions);
statements about harm to others;
statements about harm to self.
The school and the classroom are public spaces. This means that you do NOT have an inherent right to
privacy such as you would in your home. Anything you say directly to, or may be overheard by, school
personnel require that person to report to the appropriate authorities. For example, any admission of a
criminal offense or intent to commit such an offense, or acknowledgement of knowledge of criminal
offenses, requires the staff member to inform the Administration and contact the police.

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