"Made of Stone" is a song from the stage musical version of Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame. The song is lifted from the movie when the gargoyles are trying to convince Quasimodo, who is chained to the tower, to save Esmeralda who is moments away from her death. In the musical this scene occurs the night before Esmeralda is to be sentenced and instead of a short scene between the gargoyles and Quasimodo there is a song.
This song shows Quasimodo at his angriest and most broken hearted. He is angry at the gargoyles as they do not understand his pain as they are made of stone and he wishes he was like them. He regrets his emotions and wishes they would go away.
Nie mehr geh'ich ruas
Es endet immer schlecht wenn
ich rausgehe. Immer schlecht.
Papperlapapp. Mein Junge, das passt gar nicht zu dir.
Was wisst ihr denn von mir?
was von dem Schmerz
Der mir das Herz zerreißt?
Ihr seid doch nur aus Stein
Ihr steht da nur zur Zier
Ihr werdet niemals wissen, was es heißt
Aus Fleisch und Blut zu sein
Nur Gerede!
Du weißt nicht, was ich bin und leide
Du ahnst nicht, wie ich dich beneide
Dass ich bete
Ich wär auch aus Stein...
Quasimodo, im Grunde ist alles nur halb so schlimm,
Du nimmst das viel zu schwer...
Erspar mir deine Tricks
Zwar kann dein Wort
Die Wirklichkeit verdreh'n
Doch was hab ich davon?
Und du, du Fee des Glücks
Warum lässt du mich
Hoffnungsträume seh'n?
Sie sind für mich nur Hohn
Nichts mehr fühlen Und nichts mehr denken, wär ein Segen
Nur noch als Steinfigur den Regen
Auf die Stadt aus Stein -
Zulang glaubte ich, in den Steinen
Wär'n gute Geister
Dich der einzige, dem ich trauen kann
Ist mein Meister
Er nur sagte all die Zeit:
Die Welt verachtet Hässlichkeit
Drum ist dein Los die Dunkelheit
Ein Satz so kalt wie Stein
Doch dafür wahr
Kalt und Klar
Ihr gabt mir Heuchelein
Jetzt packt sie ein
Und lasst mich allein
Nun gut, Quasimodo
Dann sei halt allein
Wir gehen, Quasimodo
Wir machen keinen Ärger
Es stimmt, Quasimodo
Wir drei sind nur aus Stein
Doch wir dachten
Woraus du bist, das sei...
Jetzt bin ich ganz allein
Und das "Da draußen"
Geht mich nichts mehr an
Ich schließ die Sehnsucht ein
Vergessen, was geschah
Nie mehr den Tränen nah
Im Grunde nicht mehr da
Ganz und gar
So wie aus Stein
Not going out. Bad things come when I leave. Always bad!
Nonsense. That's not my boy talking.
What do you know of me?
What do you know of all the things I feel?
You're only made of stone
Who is that you see
Instead of seeing what I am for real -
This twisted flesh and bone?
But Quasimodo, inside you is...
You're a liar!
With ev'ry new excuse you try out
You only make me want to cry out
"Would that I were
Made of stone like you..."
Quasimodo, it's obvious you...
You act so smart, it smarts
So why has not a single word you've said
Been any help at all?
And you, the Queen of Hearts
The more your hopes and fancies fill my head
The farther that I fall
Shut my brain down!
If I were senseless, I'd prefer it
Another gargoyle on this turret
Spitting rain down
To the stones below
I've wasted my faith
Believing in saints of plaster
But the only one worth
Believing in was my master
He's the one who never lied
He told me it was cruel outside
He told me how I had to hide
His words were cold as stone
But they were true
Not like you...
Take all the dreams you've sown
Take all your lies
And leave me alone!
All right, Quasimodo
We'll leave you alone
All right, Quasimodo
We'll trouble you no longer
You're right, Quasimodo
We're only made of stone
We just thought that you were
Made of something stronger...
And now I'm on my own
Never again to wonder what's out there
Let it remain unknown
And my one human eye
Will evermore be dry
Until the day I die
As if I
Were made of stone!
Quasimodo, you must try to free yourself! The girl needs your help!
Quiet! Go away!
Saint Aphrodisius:
You're the only one who can save her now!
You know what happens when I try to help! I only make things worse!
You don't believe that!
How do you know what I believe?
What do you know of me?
What do you know of all the things I feel?
You're only made of stone!
Who is it that you see
Instead of seeing what I am for real?
This twisted flesh and bone!
But, Quasimodo, it wasn't your fault!
You're a liar!
With every new excuse you try out
You only make me want to cry out
"Would that I were
Made of stone like you!"
You don't mean that! Just take some time to--
You give such good advice
So why has not one single word you've said
Been any help at all?
And you who sound so nice!
The more your dreams and fancies fill my head
The farther that I fall!
Shut my brain down!
If I were senseless, I'd prefer it
Another gargoyle on this turret
Spitting rain down
To the stones below!
I've wasted my faith
Believing in saints of plaster
But the only one worth
Believing in was my master
He's the one who never lied
He told me it was cruel outside
He told me how I had to hide
His words were cold as stone
But they were true
Not like you
Take all the dreams you've sown
Take all your lies and leave me alone!
All right, Quasimodo
We'll leave you alone
All right, Quasimodo
We'll trouble you no longer
You're right, Quasimodo
We're only made of stone
We just thought that you were
Made of something stronger
And now I'm on my own
Never again to wonder what's out there
Let it remain unknown
And my one human eye
Will evermore be dry
And until the day I die
As if I
Were made of stone!
- The title Wie aus Stein (Made of Stone) is taken from the original book when Quasimodo mournfully asks why he wasn’t made of stone.