White Wolves (
White Wolves are wolves larger than the regular breed that grow white fur.
White Wolves are known for hunting in packs at winter season, when they frequently fight with One-Punch Bears. Since they are wolf-type monsters, they are weak against silver.[1]
- Wolf (ウルフ): Regular wolves with browish fur that normally hunt at plains.[2]
- Blood Fang (ブラッドファング): Powerful wolves with braided hair and accessories.[3]
- Oasis Wolf (オアシスウルフ): Wolves with khaki fur that normally hunt around oasises.[2]
- Dire Wolf (ダイアーウルフ): Wolves that are known as the most ferocious breed.[2]
- Fenrir (フェンリル): Wolves with silver fur and blue eyes that can manipulate ice and can wipe out veteran parties.[4] They can walk alongside White Wolves packs.
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