Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

Dragons (ドラゴン) are the most powerful type of monster.


Dragons generally look like huge reptiles covered in thick scales of various colours, sport large teeth and claws, and grow horns on their heads as well as webbed wings on their backs. Some of them though have the ability to transform into a human form.


Dragons do not only possess incredible strength and astonishing endurance to physical and magical attacks, but are also high Intelligence stats. Since they are the embodiment of Magical Power, their horns, scales, fangs and even their blood are valuable materials, and Dragons also have enough mana in their bodies to damage even a Lich. They, however, possess a weak spot right on their back, as a inverse scale, that grows upside down.

While Dragons are known for eating unusual things, like gold, to collect shiny items and end up hoarding a lot of treasure, they are also able to trade and understand human speech and even make deals with humans, as seen in their partnerships with Dragon Knights. However, on their society, the strong eats the weak, so they usually just listen the strongest ones.


Being creatures with a lifespan of many centuries, Dragons are classed by their age:[1]

  • Lesser Dragon: Dragons of less than one hundred years-old.
  • Greater Dragon: Centenarian Dragons that are not only more powerful, but as smart as humans and also able to understand human speech.
  • Ancient/Elder Dragon: The eldest and most powerful type of Dragon, who awakened an ego and became able to assume a human form.


  • Red Dragon (レッドドラゴン): Dragons with red scales and fire attribute.[2]
  • Green Dragon (グリーンドラゴン): Dragons with green scales.[3] In Fantastic Days game, they have wind attribute.
  • Zombie Dragon (ドラゴンゾンビ): Dead Dragons covered in rotting flesh that turn into Undeads, and despite only vomiting if they try to use breath, their strength and endurance are much higher.[4]
  • Golden Dragon (黄金竜): Dragons with eletric attribute and gold scales from all the gold ore they ingest, and are considered the most valuable type of their species.[5]
  • White Dragon (ホワイトドラゴン): Dragons with pure white bodies that can use holy magic, and are on the verge of hunted to extinction because their bones and fangs are said to bring good luck.[1]
  • Black Dragon (ブラックドラゴン): Dragons with pitch-black bodies and dark attribute.[6]
  • Sea Dragon (海龍): Northern sea storms dragons[7] with water attribute.[8]


  • Flight: Dragons are able to fly in the sky using the wings on their backs.
  • Resistance: Dragons have extremely hard scales, resistant against both magical and physical attacks.
  • Breath: Dragons can breath out elemental power, as fire or water.

Notable Dragons[]


  • Once they are named, Dragons will never respond to any other name as long as they live.[9]
  • Dragon Eggs cost hundreds of millions Eris.[6]
  • Those who have killed Dragons are given the title "Dragon Slayer",[5] though it doesn't apply to those who kill weak and/or baby dragons.[6]
  • The longer dragon's parent incubates the egg, the more magical power and parental traits they will develop.[6]
  • Although eating Dragons will grant someone great strength and experience, as a carnivorous animal, their meat is really tough and taste terrible.[10] It, however, becomes tender after boiled in an alchemy pot for a very long time.[7]
  • Monsters like Wyverns, Kowloon Hydras, and Leviathans are classed as Lesser Dragon subspecies.
  • According to Aqua, dragons enjoy to drink alcohol.[8]
  • Black Dragons appear in Natsume Akatsuki's manga Kemono Michi, as the most vicious and violent dragon specie.

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