Big Band Beat is a Broadway-themed show that opened on July 14, 2006 as a part of Tokyo DisneySea's 5th anniversary. The show is located in the Broadway Music Theatre at the American Waterfront of Tokyo DisneySea. It features Mickey Mouse and his friends performing with a live big band. Reserved tickets (which may be free by lottery in the Biglieterria) are required to guests for most seats, such as the orchestra seats in the show.
Disneyland Park (Paris) also had a version for its Christmas Event in 2017, known as Mickey's Christmas Big Band, which was originally located in the Videopolis Theater in Discoveryland until it was moved to the Animagique Theater in the Walt Disney Studios Park in 2018. Tokyo DisneySea has also performed Big Band Beat - Christmas Special as of 2014. It was renewed in 2016 for Tokyo DisneySea's 15th anniversary which also marked the show's 10th anniversary.
On February 28, 2020, Tokyo Disney Resort temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak's impact on Japan. As such, Tokyo DisneySea announced that the Tokyo version of the show was temporarily closed until April 1, 2021.
On March 24, 2021, Tokyo Disney Resort reopened after being temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan. Tokyo DisneySea announced that an altered version of this show will premiere on April 1, 2021, retitled Big Band Beat: A Special Treat. In addition, Donald was added for this version and all the characters are given more spoken dialogue with Mickey hosting the show.