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My Way's The Highway is a deleted song from the 1970 animated feature-length film, The Aristocats.


My way's the highway

Under the beautiful skyway

On my own a-rolling stone, that's me

My way's the highway

Even a desalt at byway

Pass a mates like curiosity

Where every high ends, I have happy hopes to friends

And the party always starts when I come round

And, oh, the found I found in every villager town

And every highway leads to a villager town

So, my way's the highway

Under the beautiful skyway

And should someday a lady make me care

I might even tarry, but no, I'd never marry

For my way's the highway for fair.

v - e - d
The Aristocats logo
The Aristocats (soundtrack/video/books) • Live-action remakeThe Lost Chords: The Aristocats

Cancelled projects: The Aristocats IIThe Aristocats: The Animated Series

Disney Parks
It's a Small WorldPLAY!

Entertainment: Big Band BeatFantasy FestivalOne Man's DreamThe Adventure of Rhythm
Restaurants: Center Street Coffeehouse
Parades: Disney Adventure Friends CavalcadeDisney Harmony in Color! ParadeHappiness is Here ParadeMickey's Storybook ExpressMinnie's Tiara of DreamsTokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights
Fireworks: Mickey's Mix MagicWonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Friends Springtime ProcessionalHippity Hoppity Springtime
Summer: Mickey's WaterWorks
Halloween: Re-Villains! Halloween Parade
Christmas: Disney's Santa Village Parade

DuchessThomas O'MalleyToulouseMarieBerliozRoquefortFrou-FrouEdgarMadame Adelaide BonfamilleGeorges HautecourtThe MilkmanNapoleon and LafayetteAbigail and Amelia GabbleUncle WaldoScat CatAlley CatsElvira (deleted) • Marcello (deleted)
ParisBonfamille's Residence
The AristocatsScales and ArpeggiosThomas O'Malley CatEverybody Wants to Be a Cat

Deleted: Pourquoi?Le Jazz HotMy Way's The HighwayHow Much You Mean to Me/Count Me SlowlyShe Never Felt Alone
Other: Disney Marie - Walk in ParisEveryone Loves Marie
