Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

Lettuces (レタス) are cheap vegetables that can fly at high speeds.


Lettuces look just like common lettuces except that they have eyes, and many flap their leaves when flying. The ones in the anime have black eyes and flap the upper leaves.

They look very similar to Cabbages, though the specific differences in appearance portrayed vary with the media.


Being magical creatures like Cabbages despite fetching a much lower price, Lettuces once ripe will tear themselves out of the ground and fly towards distant lands across the sea so they will die without getting eaten, and in some instances will smuggle themselves among fleeing Cabbages.[1]


  • Worm-Eaten Lettuce (虫食いレタス): Lettuces infested and eaten through by worms, and can spread the pest as they fly around.[2]


  • Flight: Lettuces can magically make themselves float and fly at high speeds, thus capable of injuring people standing in their escape path as they collide into them.

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