Course Details
Course Details
Course Details
To become a role model in the field of Civil Engineering for the sustainable
development of the society.
1) To provide outcome base education.
3) To prepare civil engineers for the society with high ethical values.
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Civil Engineering)
7CE4-01: Transportation Engineering
Credit 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)
3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3Hours
SN Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course 1
2 Highway planning and alignment: Different modes of 5
transportation – historical Development of road construction-
Highway Development in India –Classification of roads- Road pattern
– Highway planning in India- Highway alignment - Engineering
Surveys for alignment – Highway Project- Important
Transport/Highway related agencies in India. PMGSY project.
Introduction about IRC, NRRDA
3 Geometric Design of highways: The highway crosses sectional 7
elements- Camber-Sight Distance - Types of sight distances -Design
of horizontal alignments - Super elevation, Widening of Pavements
on horizontal curves- transition Curves- Design of Vertical
alignments – Gradients- summit and Valley Curves-
Recommendations of IRC Codes of Practice.
4 Highway Materials: Desirable Properties, Testing Procedures, 6
Standards and standard values relating to Soil, Stone Aggregates,
Bitumen and Tar, fly- ash/pond-ash. Role of filler in Bituminous
mix, materials of filler.
Specifications of DLC and PQC for rigid pavement
5 Highway Construction and Equipments: Methods of constructing 8
different types of roads viz. Earth roads, Stabilized roads, WBM,
WMM roads, earthen embankments, DLC and embankments with fly
ash. Bituminous roads and Concrete roads. Berms and Shoulders,
Features of rural roads including those in PMGSY. Hot mix plant for
Bituminous roads-components, layout, control panel, quality
assurance. Highway construction of rigid and flexible pavements
including types of road rollers, specifications of
compactionofdifferentlayersofbituminousroads, modernpavers
for CC roads. Roller compacted concrete road construction
6 Design of flexible and rigid pavements as per IRC: IRC provisions 5
including those of IRC 37, IRC 58
7 Introduction of Railway Engineering: Types and Selection of 3
Gauges, Selection of Alignment, Ideal Permanent Ways and Cross-
sections in different conditions, Drainage, Salient Features and types
of Components viz. Rails,
Sleepers, Ballast, Rail Fastenings.
8 Introduction of Airports and Harbours: Airport Engineering: - 5
Introduction: Requirements to Airport Planning, Airport
Classifications, Factors in Airport Site Selection, Airport Size.
Planning of Airport: Requirements of Airport- Terminal Area, Runway
Length etc.
Harbours: history of water transportation, modern trends in water
transportation, components of harbour, classification of harbours.
Ports and docks.
Total 40
Syllabus of 4thYear B. Tech. (CE) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards Page 1
Course Outcomes
Transportation Engineering (7CE4-01)
CO 1. To understand basic concepts and terminology of Highway planning, alignment and its
Geometric design.
CO 3. To design pavements.
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12
CO 1 3 1 1 --- 1 3 3 3 3 --- 3 2
CO 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 --- --- 3 1
CO 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 --- 1 2 --- 2 1
Year/Semester: IV / VII