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Course Information
Coordination Area / Program: FAC. INGENIERÍA: ING. CIVIL Mode: Presencial
Credits: 02 Teaching hours: 62 Autonomous Learning Hours: 64
Period: 2018-02 Start date and end of period: del 13/08/2018 al 25/11/2018

Detail of Teaching hours

Sum: 62 Theory: 0 Practice: 56 Laboratory: 0 Evaluation Theory: 0 Evaluation Practice: 04 Reinforcement Theory: 02 Reinforcement Practice: 0

Course Pre-requisites
Code Course - Credits Career

Course Coordinators
Surname and First Name Email Contact Hour Contact Site

You can check the timetables for each teacher in their INFOSIL in the Classes Development Teachers option Teachers.

Course Overview
Theroetical-practical course of geometric design for rural and urban roadways. The course covers topics such as design criteria, controls, and important
consideration for designing the horizontal and vertical alignments, cross section elements, and concepts for intersections design. Other important factors for
designing, such as traffic volume, capacity, economic, environmental and construction issues, are also discussed.

Course Competencies
CP-1 Analyze several situations where construction management is needed, applying sound knowledge of
physical sciences, math and engineering in a global context.
CP-2 Develops and evaluates infrastructure projects and decides on their factibility based on technological and
Professional Competency administrative tools, current regulations and principles of sustainability, attending the market needs and
CP-4 Uses oral and written communication in the context of management, design and development of civil
engineering projects to emit directives, elaborate projects, train teams and negotiate proposals.
CP-1 Level 3 final.
Level of Professional Competency CP-2 Level 3 final.
CP-4 Level 3 final.
2-Bilingual communication
USIL General Competencies 3-Research
4-Resource management

Course Learning Outcomes

General Learning Outcomes N° Specific Learning Outcomes
Understand concepts and factors affecting
1.1 geometric design and apply principles to highway
design problems.
Provide students with an understanding of the basic principles and techniques of highway design.
Assessment of potential routes, design of alignments and intersections, earthwork requirements Gain proficiency in the design of horizontal and
and safety considerations. 1.2 vertical curves, cross sections, and other
geometric features.
1.3 Upon completion, students should be prepared
to generate basic highway design

Activity Scheduling
Ses Sem (hrs) Type Contents Learning Activities Resources
Specific Outcome: [1.1]
1 1 2 AP Introduction to the course. Importance of the Explains fundamental concepts of roadways. Text Book (Chapter 1, Pg. 3 -16)
highway system in the economy.
2 1 2 AP Phases in civil engineering design projects. Understand the process on designing Text Book (Chapter 1, Pg. 16 -23)
engineering projects.
Basic concepts of highway engineering, Read and understand the MTC manual and
2 1 1 AA classification, types and characteristics of the reference material indicates in class during Lecture Notes
highway system. Characteristics of Driver, week 1
Pedestrian and Roadway.
Discussion about conceptual design,
3 2 2 AP topography, classification of materials, and Explains the main factors affecting the Text Book Chapter 3
driver, vehicle and roadway characteristics, geometric design of roadways.
the driver.
4 2 2 AP Classification of materials. Understand and identify control parameters Text Book (Chapter 15, Pg. 738 -753)
before designing a roadway.
Conceptual design and classification of
4 2 1 AA materials. Understand control parameters before Text Book Chapter 3
Control factors. designing a roadway.
5 3 2 AP Driver, vehicle and roadway characteristics. Understand the principles of geometric Text Book (Chapter 15, Pg. 754 -789)
The roadway. design to start with a preliminary design
Basic and Supplemental References Required Reading: 1, 2, 3
Specific Outcome: [1.2] [1.3]
6 3 2 AP Vehicle characteristics. Understand the principles of designing Green book and MTC manual.
Exercises. horizontal alignments.
6 3 1 AA Control parameters before designing Understand the principles of designing Text Book (Chapter 2, Pg. 15-43)
roadways. horizontal alignments.
7 4 2 AP Example problems of Horizontal alignment. Understand the geometric alignments based Green Book Pg. 56-58.
on problems.
8 4 2 AP Horizontal curves. Identify design parameters based on MTC Green book and MTC manual.
8 4 1 AA Principles of highway alignment. Review MTC Read and understand the MTC manual and Text Book (Chapter 15) MTC Manual.
manual. reference material.
9 5 2 AP Sight distance on Horizontal Curves. Understand the concepts and factor Green Book Pag. 131-138
controlling the horizontal alignment.
10 5 2 AP Explain HW01, and the online app for Understand the concepts and factor Green Book Pag. 235-242
designing roads. HW01 is provided. controlling the vertical alignment.
10 5 1 AA Principles of highway alignment. Review MTC Work on HW01. Text Book (Chapter 15), MTC Manual
11 6 2 AP TEST 01 Solved problems related to vertical Green book and MTC manual.
12 6 2 AP Design Speed. Understand the importance of coordination of Green Book Pag. 269-282
Principles of highway alignment. Understand the types of vertical curves,
12 6 1 AA Review MTC manual. length, and sight distances controlling the Green Book, MTC Manual
Vertical alignment. Vertical curves Study different types of surfaces and cross
13 7 2 AP fundamentals and design. Stopping and slope according to the classification of Green Book Pag. 283-285
passing sight distances for crest and sag materials.
Class exercises of vertical alignment.
14 7 2 AP Horizontal and vertical coordination. Obtain Recognizes adequate geometric design. Green Book Pag. 286-292
HW01 from students.
14 7 1 AA Review for midterm exam Study and solve problems from the beginning Class notes and references.
of the course.
14 7 2 AV Academic review. Analytical summary of all topics advanced up USIL Virtual Campus.
to the midterm exam.
Basic and Supplemental References Required Reading: 1
Specific Outcome: [1.1] [1.2]
Coordination of Horizontal and Vertical Understand the importance of cross section
15 8 2 AP alignments. on the design and in the estimation of Lecture notes.
16 8 2 AP AASHTO Green Book Revision. Solve example problems related to mass Lecture notes.
curve and earthwork.
Review of the MTC Manual, elements of Study different types of surfaces and cross
16 8 1 AA design, tables and charts. slope according to the classification of Green Book Pg. 387
17 9 2 AP Cross section. Understand the methods for estimating Lecture notes.
earthwork and resolve problems.
18 9 2 AP Superelevation. Understand how draw a mass diagram and Lecture notes.
its importance in road construction.
18 9 1 AA Cross section elements and characteristics Read about the construction process of Lecture notes.
for urban and rural roadways. roadway design.
19 10 2 AP Explain HW02. HW02 is provided. Earthwork Understand HW02. Lecture notes.
20 10 2 AP Mass Diagram. Learn about safety elements on roadways. Lecture notes.
20 10 1 AA Construction planning, estimation of Understand tables and graphs that mandates MTC Manual Chapter 2.
quantitites, mass curve, haul distances. the design.
21 11 2 AP Review HW02 progress with students. Answer questions and concerns from Lecture notes.
students about HW02.
Basic and Supplemental References Required Reading: 1, 2
Specific Outcome: [1.1] [1.2]
22 11 2 AP Access Management, Signalization. Understand basic consideration for designing Lecture Notes. Text Book (Chapter 5, Pg. 190-
intersections. 193)
22 11 1 AA Concepts of Signalization. Understand basic concepts for designing Green Book Pag. 507-522, MTC Manual
23 12 2 AP Intellilgent Transportation Systems. Understand the geometric design and types Lecture notes.
of intersections. Bus stops location concerns.
24 12 2 AP Highway Safety. Answer questions and concerns from Green Book pg. 507-522. MTC Manual.
Review progress of HW02. students about HW02.
24 12 1 AA ITS and Highway Safety Revision. Understand basic concepts for designing Lecture notes.
25 13 2 AP Test 2 Text Book (Chapter 7, Pg. 265-276)
26 13 2 AP Introduction to intersections design, Traffic Understand basic concepts for designing Text Book (Chapter 7, Pg. 301-314)
Calming Techniques. facilities for pedestrian and bike users.
Review progress of HW02.
26 13 1 AA Intersection design exercises. Understand basic concepts for designing Text Book (Chapter 7)
facilities for pedestrian and bike users.
27 14 2 AP Bus Stop Locations, Ped and Bike Design. Understand the concepts of collecting relevant Text Book (Chapter 8, Pg. 327-342)
data from highways.
28 14 2 AP Review for Final Exam. Questions and answers. Lecture note and references.
28 14 1 AA Review for Final Exam. Review. Class notes and references.
29 14 2 AV Academic review. Analytical summary of all topics advanced up USIL Virtual Campus.
to the final exam.
Basic and Supplemental References Required Reading: 1

During the first session the professor will present the contents of the course and a revision of the syllabus, its content, activities and learning resources as well as the bibliographical

- Lectures will be presented using powerpoint and chalkboard

- Additional material will be supply to students.
- Both theory and practice classes will be conducted interactively with multimedia presentations, exercises and case studies.
- Text book "Traffic & Highway Engineering" by Nicholas J. Garber, Lester A. Hoel, 4th Edition, 2008.

Assessment System
Cada uno de los rubros del esquema de evaluación y la nota final del curso son redondeados a números enteros. La nota final del curso es el promedio
ponderado de los rubros correspondientes: evaluación permanente, examen parcial y examen final.

Los promedios calculados componentes del rubro 'Evaluación Permanente' mantendran su cálculo con 2 decimales.
Type Evaluation %Weighing Observation Week Rezag.
Evaluación Permanente 100%
Promedio de Prácticas 40%
Práctica 1 25% 3ra No
Práctica 2 25% 6ta No
Práctica 3 25% 10ma No
Práctica 4 25% 13va No
Promedio de Trabajos 60%
Trabajo 1 40% 7ma No
Trabajo 2 60% 14va No

(*) Dates for each evaluation are available on INFOSIL, menu Información Académica, option Evaluaciones.
Midterm and final exam cannot be made-up.

General Guidelines

Title III: Attendance

Article 11: Attendance to theory lessons, practice lessons, lab sessions and workshops is regulated in each course’s syllabus.

Article 12: The student will be able to do the follow –up of their attendance record in Infosil. In case he notices an irregularity, there is a three-day
deadline (working days) to ask for an official revision of it.
Title V: Evaluation process
Article 23: The student who does not take one or more exams of the Ongoing Evaluation will be able to ask for a make-up exam of only one of them
only if the syllabus allows it.
The Academic Calendar indicates the deadline for requesting a make-up exam, the date to pay for it, the fee and the dates when it will be administered.
This exam will be about all the topics developed in the syllabus and will replace the exam the student did not take.
Article 25: The exams have to be taken personally and in-campus or in the branches authorized by the Academic Vice-Presidency. In case that
branch is not the regular one where students have their lessons, they will be previously informed. Exams taken through the Virtual Campus are an
exception to this article
Midterm, final and make-up exams of the e-learning mode will be administered in-campus, in the classrooms assigned by the university

Course Specific Rules


Attendance Policy
Total Percentage Absences Permitted 30%
The students who reaches or exceeds the total percentage absences permitted for the course, defined by the total of effective hours, will not be able to take the final exam or the
equivalent evaluation defined by the course coordination and therefore will get zero (00) as the score.

Basic and Supplemental References Required Reading

Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola requires the use of Basic and Supplemental References Required Reading as a resource for consulta on within and outside the classroom. The USIL
Library promotes the use of library materials and / or electronic sources and at the beginning of each academic period conducts sessions and provides guidance for their use.
Referencias Básicas:
[1] Garber, N. J., & Hoel, L. A. (2008). Traffic and highway engineering (4th ed.). London: Cengage Learning.
[2] Ministerio de Transporte y Comunicaciones (2002). Manual de diseño geométrico de carreteras DG-2001 Lima: American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials..
[3] American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (2012). A policy on geometric design of highways and streets Washington, D.C.: American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials..

References Supplementary Reading non-binding

[1] Gómez, Hernán Darío; Orobio, Armando (2015). Effects of uncertainty on scheduling of highway construction projects Universidad Nacional de Colombia:
Bogotá, Colombia. Recuperado de

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Date: 17/08/2018 09:32:33 Date: 17/08/2018 15:58:45

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