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Books based on The Aristocats.

Disney Press[]

Cover Title Release Date
Disney's Marie 2006
Marie and Roquefort Jr. travel and visit various locations in Paris, France, including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame.
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Disney Tails: We Love Marie December 5, 2018
A book with touchable objects, like fur, featuring Marie and her brothers, Toulouse and Berlioz, giving presents to their mother, Duchess.
The Aristokittens: Welcome to the Creature Café April 19, 2022
A book starring Marie, Toulouse, and Berlioz who reopen an abandoned cafe for animals called the Parisian Critter Café.
The Aristokittens: The Great Biscuit Bake-Off April 19, 2022
The kittens Marie, Berlioz, and Toulouse have a wonderful idea: they’ll host a Dog Biscuit Bake-Off at their café!
The Aristokittens: The Fantastic Rabbit Race October 10, 2022
When the annual Fantastic Rabbit Race kicks off in Paris’s Luxembourg Gardens, Marie, Berlioz, and Toulouse’s secret cafe for animals becomes busier than ever!
The Aristokittens: The Terrific Talent Show August 22, 2023
After the kittens discover some old sheet music in their human’s attic, Marie decides to host the café’s first-ever talent show--and star in it, too! But even though Marie has the purrfect plan in place, directing and practicing for a show is much harder than she expected.

Wonderful World of Reading[]

Cover Title Release Date
The aristocats disney wonderful world of reading
The Aristocats March 12, 1974
A Disney's Wonderful World of Reading storybook adaptation of The Aristocats.
The aristocats get into mischief
The Aristocats get into Mischief December 31, 1979
A Disney's Wonderful World of Reading storybook featuring the kittens from The Aristocats.
Roquefort the mouse detective
Roquefort the Mouse, Detective 1980
Roquefort the mouse and Thomas O'Malley the cat search for Duchess's missing kittens, Marie, Berlioz and Toulouse.
The aristocats and the missing necklace
The Aristocats and the Missing Necklace 1983
A Disney's Wonderful World of Reading storybook featuring the kittens from The Aristocats, as well as Roquefort.


Cover Title Release Date
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The Aristocats 1970
Vinyl record read-along story read by Lois "Lane" Wilkinson, featuring two songs after the story: "The Aristocats" and "Everybody Wants to Be a Cat" (the latter performed by Phil Harris.)
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The Aristocats 1987
Cassette edition re-release, with the same wording now read by Linda Gary, and with sound effects as well as the usual Disney read-along stock music cues accompanying the narration. The songs are the same as the vinyl edition.


Cover Title Release Date
The aristocats classic storybook
The Aristocats (Classic Storybook) March 1, 1996
A Classic Storybook adaptation of The Aristocats, published by Penguin Books.
Marie A is for Adorable A Fabulous Alphabet! June 13, 2011
A Learn-Aloud half book/half purse story from Soundprints that teaches children about the alphabet starring Marie.
Uncle antoine wonderful world of reading hachette
Uncle Antoine's Visit April 1, 2013
The kittens are visited by their Uncle Antoine.
The Aristocats: The Runaway Kittens 2012
Marie loses her bow and ribbons during a stroll across Paris where she accidentally becomes a stray kitten. She befriends a homeless kitten named Teo as she learns the lifestyle of a wild cat.
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The Aristocats logo
The Aristocats (soundtrack/video/books) • Live-action remakeThe Lost Chords: The Aristocats

Cancelled projects: The Aristocats IIThe Aristocats: The Animated Series

Disney Parks
It's a Small WorldPLAY!

Entertainment: Big Band BeatFantasy FestivalOne Man's DreamThe Adventure of Rhythm
Restaurants: Center Street Coffeehouse
Parades: Disney Adventure Friends CavalcadeDisney Harmony in Color! ParadeHappiness is Here ParadeMickey's Storybook ExpressMinnie's Tiara of DreamsTokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights
Fireworks: Mickey's Mix MagicWonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Friends Springtime ProcessionalHippity Hoppity Springtime
Summer: Mickey's WaterWorks
Halloween: Re-Villains! Halloween Parade
Christmas: Disney's Santa Village Parade

DuchessThomas O'MalleyToulouseMarieBerliozRoquefortFrou-FrouEdgarMadame Adelaide BonfamilleGeorges HautecourtThe MilkmanNapoleon and LafayetteAbigail and Amelia GabbleUncle WaldoScat CatAlley CatsElvira (deleted) • Marcello (deleted)
ParisBonfamille's Residence
The AristocatsScales and ArpeggiosThomas O'Malley CatEverybody Wants to Be a Cat

Deleted: Pourquoi?Le Jazz HotMy Way's The HighwayHow Much You Mean to Me/Count Me SlowlyShe Never Felt Alone
Other: Disney Marie - Walk in ParisEveryone Loves Marie
