Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

Kobolds (コボルト) are demi-humans that are synonymous with mooks.


Kobolds look like short bipedal dogs with humanoid clawed limbs, while other specific appearance traits vary depending on the media.


Kobolds are by themselves weaker than the regular human, and thus survive by living in nests[1] as well as gathering in large numbers enough to overwhelm fledging adventurers.[2] They are generally armed with simple weaponry, though high-ranking individuals may have access to exotic armaments.

As they are frequently the targets of subjugation quests, many Kobolds living in the wild have a symbiotic relationship with the Beginner's Banes, in which the clever felines keep them safe from common threats so they can serve as bait to attract beginner adventurers.[3]

While in general the structure of Kobold society is primitive, many of them find service in the armies of the Devil King, where there are ranks such Hero (which is troublesome even for intermediate adventurers)[4] and Guard. [5]

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