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5.5 Transportation Engineering-I (PDF) by Akshay Thakur

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as per Choice Based Credit Grading System (CBCGS)
Revised Course (REV-2016)










6.2 - DRAINAGE 80
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Semester V

Subject Code Subject Name Credits

CEC505 Transportation Engineering-I 4

Contact Hours Credits Assigned

Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
3 2 - 3 1 - 4

Theory Term Work/

Internal Assessment End Sem Duration of Total
Test Test Average Exam End Sem TW PR OR
1 2 Exam
20 20 20 80 03 Hrs. 25 - 25 150


Transportation contributes to the economical, industrial, social and cultural development

of any country. The adequacy of transportation system of a country indicates its economic
and social development. Three basic modes of transportation include land, water and air.
The land mode further gives rise to highways and railways. The highways owing to its
flexibility in catering door-to- door service forms one of the important modes. This course
deals with the investigation, planning, design, construction and maintenance of highways
for urban and rural areas. This course also deals with the planning, operation and control
of the traffic.


• To give insight of the development in the field of highway engineering, right from
inception up to construction and maintenance and to familiarize the students with
different surveys required to be carried out for the implementation of the highway
• To enable the students to understand the phase of engineering which deals with the
planning and geometrics design of streets, highways and abutting land and with
traffic operations thereon w.r.t. safe, convenient and economic transportation of
people and goods.
• To enable the students to understand the properties of the different materials to be
used in the construction of highways and other allied structures, characterize the
materials and evaluate their suitability; to understand the principle of soil
stabilization along with its significance and different types of stabilization techniques;
and also, to study the concept of reinforced soil in the construction of highway and
allied structures.

• To enable the students to understand the classification and behaviour of different

types of pavements, factors to be considered in the design of pavements, approaches
for designing the different types of pavements and design methodologies for design
of different types of pavements.
• To study the various methods of construction of different types of pavements
including semi-rigid pavements and composite pavements, to study the different
types of distresses in pavements, evaluation of existing pavements and methods to
strengthen the distressed pavements, low volume and low-cost road and also to
understand the significance of the drainage in the field of highway engineering
including different methods of providing the drainage in the highways.

Detailed Syllabus

Module Sub-Modules/ Contents Periods

1. Highway Planning and Development/ Highway Alignment and 03
1.1 Classification of roads based on the different criteria; brief
history of road developments in India; present status of roads
development Programme in the country in India including
different programmes being executed by various agencies.

1.2 Highway alignment, basic requirement of ideal alignment,

factors governing highway alignment.

1.3 Different types of surveys for Highway location survey, map

study, reconnaissance, topographic surveys, highway
alignment in hilly area, drawing report preparation.

2. Geometric Design of Highway 07

2.1 Terrain classification, vehicular characteristics, highway cross
section elements, salient dimensions, clearances, width of
carriage way, shoulders, medians, width of road way, right of
way, camber along with its profile (IRC Standards).
2.2 Design speed, sight distance, perception time, break reaction
time, analysis of safe sight distance, analysis of overtaking
sight distance, intersection sight distance.

2.3 Horizontal curves: design of super elevation, its provisions,

minimum radius of horizontal curves, widening of pavement,
transition curves.
2.4 Gradients: Different types of gradients (maximum, minimum,
ruling, exceptional) grade compensation in curves, vertical
curves: design factors, comfort sight distance, summit curve,
valley curve.

3. Traffic Engineering 05
3.1 Different Traffic Studies: Speed Studies (Spot Speed and Speed
and Delay Studies), Traffic Volume, Parking Studies,
Significance/ applications of these studies; different methods of
conducting traffic studies, Methods of the presentation of data.

3.2 Introduction to relationship between Speed, density and

volume; Capacity: Different types and factors affecting the
capacity, concept of Passenger Car Units (PCU) and Level of
Service (LoS).

3.3 Introduction to different types of Traffic Control Devices: Traffic

signs, signals (no design), road marking.

3.4 Different types of intersections: At grade and grade separated;

grade separated interchanges; rotary intersections.

4. Highway Materials 06
4.1 Subgrade materials: desirable properties, modulus of elasticity,
modulus of subgrade reaction, classification of subgrade soils,
different strengths, various tests to be conducted to evaluate
the suitability of the soil as the highway material.

4.2 Subcase material: desirable properties, different tests to be

conducted on aggregate, requirement of aggregate for different
types of pavements.
4.3 Bituminous materials: types of bituminous material, test on
bituminous material, desirable properties, grade of bitumen.

4.4 Soil Stabilization: Significance; principle of soil stabilization;

different methods of soil stabilization, use of Geosynthetics in
highways and allied structures.
5 Highway Pavement Design 09

5.1 Types of pavements: Flexible, Rigid, Semi-Rigid and composite;

comparison between them vis-à-vis based on the structural
behavior and other parameters; Factors affecting design of
pavements including traffic factors (Design wheel load,
equivalent single wheel load, equivalent wheel load factor/VDF)

5.2 Flexible pavement: Various approaches of designing the

pavement and methods falling under each category
(theoretical, semi-theoretical or semi-empirical, empirical,
mechanistic empirical and methods based on road
performance); Overview of the method prescribed by IRC along
with the modifications incorporated therein time to time (IRC:
37- 1970, 1984, 2001 and 2012); Design of the pavement using
IRC: 37- 2001 andIRC: 37- 2012 with a more emphasis on latest
IRC Code); Introduction to the design of low volume flexible
pavement (IRC: SP 72- 2007/2015 and IRC: 77-2008).

5.3 Rigid Pavements: Introduction to the different types rigid

pavements (plain jointed, plain jointed reinforce, continuous
reinforced, fiber reinforced, roller compacted concrete);
Analysis of the stresses to be developed in the pavement
(wheel load, warping and frictional); critical combination of the
loading; Overview of the various approaches (Analytical,
Empirical and Mechanistic empirical) of designing the
pavements and methods falling under the respective category;
overview of the methods prescribed by IRC along with
modifications incorporated therein time to time (IRC: 58-1974,
58-1988; 58-2002 and 58-2015); Design of plain jointed rigid
pavements (IRC: 58- 2002 and IRC: 58- IRC: 58- 2015 with more
emphasis on IRC: 58-2015) including design of joints;
Introduction to the design of low volume rigid pavement using
(IRC: SP- 62-2004 andIRC: SP- 62-2014)
5.4 Types of pavements: Flexible, Rigid, Semi-Rigid and composite;
comparison between them vis-à-vis based on the structural
behavior and other parameters; Factors affecting design of
pavements including traffic factors (Design wheel load,
equivalent single wheel load, equivalent wheel load factor/VDF)
6. Highway Construction/ Drainage/ Rehabilitation and maintenance 09
6.1 Construction of different types of roads: Introduction to the
water bound

macadam (WBM), wet mix macadam (WMM), bituminous

pavements, plain jointed cement concrete pavements and
along with various joints (as per IRC/ MORTH specifications),
jointed reinforced, continuously reinforced; fiber reinforced,
roller compacted concrete pavements.

6.2 Pavement failure: Classification of distresses in pavements

(functional and structural); different types of distresses in
flexible and rigid pavements along with the causes and
remedial measures; various types of maintenance pavements;
evaluation of pavements: functional and nondestructive
evaluation of pavement, various equipment used in evaluation
of pavements along with their principles (Profilometer, bump
integrator, Benkelman beam, lacroixdeflectograph, falling
weight deflectometer) and utility in the evaluation.

6.3 Strengthening of existing pavement: Objective of

strengthening, different types of overlay, design of flexible
overlays on flexible pavement using effective thickness
approach, and deflection approach resorting to Benkelman
Beam method (IRC: 81-1981) and Mechanistic Empirical
approach using deflection (IRC: 81-1997); Introduction to the
design of other types of overlays.

6.4 Highway drainage: Necessity/ Significance, mode of ingress of

water in highway structure, Different methods of drainage-
surface and subsurface drainage inkling for the roads in hilly

On successful completion of the course, the students shall be able:

• To get an insight of the development in all the fields of highway engineering and
familiarized with different surveys required to be carried out for the implementation
of the highway project; to understand the phase of engineering which deals with the
planning and geometrics design of streets, highways and abutting land in the context
of safe and convenient traffic operations thereon.
• To know the required properties of the different materials to be used in the
construction of highways and other allied structures, to understand characterization
of the materials and to evaluate their suitability; understand the principle of soil
stabilization, utilization of geosynthetics in the construction of highway and allied

• To understand the classification of different types of pavements, factors to be

considered in the design of pavements, approaches for designing the different types
of pavements and can the flexible and rigid pavements be using IRC Specifications.

Contribution to the Outcomes

• To get an insight into the methods of construction of different types of pavements;

along with the importance of highway drainage and various methods of providing
the drainage; also, to understand the elements of bridge engineering.
• To understand different distresses in the pavements, evaluate the pavements in
terms of its functional and structural adequacy and arrive upon the rehabilitation
• To study the different types of distresses in pavements, evaluation of existing
pavements and methods to strengthen the distressed pavements, low volume and
low-cost road and also to understand the significance of the drainage in the field of
highway engineering including different methods of providing the drainage in the

Theory Examination:

1. Question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.

2. The first question will be compulsory which the short questions will have having
weightage of 45 marks covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of entire syllabus. For
this, the module shall be divided proportionately further and the weightage of the
marks shall be judiciously awarded in proportion to the importance of the sub-
module contents thereof.
4. There can be an internal choice either in the main question or sub-question to
accommodate the contents of all the modules.
5. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five
6. Total four questions need to be attempted.

Oral Examination:

The oral examinations shall be based on the entire syllabus the report of the
experiments conducted by the students including assignments and the Traffic Survey

List of practicals:

Although it is recommended that 12 experiments are desirable, at least nine should be


1. Impact test on aggregates

2. Abrasion test on aggregates
3. Crushing test on aggregates
4. Shape test on aggregates
5. Soundness test
6. Polished stone value test
7. Stripping value or bitumen adhesion test (water sensitivity)
8. Penetration test on bitumen
9. Ductility test on bitumen
10. Softening point test on bitumen
11. Viscosity test on bitumen
12. Flash point and fire point test on bitumen
13. Marshall stability test on the bituminous mix
14. CBR test on subgrade soil material (Laboratory or Field)
15. Plate bearing test on subgrade soil

Term Work:

The term-work shall comprise of the neatly written report based on the afore-
mentioned experiments and the assignments. There shall be at least 10 assignments
which will comprise of numerical problems and lay-out sketches, covering the entire
syllabus divided properly module wise. In addition to this, the students shall conduct any
one of the traffic surveys and will prepare a detail report thereof.
This report shall also form a component part of the term work.
Distribution of Term Work Marks:

The marks of the term work shall be judiciously awarded for the various components
depending upon the quality of the term work. The final certification acceptance of term
work warrants the satisfactory performance of drawing work by the student,
appropriate completion of the report on the said drawing sheets minimum passing
marks to be obtained by the student. The following weightage of marks shall be given
for different components of the term work.
• Report of the Experiments: 08 Marks
• Assignments: 08 Marks
• Traffic Study Report: 04 Marks
• Attendance: 05 Marks
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall
be resorted to:
75%-80%: 03, Marks: 81%-90%: 04, Marks: 91% onwards: 05 Marks.

Recommended Books:

1. Highway Engineering: Khanna, S.K., Justo, C. E. G. and Veeraraghavan A; Nem Chand

and Bros., Roorkee (Revised 10th Edition)
2. Principles and Practice of Highway Engineering: Kadiyali, L. R.; Khanna Publishers,
3. A Text Book of Highway and Traffic Engineering: Saxena, Subhash Chandra; CBS
Publishers and Distributors (2014)
4. A Text Book of Highway Engineering: Sriniwasakumar, R.; University Press,
Hyderabad (First Published in 2011; Reprinted in 2013)
5. Transportation Engineering (Vol.-I)- Highway Engineering: Venkatramaiah, C.;
University Press, Hyderabad (2016).
6. Principles of Transportation and Highway Engineering, Rao, G.V.; Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
7. Principles, Practice and Design of Highway Engineering (Including Airport
Sharma, S.K.; S. Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

8. Principles of Transportation Engineering:Chakrabory, Partha and Das, Animesh;

Prentice Hall India Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (Eighth Printing: January 2013).
Reference Books:

1. Transportation Engineering and Planning: Papacostas, C.S. and Prevedouros, P.D.;

Prentice Hall India Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Transportation Engineering: Khisty, C.J. and Lall, Kent, B.; Prentice Hall India Learning
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning: Kadiyali, L.R., Khanna Publishers, Delhi
4. Pavement Design: Srinivasakumar, R; University press, Hyderabad (First vPublished
2013; Preprinted in 2015).
5. Highway Material and Pavement Testing: Khanna, S.K., Justo, C.E.G. and
Veeraragavan, A.; Nem Chand and Bros., Roorkee, India.

Additional Reading

Relevant specifications of Bureau of Indian Standards for Highway Material Testing,

Indian Roads Congress (IRC) and Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH)
w.r.t. Planning related aspects in the context of Highway Geometrics/ Traffic Planning/
Pavement Design and Highway Construction)
Note: Some of the recent specifications may not have been incorporated in few books.
For this, titles of multiple books are given in the list of the Recommended Books. The
latest editions shall be used. In addition to this, relevant specifications/ codes shall be
referred to.
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