Lecture-Tutorial- Course Type: Theory 3-0-0 Practical: Continuous 30 19BS1101- Engineering Mathematics - I Evaluation: Prerequisites: 19CE3502 - Highway Engineering Semester End 70 Evaluation: Total Marks: 100 Course Outcomes Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: CO1 Comprehend the urban travel demand and independent variables K2 CO2 Analyze the traffic surveys and trip generations modules K4 CO3 Assess, analyze and study the trip distribution factors and mode choice analysis K4 CO4 Evaluate the traffic assignment methods and plans K4 CO5 Understand the mass transit systems and study about advance transit systems K2 Contribution of Course Outcomes towards achievement of Program Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2 CO1 3 2 2 3 2 CO2 3 2 2 3 2 CO3 3 2 2 3 2 CO4 3 2 2 3 2 CO5 3 2 2 3 2 Avg. 3 2 2 3 2 1- Low 2-Medium 3-High Course Content URBAN TAVEL DEMAND Urban development - Urban transport problems - Urban travel characteristics - Need for planning urban travel demand - Trends - Components of travel demand UNIT-1 CO1 INDEPENDENT VARIABLES Travel Attributes - Sequential travel demand modeling - Simultaneous travel demand modeling - Study area - Cordon lines Screen lines -Zoning. TRAVEL DEMAND SURVEYS Sampling methods - Home interview surveys - Road side interview surveys - Terminal surveys - Cordon surveys - Taxi surveys - Onboard surveys - Economic surveys - Data checking. UNIT-2 CO2 TRIP GENERATION Trip characteristics - factors influencing Trip productions and attractions - Trip rates - Zonal regression models -Category analysis - Personal trip generation models TRIP DISTRIBUTION Factors influencing trip distribution - Growth factor methods - Trip length frequency diagram - Growth models - LP method - Opportunity models - Gravity opportunity model. UNIT-3 CO3 MODE CHOICE ANAYSIS Factors influencing passenger mode choice - Zonal regression models - Utility maximization - Binary and Multinomial Logit models - Probit arid nested Logit models. TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT Need for Assignment - Diversion curves - shortest path Algorithms - All or nothing Assignment technique - Multi path Assignment - Link flows - Sufficiency and UNIT-4 CO4 Deficiency analysis. PLAN PREPARATION AND EVALUATION Types of plans- conceptual plan, Master plan - short term planning vs Long term Page 185 of 268 planning -Corridor Identification and Evaluation - Plan preparation MASS TRANSIT SYSTEMS Need for Mass Transit systems - Recommendations of Committee on urbanization & Alternate systems of UT UNIT-5 CO5 ADVANCE TRANSIT Characteristics & Capacities of different MT systems - LRT, monorail, Metro, BRTS, etc. Learning Resources 1. Kadiyali L.R - Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning -Khanna Publishers, New Delhi. 2. Papacostas C.S. - Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd; New Delhi. Text Books 3. John Khisty C - Transportation Engineering - An Introduction, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 4. Nicholas J. Garber, A. Hoel, Raju Sarkar, Cengage learning, Principles of Traffic and Highway Engineering.. 1. Chari, S.R. UTP Lecture Notes - Regional Engg. College, Warangal.Hutchinson, B.G. Introduction to Urban System Planning, McGraw Hill. Reference 2. Mayer M and Miller E, Urban Transportation Planning: A decision oriented Approach, Books McGraw Hill.Bruton, Urban Transportation Planning. 3. Dicky, Metropolitan Transportation Planning, DC Script Book Co. 4. Saxena, Traffic Planning and Design, Dhanpat Rai Publishers, New Delhi. e-Resources& http://nptel.ac.in/courses.php other digital http://jntuk-coeerd.in/ material