CEE310 - Syllabus - Spring - 2019 (2) UIUC
CEE310 - Syllabus - Spring - 2019 (2) UIUC
CEE310 - Syllabus - Spring - 2019 (2) UIUC
Spring 2019
MWF 11-11:50 am, 1310 Yeh Center, Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory
Negin Alemazkoor, [email protected] (systems)
Office Hours: Tu Th 12:30-2:00 pm or by appointment
Newmark 3310
Text and Notes: No textbook is required. Class notes will be used along with
posted readings using the Compass class website.
Course Content:
Section III: Railroad Engineering [beginning 3/6]
Course Policies
I. Grading
Final grades may be based upon a curve; however, final grade cutoffs should not
exceed the following:
Grade Distribution:
Exams: 4 at 20% = 80%
Homework: 20%
II. Exams:
Four hourly exams (2 given by each professor), the last of which will be given during
the official scheduled final exam time. However, all exams, including the final, carry
equal weight and are not intended to be comprehensive in nature.
The exam schedule is as follows:
Exam 1 (systems #1): In class, Monday, February 11, 2019
Exam 2 (systems #2): In class, Monday, March 4, 2019
Exam 3 (facilities #1): In class, Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Exam 4 (facilities #2): In class, final exam period: 7:00-10:00 pm, Thursday,
May 9, 2019
It is important to take each exam at the scheduled time, as make up exams will NOT
be offered.
III. Attendance:
Attendance is mandatory for this class. Please inform the instructor ahead of time if
you must miss class, or provide an official medical excuse if absent due to illness.
More importantly, good attendance will lead to better understanding of course
materials, better grades, and will strengthen your chances for obtaining scholarships,
fellowships, research and teaching assistantships, and access to other employment
IV. Homework:
Homework will be assigned approximately once per week. All assigned homework is
due at the beginning of the class for the prescribed due date. Assignments turned in
after this time will be considered late, and subject to a 20% reduction in score per
day. If you cannot turn your assignment in on time and feel you have a valid excuse,
please see the instructor about making alternate arrangements for submitting your
assignment. Arrangements should be made ahead of the due date, if applicable.
V. Formatting Requirements for Assignments
Homework Assignments
Homework assignments are not formal; however, they should be presented in a
professional manner. Specifically, for handwritten work you must use engineering
paper, write only on one side of the sheets, number your sheets, use pencil and
either erase or neatly cross-out mistakes, write neatly/consistently/ and give some
consideration to page layout (e.g., don’t cram your work). Alternatively, portions or all
of your homework may be done on a word processor and/or a spreadsheet.
Neatness and organization counts: if we cannot read or interpret your solution, then
points will be lost. However, you must still pay attention to neatness, consistency and
page layout, even when using the computer. In both cases, a cover sheet is
recommended, but not required. On the cover sheet, include the homework
assignment number, a brief title, the course number (CEE 310), submitted by:,
submitted to:, and the date of submission. Please box or underline your answers!
Students can and should use a combination of sources to conduct their research,
including but not limited to: journal articles, conference proceedings, books,
magazines, the internet, interviews, etc. All sources must be properly cited and
papers will be checked for plagiarism. You will have the opportunity to check your
paper for plagiarism using the same tool as we will use prior to handing in your
assignment. More details will be provided on Compass. Papers which are
predominantly based upon Wikipedia or other non-technical internet sources will
receive lower marks. Papers must be at least 1500 words in length (about 6, double-
spaced pages (not including references)) and must be well written. Journal papers
can be accessed through the UIUC online library and through the TRIS website
In addition, remember that this is a research paper, so please endeavor to use more
high quality/reputable sources, and fewer low quality/unreliable sources. In general,
about 10 references would make for a good bibliography (references) for a paper of
this scope. To maximize your score, please note that the ranking in the quality of
sources is generally:
Thus, make sure that your references contain more high quality journal and
conference papers and few internet citations. Also, be sure to place citation
references in your report, so that your facts, statements, etc., are backed up by
citations of the sources for which they were derived.
On several occasions, the instructors may offer online lectures during the course of
the semester. Online class days will be announced at least one class in advance, and
will also be announced on the Compass website and via email. The online classes
should be viewed before the next class period, and can be accessed 24-hours per
Classroom lectures and discussions will be informal to the extent that you are
encouraged to ask questions and offer discussion at any time you wish. Comments
relating to job/summer experiences are particularly solicited. However, side
discussions between students are distracting to other students during lectures
and formal demonstrations and will be highly frowned upon. You must always
show respect to other students, as maintaining a healthy classroom climate is of
utmost importance to me.
Other important conduct issues include: coming to all classes and being on-time; not
reading the newspaper or doing other tasks during class time; etc. Remember, while
there are no specific grades assigned to good classroom etiquette, making a
favorable or unfavorable impression through your classroom conduct could influence
a borderline grade.
To foster and promote integrity among students, the CEE Honor Code was
developed with input from several CEE undergraduate organizations, the CEE
Graduate Student Advisory Committee, and the CEE Graduate Affairs Committee.
You (the student) commit to honor the code each time you sign an exam, and
implicitly whenever you sign homework or other class assignments.
“I pledge to uphold the highest levels of professional and personal integrity in all of
my actions, including (1) never assisting or receiving unfair assistance during exams,
(2) never assisting or receiving assistance on class assignments beyond that
specified by an instructor, and (3) always fully contributing to group activities that are
part of a course activity.”
For University policies and regulations please refer to the Student Code
(http://admin.illinois.edu/policy/code/). You are responsible for maintaining
compliance with the University policy on academic integrity as defined in Section 1-
402 (http://admin.illinois.edu/policy/code/article1_part4_1-402.html) of the Student
Code, and the Department Honor Code as defined above.
Finally please note that posting any content from this course, including
homework assignments, exams, quizzes, etc. to the Web without explicit
permission from the course instructors violates copyright law, the Student
Code, and the CEE Honor Code and is therefore not permitted.